2015-08-13 3 views

я работаю на Moose роли, что позволяет классу потребляющих испускать XML на основе опции «xml_path», указанного в один или более атрибутов, например, так:Предоставление сахара * и * методы объекта в Moose роли

package MooseX::Role::EmitsXML::Trait::HasXMLPath; 

use Moose::Role; 

has xml_path => (
    'is' => 'ro', 
    'isa' => 'Str', 
    'predicate' => 'has_xml_path', 

has 'namespace' => (
    'is' => 'ro', 
    'isa' => 'Str', 
    'predicate' => 'has_namespace', 

has 'cdata' => (
    'is' => 'ro', 
    'isa' => 'Bool', 
    'predicate' => 'has_cdata', 

package MooseX::Role::EmitsXML; 

our $VERSION = '0.01'; 

use Moose::Role; 
use namespace::autoclean; 
use XML::LibXML; 
use Moose::Exporter; 

sub has_xml { 
    my ($meta, $attr_name, %opts) = @_; 
    $opts{'traits'} ||= []; 
    push @{$opts{'traits'}}, 'MooseX::Role::EmitsXML::Trait::HasXMLPath'; 
    $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, %opts); 

    with_meta  => [qw(has_xml)], 
    also   => [qw/Moose/], 

sub to_xml { 
    my ($self, @args) = @_; 

    my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new(); 

    for my $attr (map { $self->meta->get_attribute($_) } $self->meta->get_attribute_list) { 
     my $reader = $attr->get_read_method; 
     if ($attr->does('XMLPath') && $attr->has_xml_path) { 
      my $val  = $self->$reader(); 
      my $path  = $attr->xml_path; 
      my @elements = split /\//, $path; 

      if ($path =~ /^\//) { # Throw away blank 
       shift @elements; 

      my $previous; 
      while (my $element = shift @elements) { 
       my $node; 
       my $attrs = extract_attrs($element); 
       (my $node_name = $element) =~ s/\[.+?\]//g; 

       if (!$previous) { 
        if (!$doc->documentElement) { 
         for my $key (keys %{$attrs}) { 
          $doc->documentElement->setAttribute($key, $attrs->{$key}); 
        else { 
         my $root1 = $doc->documentElement->nodeName; 
         my $root2 = $element; 

         if ($root1 ne $root2) { 
          die qq{MISMATCH! Root elements do not match: "$root1" <> "$root2"}; 
        $node = $doc->documentElement; 
       else { 
        ($node) = @{ $previous->find(qq{./$element}) }; 

        if (!$node) { 
         $node = XML::LibXML::Element->new($node_name); 
         for my $key (keys %{$attrs}) { 
          $node->setAttribute($key, $attrs->{$key}); 
       $previous = $node; 

      # $previous has become the leaf here 

sub _extract_attrs { 
    my $element = shift; 

    my @attr_strings = ($element =~ m/(\[.+?\])/); # Capture everything between [ and ]. 
    if (scalar @attr_strings > 1) { 
     die q{Invalid attribute specification. Specify multiple attrs as [@attr1=val1,@attr2=val2]}; 
    my %attrs; 
    if (@attr_strings) { 
     for my $string (split /,/, $attr_strings[0]) { 
      my ($key, $val) = ($string =~ m/\[@?\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*"(\w+)"\s*\]/); 

      if (!$key) { 
       die qq{Malformed attribute specification: "$string". Should be [key="value"] (DOUBLE QUOTES MANDATORY)\n}; 
      if (exists $attrs{$key}) { 
       warn qq{Duplicate key "$key" in attrs}; 
      $attrs{$key} = $val; 
    return \%attrs; 

no Moose::Role; 


Однако, когда я пытаюсь использовать:

package Product; 

use Moose; 
use MooseX::Role::EmitsXML; 

# If I comment this out, has_xml works right ($meta is passed as first argument) but I don't have to_xml() available in the 
# consuming class. 
# If I don't, I have to_xml available in the consuming class, but has_xml doesn't work right. 

with 'MooseX::Role::EmitsXML'; 

has_xml 'description' => 
    ('is' => 'ro', 'isa' => 'Str', 'xml_path' => '/Product/DescriptiveInformation/ProductDescription'); 
has_xml 'item_number' => ('is' => 'ro', 'isa' => 'Str', 'xml_path' => '/Product/Identifiers/ItemNumber'); 
has_xml 'catalog_number' => ('is' => 'ro', 'isa' => 'Str', 'xml_path' => '/Product/Identifiers/CatalogNumber'); 
has_xml 'upc'   => ('is' => 'ro', 'isa' => 'Int', 'xml_path' => '/Product/Identifiers/UPC'); 
has_xml 'color'   => ('is' => 'ro', 'isa' => 'Str', 'xml_path' => '/Product/DescriptiveInformation/Color'); 
has 'that_je_ne_sais_quoi' => ('is' => 'ro', 'isa' => 'Str'); 


package main; 

use Test::Most; 
use XML::LibXML; 

my %product_args = (
    color    => 'periwinkle', 
    upc     => 1234567890123, 
    item_number   => 'THX-1138', 
    catalog_number  => 'KP-1652051819', 
    description   => q{Oh, yes. It's very nice!}, 
    that_je_ne_sais_quoi => q{Something French. Or maybe Swahili.}, 
ok my $p = Product->new(%product_args), 'Created instance of class using role'; 

ok my $xml = $p->to_xml, 'Output XML'; 

ok my $doc = XML::LibXML::parse_string($xml), 'XML is valid (or at least parseable)'; 

for my $key (keys %product_args) { 
    my $attr = $p->meta->get_attribute($key); 
    if ($key ne 'that_je_ne_sais_quoi') { 
     ok $attr->can('has_xml_path'), qq{Predicate 'has_xml_path' present for "$key"}; 
     ok my $path = $attr->xml_path, qq{Got an XML path for "$key"}; 

Как говорят комментарии, если я закомментировать with 'MooseX::Role::EmitsXML', то has_xml получает метакласса Потребляющее ПАКЕТ в качестве первого аргумента, но потребляя пакет не есть to_xml. Если я раскомментирую его, то потребительский пакет получит to_xml, но has_xml не получает метакласса потребления. Как я могу получить как to_xml, так и has_xml сахара?



В эфире это не то, как это делается. Вместо этого роль, предоставляющая with_xml, должна быть определена в отдельном пакете, а «конечная» роль должна применяться вышеупомянутым к классу потребления, например:

package MooseX::Role::EmitsXML::Trait::HasXMLPath; 

use Moose::Role; 

has xml_path => (
    'is' => 'ro', 
    'isa' => 'Str', 
    'predicate' => 'has_xml_path', 

has 'namespace' => (
    'is' => 'ro', 
    'isa' => 'Str', 
    'predicate' => 'has_namespace', 

has 'cdata' => (
    'is' => 'ro', 
    'isa' => 'Bool', 
    'predicate' => 'has_cdata', 

package MooseX::Role::EmitsXML::ToXML; 

# This package provides the to_xml() method to the consuming class 

our $VERSION = '0.01'; 

use Moose::Role; 
use namespace::autoclean; 
use XML::LibXML; 

sub to_xml { 
    my ($self, @args) = @_; 

    my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new(); 

    for my $attr (map { $self->meta->get_attribute($_) } $self->meta->get_attribute_list) { 
     my $reader = $attr->get_read_method; 
     if ($attr->does('MooseX::Role::EmitsXML::Trait::HasXMLPath') && $attr->has_xml_path) { 
      my $val  = $self->$reader(); 
      my $path  = $attr->xml_path; 
      my @elements = split /\//, $path; 

      if ($path =~ /^\//) { # Throw away blank 
       shift @elements; 

      my $previous; 
      while (my $element = shift @elements) { 
       my $node; 
       my $attrs = extract_attrs($element); 
       (my $node_name = $element) =~ s/\[.+?\]//g; 

       if (!$previous) { 
        if (!$doc->documentElement) { 
         for my $key (keys %{$attrs}) { 
          $doc->documentElement->setAttribute($key, $attrs->{$key}); 
        else { 
         my $root1 = $doc->documentElement->nodeName; 
         my $root2 = $element; 

         if ($root1 ne $root2) { 
          die qq{MISMATCH! Root elements do not match: "$root1" <> "$root2"}; 
        $node = $doc->documentElement; 
       else { 
        ($node) = @{ $previous->find(qq{./$element}) }; 

        if (!$node) { 
         $node = XML::LibXML::Element->new($node_name); 
         for my $key (keys %{$attrs}) { 
          $node->setAttribute($key, $attrs->{$key}); 
       $previous = $node; 

      # $previous has become the leaf here 

    return "$doc"; 

sub _extract_attrs { 
    my $element = shift; 

    my @attr_strings = ($element =~ m/(\[.+?\])/); # Capture everything between [ and ]. 
    if (scalar @attr_strings > 1) { 
     die q{Invalid attribute specification. Specify multiple attrs as [@attr1=val1,@attr2=val2]}; 
    my %attrs; 
    if (@attr_strings) { 
     for my $string (split /,/, $attr_strings[0]) { 
      my ($key, $val) = ($string =~ m/\[@?\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*"(\w+)"\s*\]/); 

      if (!$key) { 
       die qq{Malformed attribute specification: "$string". Should be [key="value"] (DOUBLE QUOTES MANDATORY)\n}; 
      if (exists $attrs{$key}) { 
       warn qq{Duplicate key "$key" in attrs}; 
      $attrs{$key} = $val; 
    return \%attrs; 
no Moose::Role; 


package MooseX::Role::EmitsXML; 

# This package applies the role providing to_xml to the consuming class, 
# and creates the 'has_xml' sugar 

use Moose::Exporter; 

sub has_xml { 
    my ($meta, $attr_name, %opts) = @_; 
    $opts{'traits'} ||= []; 
    push @{$opts{'traits'}}, 'MooseX::Role::EmitsXML::Trait::HasXMLPath'; 
    $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, %opts); 

    with_meta  => [qw(has_xml)], 
    base_class_roles => [qw(MooseX::Role::EmitsXML::ToXML)], 