У меня есть ниже запрос SQL в моем кодеКак разрешить ошибку даты Informix?
String sql = "select t.card_num, \n" +
" right(t.card_num,4) as CardLast4 \n" +
",t.invoice_trim as Ticket_number \n" +
",t.pos_date \n" +
",tiu.info as Vehicle_number \n" +
",t.contract_id \n" +
",tio.info as Odometer \n" +
",l.address_1 \n" +
"\n" +
",CASE -- different for CAN vs USA query --Field #7 \n" +
" when l.src_country = 'USA' then prodUSA.description \n" +
" when l.src_country = 'CAN' then prodCAN.description \n" +
" else '*** ERROR ***' \n" +
" END as product_name \n" +
" \n" +
"\n" +
" ,tl.qty --Field #8 \n" +
"\n" +
",CASE --different for CAN vs USA --Field #9 \n" +
" when l.src_country = 'USA' then tl.ppu \n" +
"else tlb.base_net_ppu end as base_ppu \n" +
"\n" +
" ,tltf.tax_rate as fet_rate \n" +
",tltp.tax_rate as pft_rate \n" +
"\n" +
",CASE \n" +
"when l.src_country = 'USA' then tl.ppu \n" +
"else (tlb.base_net_ppu + tlb.unit_cpl_rate) end as net_ppu \n" +
"\n" +
",tltg.amount as gsthstfnt \n" +
",t.pref_total as net_amount \n" +
",t.location_id as location_number \n" +
",t.trans_date \n" +
",l.city as City \n" +
",l.state as Province \n" +
",t.carrier_id as Account_number \n" +
",cm.second_line as Customer_Field_1 \n" +
",tmp.trans_meta_data as policy \n" +
",tltv.tax_rate as MFT_rate \n" +
",tltct.tax_rate as Carbon_tax_rate \n" +
",tltpst.amount as pst_amount \n" +
",currency \n" +
"\n" +
"from transaction as t \n" +
"left outer join contract as c \n" +
"on t.contract_id = c.contract_id \n" +
"left outer join trans_info as tiu \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tiu.trans_id \n" +
"and tiu.type = \"UNIT\" \n" +
"left outer join trans_info as tio \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tio.trans_id \n" +
"and tio.type = \"ODRD\" \n" +
"left outer join location as l \n" +
"on t.location_id = l.location_id \n" +
"left outer join trans_line as tl \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tl.trans_id \n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join products as prodUSA \n" +
"on prodUSA.num = tl.num and prodUSA.fps_partner = 'TCH' \n" +
"left outer join products as prodCAN \n" +
"on prodCAN.num = tl.num and prodCAN.fps_partner = 'IMPERIAL' \n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join trans_line_baseppu as tlb \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tlb.trans_id \n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
" \n" +
"left outer join trans_line_tax as tltf \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tltf.trans_id \n" +
"and tltf.tax_cd = \"FET\" \n" +
"and tltf.gross_net_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"and tltf.exempt_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join trans_line_tax as tltp \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tltp.trans_id \n" +
"and tltp.tax_cd = \"PFT\" \n" +
"and tltp.gross_net_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"and tltp.exempt_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join trans_line_tax as tltg \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tltg.trans_id \n" +
"and tltg.tax_cd IN (\"GST\",\"HST\",\"FNT\") \n" +
"and tltg.gross_net_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"and tltg.exempt_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join card_misc as cm \n" +
"on t.card_num = cm.card_num \n" +
"and t.carrier_id = cm.carrier_id \n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join trans_meta as tmp \n" +
"ON t.trans_id = tmp.trans_id \n" +
"and tmp.trans_meta_type_id = \"CPOL\" \n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join trans_line_tax as tltv \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tltv.trans_id \n" +
"and tltv.tax_cd = \"VTT\" \n" +
"and tltv.gross_net_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"and tltv.exempt_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join trans_line_tax as tltct \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tltct.trans_id \n" +
"and tltct.tax_cd = \"VTT\" \n" +
"and tltct.gross_net_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"and tltct.exempt_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"\n" +
"left outer join trans_line_tax as tltpst \n" +
"on t.trans_id = tltpst.trans_id \n" +
"and tltpst.tax_cd in (\"PST\",\"QST\") \n" +
"and tltpst.gross_net_flag = \"N\" \n" +
"and tltpst.exempt_flag = \"N\" \n" +
" where t.trans_date between "+ getParam("jrs.param$p_startDate") +" and "+ getParam("jrs.param$p_endDate")+"\n" +
"\n" +
Ниже приведен результат запроса, который я вижу, когда я отладки мой код:
select t.card_num,
right(t.card_num,4) as CardLast4
,t.invoice_trim as Ticket_number
,tiu.info as Vehicle_number
,tio.info as Odometer
,CASE -- different for CAN vs USA query --Field #7
when l.src_country = 'USA' then prodUSA.description
when l.src_country = 'CAN' then prodCAN.description
else '*** ERROR ***'
END as product_name
,tl.qty --Field #8
,CASE --different for CAN vs USA --Field #9
when l.src_country = 'USA' then tl.ppu
else tlb.base_net_ppu end as base_ppu
,tltf.tax_rate as fet_rate
,tltp.tax_rate as pft_rate
when l.src_country = 'USA' then tl.ppu
else (tlb.base_net_ppu + tlb.unit_cpl_rate) end as net_ppu
,tltg.amount as gsthstfnt
,t.pref_total as net_amount
,t.location_id as location_number
,l.city as City
,l.state as Province
,t.carrier_id as Account_number
,cm.second_line as Customer_Field_1
,tmp.trans_meta_data as policy
,tltv.tax_rate as MFT_rate
,tltct.tax_rate as Carbon_tax_rate
,tltpst.amount as pst_amount
from transaction as t
left outer join contract as c
on t.contract_id = c.contract_id
left outer join trans_info as tiu
on t.trans_id = tiu.trans_id
and tiu.type = "UNIT"
left outer join trans_info as tio
on t.trans_id = tio.trans_id
and tio.type = "ODRD"
left outer join location as l
on t.location_id = l.location_id
left outer join trans_line as tl
on t.trans_id = tl.trans_id
left outer join products as prodUSA
on prodUSA.num = tl.num and prodUSA.fps_partner = 'TCH'
left outer join products as prodCAN
on prodCAN.num = tl.num and prodCAN.fps_partner = 'IMPERIAL'
left outer join trans_line_baseppu as tlb
on t.trans_id = tlb.trans_id
left outer join trans_line_tax as tltf
on t.trans_id = tltf.trans_id
and tltf.tax_cd = "FET"
and tltf.gross_net_flag = "N"
and tltf.exempt_flag = "N"
left outer join trans_line_tax as tltp
on t.trans_id = tltp.trans_id
and tltp.tax_cd = "PFT"
and tltp.gross_net_flag = "N"
and tltp.exempt_flag = "N"
left outer join trans_line_tax as tltg
on t.trans_id = tltg.trans_id
and tltg.tax_cd IN ("GST","HST","FNT")
and tltg.gross_net_flag = "N"
and tltg.exempt_flag = "N"
left outer join card_misc as cm
on t.card_num = cm.card_num
and t.carrier_id = cm.carrier_id
left outer join trans_meta as tmp
ON t.trans_id = tmp.trans_id
and tmp.trans_meta_type_id = "CPOL"
left outer join trans_line_tax as tltv
on t.trans_id = tltv.trans_id
and tltv.tax_cd = "VTT"
and tltv.gross_net_flag = "N"
and tltv.exempt_flag = "N"
left outer join trans_line_tax as tltct
on t.trans_id = tltct.trans_id
and tltct.tax_cd = "VTT"
and tltct.gross_net_flag = "N"
and tltct.exempt_flag = "N"
left outer join trans_line_tax as tltpst
on t.trans_id = tltpst.trans_id
and tltpst.tax_cd in ("PST","QST")
and tltpst.gross_net_flag = "N"
and tltpst.exempt_flag = "N"
where t.trans_date between 2016-09-26 and 2016-10-10
Теперь, когда я исполняю результат запроса в моем редакторе SQL , я получаю SQLException:
"ERROR java.sql.SQLException: It is not possible to convert between the specified types"
может кто-то пожалуйста, помогите мне, я пытался ставить кавычки вокруг поля даты. Но это не сработало.
Это не совсем MCVE ([Минимальный, полный, проверяемый пример] (http://stackoverflow.com/help/MCVE)). Попробуйте упростить SQL. –