2016-01-16 3 views



Попробуйте этот сценарий. https://github.com/fabiantheblind/extendscript/wiki/Graphic-Lines.

var data = { 
      [ 0,50], 
      [ 10,60], 
      [ 20,40], 
      [ 30,60], 
      [ 40,40], 
      [ 50,60], 
      [ 60,40], 
      [ 70,60], 
      [ 80,40], 
      [ 90,60], 
// We need a doc. 
// Use pw and ph from data. 
var doc = app.documents.add({ 
// The page is already there. 
var page = doc.pages.item(0); 
// Create a graphicLine. 
var gl = page.graphicLines.add(); 
// Loop through the data.anchors. 
for(var i in data.anchors){ 
    var point = gl.paths[0].pathPoints[i]; 
    * a graphicLine always has 2 path points 
    * so we need to add points only from the third 
    * anchor from the data object 
    if(i < 2){ 
     point.anchor = data.anchors[i]; 
     point = gl.paths[0].pathPoints.add(); 
     point.anchor = data.anchors[i]; 
     if((i != data.anchors.length - 1)&& i!=0) 
     point.rightDirection = data.anchors[i-1]; 
     point.leftDirection = data.anchors[i]; 