2016-07-01 15 views

Я создаю собственный прокси-сервер, который в настоящее время настроен на моем локальном компьютере для перехвата CNN.com. У меня есть браузеры, успешно ударяющие мой прокси, запрос отправляется, я получаю ответ, и это ответ 200 OK с допустимой полезной нагрузкой HTML. Я использовал Wireshark для проверки запроса => CNN, и начальный отклик идентичен тому, когда я включаю прокси-сервер и когда я попадаю на сайт напрямую.Попытка установить прокси-сервер, но получить 500 ошибок в браузере

HttpWebRequest выглядит как, например, прежде чем отправить:

2016-06-30 20:23:11.7870 INFO Getting response for request 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7870 DEBUG this.AllowAutoRedirect = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7870 DEBUG this.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7870 DEBUG this.AllowReadStreamBuffering = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.HaveResponse = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.KeepAlive = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.Pipelined = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.PreAuthenticate = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.SendChunked = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.AutomaticDecompression = None 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.DefaultCachePolicy.Level = BypassCache 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.DefaultMaximumResponseHeadersLength = 64 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.DefaultMaximumErrorResponseLength = 64 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.MaximumResponseHeadersLength = 64 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.ClientCertificates.Capacity = 4 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.ClientCertificates.Count = 1 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.CookieContainer.Capacity = 300 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.CookieContainer.Count = 14 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.CookieContainer.MaxCookieSize = 4096 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.CookieContainer.PerDomainCapacity = 20 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.SupportsCookieContainer = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.RequestUri.AbsolutePath =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.RequestUri.LocalPath =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.7960 DEBUG this.RequestUri.Authority = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.HostNameType = IPv4 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.IsDefaultPort = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.IsFile = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.IsLoopback = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.PathAndQuery =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.Segments[0] =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.IsUnc = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.Host = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.Port = 80 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.Query = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.Fragment = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.Scheme = http 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.OriginalString = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.DnsSafeHost = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8120 DEBUG this.RequestUri.IdnHost = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.RequestUri.IsAbsoluteUri = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.RequestUri.UserEscaped = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.RequestUri.UserInfo = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.ContentLength = 0 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Timeout = 100000 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.ReadWriteTimeout = 300000 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.ContinueTimeout = 350 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.AbsolutePath =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.AbsoluteUri = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.LocalPath =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.Authority = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.HostNameType = IPv4 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.IsDefaultPort = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.IsFile = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.IsLoopback = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.PathAndQuery =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.Segments[0] =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8290 DEBUG this.Address.IsUnc = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.Host = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.Port = 80 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.Query = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.Fragment = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.Scheme = http 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.OriginalString = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.DnsSafeHost = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.IdnHost = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.IsAbsoluteUri = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.UserEscaped = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.Address.UserInfo = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.ContinueDelegate = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.BindIPEndPointDelegate = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.ConnectionLeaseTimeout = -1 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.AbsolutePath =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.AbsoluteUri = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.LocalPath =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.Authority = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8431 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.HostNameType = IPv4 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.IsDefaultPort = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.IsFile = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.IsLoopback = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.PathAndQuery =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.Segments[0] =/
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.IsUnc = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.Host = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.Port = 80 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.Query = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.Fragment = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.Scheme = http 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.OriginalString = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.DnsSafeHost = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.IdnHost = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.IsAbsoluteUri = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.UserEscaped = False 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Address.UserInfo = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.MaxIdleTime = 100000 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.UseNagleAlgorithm = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.ReceiveBufferSize = -1 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8591 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.IdleSince = 6/30/2016 8:23:11 PM 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.ProtocolVersion = 1.1 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.ConnectionName = http 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = 2147483647 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.CurrentConnections = 0 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.Certificate = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.ClientCertificate = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.ServicePoint.SupportsPipelining = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Host = www.cnn.com 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = 50 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Method = GET 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Credentials.UserName = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Credentials.Password = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Credentials.SecurePassword = System.Security.SecureString 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Credentials.Domain = 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.UseDefaultCredentials = True 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.ConnectionGroupName = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Headers.Count = 4 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Headers.Keys.Count = 4 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[0] = Accept 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[1] = User-Agent 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[2] = Accept-Encoding 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8741 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[3] = Accept-Language 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.Proxy.Credentials = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.ProtocolVersion = 1.1 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.ContentType = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.MediaType = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.TransferEncoding = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.Connection = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.Accept = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.Referer = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.UserAgent = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.Expect = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.IfModifiedSince = 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.Date = 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = null 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.CachePolicy.Level = BypassCache 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.AuthenticationLevel = None 
2016-06-30 20:23:11.8901 DEBUG this.ImpersonationLevel = Delegation 

я перевожу и писать ответ, который выглядит так:

2016-06-30 20:04:01.3221 INFO Sending the following response headers to the host 
x-servedByHost => prd-10-60-165-23.nodes.56m.dmtio.net 
X-XSS-Protection => 1; mode=block 
Content-Security-Policy => default-src 'self' http://*.cnn.com:* https://*.cnn.com:* *.cnn.net:* *.turner.com:* *.ugdturner.com:* *.vgtf.net:*; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' 'self' *; style-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self' *; frame-src 'self' *; object-src 'self' *; img-src 'self' * data: blob:; media-src 'self' *; font-src 'self' *; connect-src 'self' *; 
Access-Control-Allow-Origin => * 
Fastly-Debug-Digest => 1e206303e0672a50569b0c0a29903ca81f3ef5033de74682ce90ec9d13686981 
Accept-Ranges => bytes 
Cache-Control => max-age=60 
Content-Type => text/html; charset=utf-8 
Date => Thu, 30 Jun 2016 23:47:34 GMT 
Via => 1.1 varnish,1.1 varnish 
Age => 261 
Connection => keep-alive 
Set-Cookie => countryCode=US; Domain=.cnn.com 
X-Served-By => cache-iad2133-IAD, cache-ord1732-ORD 
X-Cache => HIT, HIT 
X-Cache-Hits => 1, 246 
X-Timer => S1467330454.559495,VS0,VE0 
Vary => Accept-Encoding 
Transfer-Encoding => chunked 
2016-06-30 20:05:20.3758 INFO Writing response to outbound stream 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.1606 INFO Request and response complete 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7949 DEBUG this.HeadersWritten = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.SupportsAsyncFlush = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Cookies = System.Web.HttpCookieCollection 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[0] = x-servedByHost 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[1] = X-XSS-Protection 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[2] = Content-Security-Policy 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[3] = Access-Control-Allow-Origin 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[4] = Fastly-Debug-Digest 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[5] = Accept-Ranges 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[6] = Cache-Control 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[7] = Content-Type 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[8] = Date 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[9] = Via 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[10] = Age 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[11] = Connection 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[12] = Set-Cookie 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[13] = X-Served-By 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[14] = X-Cache 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[15] = X-Cache-Hits 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[16] = X-Timer 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.7959 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[17] = Vary 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[18] = Transfer-Encoding 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.Headers.AllKeys[19] = X-AspNet-Version 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.Headers.Count = 20 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.Headers.Keys.Count = 20 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.StatusCode = 200 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.SubStatusCode = 0 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.StatusDescription = OK 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = False 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirect = False 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.SuppressDefaultCacheControlHeader = False 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.BufferOutput = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.ContentType = text/html 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.Charset = utf-8 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.BodyName = utf-8 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.EncodingName = Unicode (UTF-8) 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.HeaderName = utf-8 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.WebName = utf-8 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.WindowsCodePage = 1200 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.IsBrowserDisplay = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8119 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.IsBrowserSave = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.IsMailNewsDisplay = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.IsMailNewsSave = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.IsSingleByte = False 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.EncoderFallback = System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.DecoderFallback = System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.IsReadOnly = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.ContentEncoding.CodePage = 65001 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.BodyName = utf-8 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.EncodingName = Unicode (UTF-8) 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.HeaderName = utf-8 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.WebName = utf-8 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.WindowsCodePage = 1200 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.IsBrowserDisplay = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.IsBrowserSave = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.IsMailNewsDisplay = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.IsMailNewsSave = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.IsSingleByte = False 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.EncoderFallback = System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.DecoderFallback = System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.IsReadOnly = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.HeaderEncoding.CodePage = 65001 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8279 DEBUG this.Cache = System.Web.HttpCachePolicy 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8434 DEBUG this.IsClientConnected = True 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8434 DEBUG this.ClientDisconnectedToken = System.Threading.CancellationToken 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8434 DEBUG this.IsRequestBeingRedirected = False 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8434 DEBUG this.RedirectLocation = null 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8434 DEBUG this.Output = System.Web.HttpWriter 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8434 DEBUG this.OutputStream.CanRead = False 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8434 DEBUG this.OutputStream.CanSeek = False 
2016-06-30 20:05:29.8434 DEBUG this.OutputStream.CanWrite = True 

Когда я использую прокси-сервер, однако, это - все отчеты Firefox, полученные получателями:

Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2016 00:11:44 GMT 
Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 
Transfer-Encoding: chunked 

Это приводит к тому, что я являюсь хозяином g мой прокси. Он запускается через IIS с использованием HttpModule, и сайт настроен для запуска всех управляемых модулей по запросам. Как я могу заставить браузер принять этот ответ?



Оказывается, это был заголовок Transfer-Encoding. Я отфильтровываю это, и он работает безупречно.

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