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<div class="container">
<div class="sixteen columns centered-text">
<h1>Erasmus/Exchange Öğrenci Başvuru Formu</h1>
<div class="twelve columns">
<img src="images/yeditepe-logo.png" alt="Yeditepe Logo" class="yeditepeLogo" />
<div class="four columns">
<p class="bold-text">YEDITEPE UNIVERSITY</p>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<div id="photo-box" class="centered-text">
<em>resim ekleyiniz</em>
<div class="sixteen columns centered-text bold-text">
<!-- <div class="three columns">
<p> </p>
</div> -->
<div class="sixteen columns bold-text centered-text">
<p>Applying for: Fall Term 20 Spring Term 20</p>
<div class="sixteen columns blue-background bold-text">
<div class="eight columns border-top border-right border-bottom border-left">
<p>First Name:</p>
<p>Middle Name:</p>
<div class="eight columns border-top border-right border-bottom">
<p>Family Name:</p>
<p> </p>
<div class="eight columns border-right border-bottom border-left">
<p>Place of Birth: City or Town/Country</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<div class="eight columns border-right border-bottom">
<p>Do you have a passport? ( ) yes ( ) no</p>
<p>Passport Country:</p>
<p>Passport No:</p>
<p><span class="yellow-text">Passport No:</span></p>
<div class="eight columns border-right border-bottom border-left">
<p>Female ( ) Male ( )</p>
<div class="eight columns border-right border-bottom">
<p>Date of Birth<em>(dd/mm/yy)</em>:</p>
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-bottom border-left">
<p>T.C. Kimlik Numarası:</p>
<div class="five columns border-bottom border-left">
<p>Contact Address:</p>
<div class="eleven columns border-right border-bottom">
<p> </p>
<p>Postal Code:</p>
<div class="eight columns border-right border-bottom border-left">
<p class="bold-text">Student Contact Tel</p>
<p>Home Number:</p>
<p> </p>
<div class="eight columns border-right border-bottom">
<p class="bold-text">Parent Contact Tel</p>
<p>Home Number:</p>
<div class="sixteen columns blue-background centered-text">
<p>Write year and circle the semester</p>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<p> </p>
<div class="sixteen columns blue-background bold-text">
<div class="eight columns border-top border-left">
<p>Your Department:</p>
<p>Current CGPA:</p>
<div class="eight columns border-top border-right">
<p>* Subject Area Code: </p>
<em>(select from the list on page 3)</em>
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-left">
<p><span class="bold-text">Attach one photocopy of your recent transcript with this form:</span> applications submitted without transcripts attached will not be evaluated.</p>
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-bottom border-left">
<p>Are you on scholarship at Yeditepe? <em>Burslu öğrenci statüsünde misiniz?</em> ( ) Yes ( ) No</p>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<p> </p>
<div class="sixteen columns blue-background bold-text">
<div class="sixteen columns">
<em>Please write the name of the university and country of the exchange program to which you are applying for</em>
<div class="sixteen columns blue-background border-top border-right border-left">
<p>1st Choice</p>
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-left">
<p>Official Name of the University: .......................................................................................................... Erasmus ID Code: </p>
<div class="eight columns border-left">
<div class="eight columns border-right">
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-left">
<p>Contact e-mail for their international office: </p>
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-left">
<p>Program of Study: .................................................................................................................................................................................................</p>
<div class="sixteen columns blue-background border-right border-left">
<p>2nd Choice</p>
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-left">
<p>Official Name of the University: .......................................................................................................... Erasmus ID Code: </p>
<div class="eight columns border-left">
<div class="eight columns border-right">
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-left">
<p>Contact e-mail for their international office: </p>
<div class="sixteen columns border-right border-bottom border-left">
<p>Program of Study: .................................................................................................................................................................................................</p>
<div class="sixteen columns centered-text bold-text">
<p>Erasmus/Exchange Öğrenci Başvuru Formu</p>
<div class="sixteen columns border-top border-right border-bottom border-left">
<p>Program of Study ..............................................................................................................................................................................................</p>
<div class="sixteen columns centered-text bold-text">
<p>International study programs for a student to study abroad for one semester cost estimate is between 1500€ - 5000€ (euro) for transportation, housing, insurance, books, food, etc.</p>
<div class="four columns">
<p>( ) yes ( ) no</p>
<div class="twelve columns">
<p>Will you be able to financially support your semester abroad?</p>
<em>Yurt dışında geçireceğiniz semestre in maliyetini karşılayabilecek misiniz?</em>
<div class="four columns">
<p>( ) yes ( ) no</p>
<div class="twelve columns">
<p>Does your family agree with your decision to study abroad?</p>
<em>Aileniz yurt dışında bir semestre eğitim görme kararınız için izin veriyorlar rmı?</em>
<div class="four columns">
<p>( ) yes ( ) no</p>
<div class="twelve columns">
<p>Do you agree to provide the necessary documents to the International Office at Yeditepe in good order and on time?</p>
<em>Gereki dokümanları içeren dosyayı tam olarak ve zamanında Uluslararası Ofise teslim etmeyi kabul ediyor musunuz?</em>
<div class="four columns">
<p>( ) yes ( ) no</p>
<div class="twelve columns">
<p>Do you agree to go on your own to the appropriate consulate in good time with the required documents in order to obtain a visa?</p>
<em>Vize almak için gereken durumlarda konsolosluğa giderek vize işlemlerini kendiniz yapmayı kabul ediyor musunuz?</em>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<p class="bold-text">If you have answered ‘yes’ to all the above questions: <em>Yukarıdaki soruların hepsine ‘Evet’ yanıtı verdiniz ise</em></p>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<p>Do you understand that by agreeing to these commitments, if you are selected into a study abroad program, you agree to assume the responsibility of satisfying all financial requirements, presenting your documents and obtaining a visa, meeting deadlines, and fulfilling in general all obligations set forth by the regulations of the designated by the international study program?</p>
<em>Bu konularda gerekenleri yapmayı taahüt etmiş olarak öğrenci değişim programına kabul edilmeniz halinde bu program çerçevesinde belirtilen şartlara göre; mali gereksinimleri karşılamayı, gerekli dokümanları sunmayı, vizeyi almayı, program takvimine uymayı, genel şartları yerine getirmeyi taahhüt ediyormusunuz?</em>
<div class="sixteen columns centered-text">
<h1 class=""bold-text>( ) yes ( ) no</h1>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<p>I certify that the information given in this application is true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge.</p>
<em>Bu başvuruda verdiğim bilgilerin hakikate uygun, tam, ve doğru olduğunu beyan ederim</em>
<div class="sixteen columns bold-text">
<p>Yeditepe University Student Registration ID Number:</p>
<div class="ten columns bold-text">
<p>Student’s Signature:</p>
<div class="six columns">
<div class="sixteen columns centered-text bold-text">
<p>TO BE COMPLETED by the Department Coordinator</p>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<p>_____ I have met with the student</p>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<p>_____ It has been discussed with the student if English is not the language of instruction; the student satisfies the level of language proficiency required by the host school in order to succeed in his/her courses</p>
<div class="sixteen columns">
<p>_____ I have informed the student of credits and any subject requirements needed to satisfy a full-load course curriculum during the period of studying abroad.</p>
<div class="sixteen columns centered-text bold-text">
<div class="sixteen columns border-top border-right border-left bold-text">
<p>Coordinator’s Name (full name printed):</p>
<div class="ten columns border-left bold-text">
<div class="six columns border-right bold-text">
<p>University Tel:</p>
<div class="ten columns border-bottom border-left bold-text">
<p>Department Coordinator Signature</p>
<div class="six columns border-right border-bottom bold-text" id="last-element">
</div><!-- container -->
<!-- End Document
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