2016-07-16 1 views

Реализация CareKit по умолчанию создает диаграмму с двумя параметрами для сравнения и сравнения. Можно ли использовать все параметры на диаграмме, чтобы позволить пользователю сравнивать и сравнивать прогресс разных параметров одновременно.Создание диаграмм с несколькими параметрами в CareKit

Я использую следующий код в настоящее время, но это выдает ошибку исключения при попытке добавить больше параметров:

import CareKit 

class BuildInsightsOperation: NSOperation { 

    // MARK: Properties 

    var medicationEvents: DailyEvents? 

    var backPainEvents: DailyEvents? 

    private(set) var insights = [OCKInsightItem.emptyInsightsMessage()] 

    // MARK: NSOperation 

    override func main() { 
     // Do nothing if the operation has been cancelled. 
     guard !cancelled else { return } 

     // Create an array of insights. 
     var newInsights = [OCKInsightItem]() 

     if let insight = createMedicationAdherenceInsight() { 

     if let insight = createBackPainInsight() { 

     // Store any new insights thate were created. 
     if !newInsights.isEmpty { 
      insights = newInsights 

    // MARK: Convenience 

    func createMedicationAdherenceInsight() -> OCKInsightItem? { 
     // Make sure there are events to parse. 
     guard let medicationEvents = medicationEvents else { return nil } 

     // Determine the start date for the previous week. 
     let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar() 
     let now = NSDate() 

     let components = NSDateComponents() 
     components.day = -7 
     let startDate = calendar.weekDatesForDate(calendar.dateByAddingComponents(components, toDate: now, options: [])!).start 

     var totalEventCount = 0 
     var completedEventCount = 0 

     for offset in 0..<7 { 
      components.day = offset 
      let dayDate = calendar.dateByAddingComponents(components, toDate: startDate, options: [])! 
      let dayComponents = NSDateComponents(date: dayDate, calendar: calendar) 
      let eventsForDay = medicationEvents[dayComponents] 

      totalEventCount += eventsForDay.count 

      for event in eventsForDay { 
       if event.state == .Completed { 
        completedEventCount += 1 

     guard totalEventCount > 0 else { return nil } 

     // Calculate the percentage of completed events. 
     let medicationAdherence = Float(completedEventCount)/Float(totalEventCount) 

     // Create an `OCKMessageItem` describing medical adherence. 
     let percentageFormatter = NSNumberFormatter() 
     percentageFormatter.numberStyle = .PercentStyle 
     let formattedAdherence = percentageFormatter.stringFromNumber(medicationAdherence)! 

     let insight = OCKMessageItem(title: "Adherence", text: "Your routine adherence was \(formattedAdherence) last week.", tintColor: Colors.Pink.color, messageType: .Tip) 

     return insight 

    func createBackPainInsight() -> OCKInsightItem? { 
     // Make sure there are events to parse. 
     guard let medicationEvents = medicationEvents, backPainEvents = backPainEvents else { return nil } 

     // Determine the date to start pain/medication comparisons from. 
     let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar() 
     let components = NSDateComponents() 
     components.day = -7 

     let startDate = calendar.dateByAddingComponents(components, toDate: NSDate(), options: [])! 

     // Create formatters for the data. 
     let dayOfWeekFormatter = NSDateFormatter() 
     dayOfWeekFormatter.dateFormat = "E" 

     let shortDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter() 
     shortDateFormatter.dateFormat = NSDateFormatter.dateFormatFromTemplate("Md", options: 0, locale: shortDateFormatter.locale) 

     let percentageFormatter = NSNumberFormatter() 
     percentageFormatter.numberStyle = .PercentStyle 

      Loop through 7 days, collecting medication adherance and pain scores 
      for each. 
     var medicationValues = [Float]() 
     var medicationLabels = [String]() 
     var painValues = [Int]() 
     var painLabels = [String]() 
     var axisTitles = [String]() 
     var axisSubtitles = [String]() 

     for offset in 0..<7 { 
      // Determine the day to components. 
      components.day = offset 
      let dayDate = calendar.dateByAddingComponents(components, toDate: startDate, options: [])! 
      let dayComponents = NSDateComponents(date: dayDate, calendar: calendar) 

      // Store the pain result for the current day. 
      if let result = backPainEvents[dayComponents].first?.result, score = Int(result.valueString) where score > 0 { 
      else { 
       painLabels.append(NSLocalizedString("N/A", comment: "")) 

      // Store the medication adherance value for the current day. 
      let medicationEventsForDay = medicationEvents[dayComponents] 
      if let adherence = percentageEventsCompleted(medicationEventsForDay) where adherence > 0.0 { 
       // Scale the adherance to the same 0-10 scale as pain values. 
       let scaledAdeherence = adherence * 10.0 

      else { 
       medicationLabels.append(NSLocalizedString("N/A", comment: "")) 


     // Create a `OCKBarSeries` for each set of data. 
     let painBarSeries = OCKBarSeries(title: "Feel", values: painValues, valueLabels: painLabels, tintColor: Colors.Blue.color) 
     let medicationBarSeries = OCKBarSeries(title: "Adherence", values: medicationValues, valueLabels: medicationLabels, tintColor: Colors.LightBlue.color) 

      Add the series to a chart, specifing the scale to use for the chart 
      rather than having CareKit scale the bars to fit. 
     let chart = OCKBarChart(title: "Mood", 
           text: nil, 
           tintColor: Colors.Blue.color, 
           axisTitles: axisTitles, 
           axisSubtitles: axisSubtitles, 
           dataSeries: [painBarSeries, medicationBarSeries], 
           minimumScaleRangeValue: 0, 
           maximumScaleRangeValue: 10) 

     return chart 

     For a given array of `OCKCarePlanEvent`s, returns the percentage that are 
     marked as completed. 
    private func percentageEventsCompleted(events: [OCKCarePlanEvent]) -> Float? { 
     guard !events.isEmpty else { return nil } 

     let completedCount = events.filter({ event in 
      event.state == .Completed 

     return Float(completedCount)/Float(events.count) 

An extension to `SequenceType` whose elements are `OCKCarePlanEvent`s. The 
extension adds a method to return the first element that matches the day 
specified by the supplied `NSDateComponents`. 
extension SequenceType where Generator.Element: OCKCarePlanEvent { 

    func eventForDay(dayComponents: NSDateComponents) -> Generator.Element? { 
     for event in self where 
       event.date.year == dayComponents.year && 
       event.date.month == dayComponents.month && 
       event.date.day == dayComponents.day { 
      return event 

     return nil 



Похоже, можно создать несколько графиков, а затем сложить их друг на друга, чтобы создать сравнение всех параметров

let chart = OCKBarChart(title: "Mood", 
          text: nil, 
          tintColor: Colors.Blue.color, 
          axisTitles: axisTitles, 
          axisSubtitles: axisSubtitles, 
          dataSeries: [painBarSeries, medicationBarSeries], 
          minimumScaleRangeValue: 0, 
          maximumScaleRangeValue: 10) 

    return chart