2013-10-07 1 views

сейчас у меня есть что-то подобное в plupload ЯШ:Получить количество оставшихся файлов в очереди plupload

    // General settings 
    runtimes: 'html5,silverlight,flash', 
    url: baseurl + 'admin/pages_images/uploadtoserver/' + pageID, 
    browse_button : 'uploadFiles', 
    max_file_size: '300mb', 
    chunk_size: '1mb', 
    unique_names: true, 

    // Resize images on clientside if we can 
    // resize: {width: 320, height: 240, quality: 100}, 

    // Specify what files to browse for 
    filters: [ 
     {title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,gif,png"}, 
     {title: "Zip files", extensions: "zip"} 

    // Flash/Silverlight paths 
    flash_swf_url: baseurl + 'assets/js/plupload/plupload.flash.swf', 
    silverlight_xap_url: baseurl + 'assets/js/plupload/plupload.silverlight.xap', 

    // PreInit events, bound before any internal events 
    preinit: { 
     Init: function(up, info) { 
      log('[Init]', 'Info:', info, 'Features:', up.features); 

     UploadFile: function(up, file) { 
      log('[UploadFile]', file); 

      // You can override settings before the file is uploaded 
      // up.settings.url = 'upload.php?id=' + file.id; 
      // up.settings.multipart_params = {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}; 

    // Post init events, bound after the internal events 
    init: { 
     Refresh: function(up) { 
      // Called when upload shim is moved 

     StateChanged: function(up) { 
      // Called when the state of the queue is changed 
      log('[StateChanged]', up.state == plupload.STARTED ? "STARTED": "STOPPED"); 

     QueueChanged: function(up) { 
      // Called when the files in queue are changed by adding/removing files 


     UploadProgress: function(up, file) { 
      // Called while a file is being uploaded 
      log('[UploadProgress]', 'File:', file, "Total:", up.total); 

     FilesAdded: function(up, files) { 
      // Callced when files are added to queue 

      plupload.each(files, function(file) { 
       log(' File:', file); 

     FilesRemoved: function(up, files) { 
      // Called when files where removed from queue 

      plupload.each(files, function(file) { 
       log(' File:', file); 

     FileUploaded: function(up, file, info) { 
      // Called when a file has finished uploading 
      log('[FileUploaded] File:', file, "Info:", info); 

      var myuploader = $("#uploader").pluploadQueue(); 

      myuploader.bind('QueueChanged', function(up, files){ 
       remaining_files = myuploader.files.length; 
       alert('All Files uploaded!'); 

       type : "POST", 
       url : baseurl + 'admin/pages/reload/' + pageID, 
       success: function(data){ 
        if(data) { 
         alert('File uploaded!'); 
        } else { 
         alert('ajax error'); 


     ChunkUploaded: function(up, file, info) { 
      // Called when a file chunk has finished uploading 
      log('[ChunkUploaded] File:', file, "Info:", info); 

     Error: function(up, args) { 
      // Called when a error has occured 

      // Handle file specific error and general error 
      if (args.file) { 
       log('[error]', args, "File:", args.file); 
      } else { 
       log('[error]', args); 

$('#clear').click(function(e) { 

Но, конечно, это не работает. потому что я не знаю, как уменьшить оставшиеся файлы, или, если быть точным, как получить количество всех файлов в очереди, в первую очередь, так что я могу -1 их и ompare с начальным значением. Как это сделать?



вы должны связать событие для этого и создать счетчик

полный ответ here

var files_remaining = 0; 
    // General settings 
    runtimes: 'html5,silverlight,flash', 
    url: baseurl + 'admin/pages_images/uploadtoserver/' + pageID, 
    browse_button : 'uploadFiles', 
    max_file_size: '300mb', 
    chunk_size: '1mb', 
    unique_names: true, 

    // Resize images on clientside if we can 
    // resize: {width: 320, height: 240, quality: 100}, 

    // Specify what files to browse for 
    filters: [ 
     {title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,gif,png"}, 
     {title: "Zip files", extensions: "zip"} 

    // Flash/Silverlight paths 
    flash_swf_url: baseurl + 'assets/js/plupload/plupload.flash.swf', 
    silverlight_xap_url: baseurl + 'assets/js/plupload/plupload.silverlight.xap', 

    // PreInit events, bound before any internal events 
    preinit: { 
     Init: function(up, info) { 
      log('[Init]', 'Info:', info, 'Features:', up.features); 

     UploadFile: function(up, file) { 
      log('[UploadFile]', file); 

      // You can override settings before the file is uploaded 
      // up.settings.url = 'upload.php?id=' + file.id; 
      // up.settings.multipart_params = {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}; 

    // Post init events, bound after the internal events 
    init: { 
     Refresh: function(up) { 
      // Called when upload shim is moved 

     StateChanged: function(up) { 
      // Called when the state of the queue is changed 
      log('[StateChanged]', up.state == plupload.STARTED ? "STARTED": "STOPPED"); 

     QueueChanged: function(up) { 
      // Called when the files in queue are changed by adding/removing files 


     UploadProgress: function(up, file) { 
      // Called while a file is being uploaded 
      log('[UploadProgress]', 'File:', file, "Total:", up.total); 

     FilesAdded: function(up, files) { 
      // Callced when files are added to queue 

      plupload.each(files, function(file) { 
       log(' File:', file); 

     FilesRemoved: function(up, files) { 
      // Called when files where removed from queue 

      plupload.each(files, function(file) { 
       log(' File:', file); 

     FileUploaded: function(up, file, info) { 
      // Called when a file has finished uploading 
      log('[FileUploaded] File:', file, "Info:", info); 

      var myuploader = $("#uploader").pluploadQueue(); 

      myuploader.bind('QueueChanged', function(up, files){ 
       remaining_files = myuploader.files.length; 
       alert('All Files uploaded!'); 

       type : "POST", 
       url : baseurl + 'admin/pages/reload/' + pageID, 
       success: function(data){ 
        if(data) { 
         alert('File uploaded!'); 
        } else { 
         alert('ajax error'); 


     ChunkUploaded: function(up, file, info) { 
      // Called when a file chunk has finished uploading 
      log('[ChunkUploaded] File:', file, "Info:", info); 

     Error: function(up, args) { 
      // Called when a error has occured 

      // Handle file specific error and general error 
      if (args.file) { 
       log('[error]', args, "File:", args.file); 
      } else { 
       log('[error]', args); 
var uploader = $("#uploader").pluploadQueue(); 

uploader.bind('QueueChanged', function(up, files) 
    files_remaining = uploader.files.length; 

uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(up, file, res) 
    if (files_remaining == 0) 

Хм, это не работает. Вы могли бы объединить это с моим кодом, пожалуйста? – mamolvary


у нас есть полный код, пожалуйста? –


Мой плупок - 1.5.4, если это помогает. – mamolvary


Использование UI.Plupload вы можете сделать ...

$ ('# uploader '). plupload (' getUploader '). total.queued


В проверке события FileUploaded up.total.queued

uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(up, file, res) 
     if (up.total.queued == 0) 

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