У меня есть метод для возврата массива объектов. Переменная catalogVersion привязана к объекту OECATVER. По какой-то причине я не могу понять, когда мы возвращаем этот Object [], код вызывает запрос на обновление OECATVER. Я не вижу ничего, что могло бы вызвать это, и похоже, что это произойдет сразу же после возвращения этого объекта. Единственные запросы, которые я вижу в этом методе, - findOne (id). Это не должно вызывать обновление, не так ли?Hibernate/Spring JPA findOne() вызов команды update
public Object[] getPrefixCatalogVersion(String itemPrefix, int itemBusinessUnit) {
CatalogVersion catalogVersion = null;
String prefixReplacementReason = null;
Object[] versionAndReason = new Object[2];
CatalogPrefixKey prefixKey = new CatalogPrefixKey();
CatalogPrefix catPrefix = catalogPrefixRepository.findOne(prefixKey);
CatalogVersionKey versionKey = new CatalogVersionKey();
catalogVersion = catalogVersionRepository.findOne(versionKey);
if (catalogVersion != null) {
// We have the version, make sure it's still valid...
// If it's not dead...
if (!isCatalogDead(catalogVersion)) {
// If it's active and not expired, add to the map.
if (isCatalogActive(catalogVersion, itemBusinessUnit)) {
if (!isCatalogExpired(catalogVersion)) {
// Do Nothing
} else {
prefixReplacementReason = CommonConstants.PREFIX_REPLACEMENT_REASON_EXPIRED;
} else {
prefixReplacementReason = CommonConstants.PREFIX_REPLACEMENT_REASON_NOT_ACTIVE;
} else {
prefixReplacementReason = CommonConstants.PREFIX_REPLACEMENT_REASON_END_LIFE;
} else {
prefixReplacementReason = CommonConstants.PREFIX_REPLACEMENT_REASON_INVALID;
versionAndReason[0] = catalogVersion;
versionAndReason[1] = prefixReplacementReason;
return versionAndReason;
Это журналы, которые я вижу при запуске этого метода.
Hibernate: select catalogpre0_.BUSUNTNBR as BUSUNTNB1_41_0_, catalogpre0_.CATPFX as CATPFX2_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdjob as lstupdjo3_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdnbr as lstupdnb4_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdpgm as lstupdpg5_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdtsp as lstupdts6_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdusr as lstupdus7_41_0_, catalogpre0_.CATNBR as CATNBR8_41_0_, catalogpre0_.CATVER as CATVER9_41_0_ from OECATPFX catalogpre0_ where catalogpre0_.BUSUNTNBR=? and catalogpre0_.CATPFX=?
Hibernate: select catalogver0_.BUSUNTNBR as BUSUNTNB1_43_0_, catalogver0_.CATNBR as CATNBR2_43_0_, catalogver0_.CATVER as CATVER3_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdjob as lstupdjo4_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdnbr as lstupdnb5_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdpgm as lstupdpg6_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdtsp as lstupdts7_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdusr as lstupdus8_43_0_, catalogver0_.CATVERDSC as CATVERDS9_43_0_, catalogver0_.CURCATPCG as CURCATP10_43_0_, catalogver0_.EFFDAT as EFFDAT11_43_0_, catalogver0_.EXPDAT as EXPDAT12_43_0_, catalogver0_.PSDSALFLG as PSDSALF13_43_0_ from OECATVER catalogver0_ where catalogver0_.BUSUNTNBR=? and catalogver0_.CATNBR=? and catalogver0_.CATVER=?
Hibernate: select catalog0_.BUSUNTNBR as BUSUNTNB1_40_0_, catalog0_.CATNBR as CATNBR2_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdjob as lstupdjo3_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdnbr as lstupdnb4_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdpgm as lstupdpg5_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdtsp as lstupdts6_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdusr as lstupdus7_40_0_, catalog0_.CATEOLDAT as CATEOLDA8_40_0_, catalog0_.CATNAM as CATNAM9_40_0_, catalog0_.CATTHMCLF as CATTHMC10_40_0_, catalog0_.CATTYPCLF as CATTYPC11_40_0_ from OECATMST catalog0_ where catalog0_.BUSUNTNBR=? and catalog0_.CATNBR=?
Hibernate: select orderentry0_.BUSUNTNBR as BUSUNTNB1_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdjob as lstupdjo2_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdnbr as lstupdnb3_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdpgm as lstupdpg4_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdtsp as lstupdts5_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdusr as lstupdus6_6_0_, orderentry0_.AREMLPMP as AREMLPMP7_6_0_, orderentry0_.ALWNTLACT as ALWNTLAC8_6_0_, orderentry0_.ATOASNCGY as ATOASNCG9_6_0_, orderentry0_.AVLJOBSFY as AVLJOBS10_6_0_, orderentry0_.CASQTYLMT as CASQTYL11_6_0_, orderentry0_.COPITMFLG as COPITMF12_6_0_, orderentry0_.CREPSPCUS as CREPSPC13_6_0_, orderentry0_.VRLCATNBR as VRLCATN14_6_0_, orderentry0_.VRLCATPFX as VRLCATP15_6_0_, orderentry0_.VRLCATVER as VRLCATV16_6_0_, orderentry0_.VRLKEYCOD as VRLKEYC17_6_0_, orderentry0_.DFTQTEDAY as DFTQTED18_6_0_, orderentry0_.DSPOFRPRV as DSPOFRP19_6_0_, orderentry0_.DUPORD as DUPORD20_6_0_, orderentry0_.EMLPMPFLG as EMLPMPF21_6_0_, orderentry0_.EMPKEYCOD as EMPKEYC22_6_0_, orderentry0_.HGHPRCCHK as HGHPRCC23_6_0_, orderentry0_.HGHQTYCHK as HGHQTYC24_6_0_, orderentry0_.IPRCNFAMT as IPRCNFA25_6_0_, orderentry0_."Jobber Safety Threshold" as Jobber26_6_0_, orderentry0_.MAXQTEDAY as MAXQTED27_6_0_, orderentry0_.PFXRQDFLG as PFXRQDF28_6_0_, orderentry0_.PRCOVRCHK as PRCOVRC29_6_0_, orderentry0_.PRCGRCPED as PRCGRCP30_6_0_, orderentry0_.ORDRSNCLF as ORDRSNC31_6_0_, orderentry0_.RQROPBFLG as RQROPBF32_6_0_, orderentry0_.SPLTABRQD as SPLTABR33_6_0_, orderentry0_.USEKEYCGY as USEKEYC34_6_0_, orderentry0_.WGTLMT as WGTLMT35_6_0_ from COBRLORD orderentry0_ where orderentry0_.BUSUNTNBR=?
Hibernate: update OECATVER set lstupdjob=?, lstupdnbr=?, lstupdpgm=?, lstupdtsp=?, lstupdusr=?, CATVERDSC=?, CURCATPCG=?, EFFDAT=?, EXPDAT=?, PSDSALFLG=? where BUSUNTNBR=? and CATNBR=? and CATVER=?
public boolean isCatalogDead(CatalogVersion catalogVersion) {
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
CatalogKey key = new CatalogKey();
Catalog catalog = catalogRepository.findOne(key);
if (catalog != null) {
Calendar endOfLifeDate = catalog.getEndOfLifeDate();
if (today.after(endOfLifeDate)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
public boolean isCatalogActive(CatalogVersion catalogVersion, int itemBusinessUnit) {
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
// Check to see if the catalog is still available
Calendar fromDate = catalogVersion.getEffectiveDate();
int gracePeriodDays = companyService.getPricingGracePeriodDays(itemBusinessUnit);
fromDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, gracePeriodDays * -1);
if (today.before(fromDate)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public boolean isCatalogExpired(CatalogVersion catalogVersion) {
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar toDate = catalogVersion.getExpirationDate();
if (today.after(toDate)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
ничего себе ... что внутри: isCatalogDead; isCatalogActive; isCatalogExpired? если он внутри транзакции, любые изменения также будут сохранены в db, независимо от того, вы вызываете .save (entity) или нет. – Sarief
, так что вы знаете, вы должны реорганизовать это ... также, именовав ... – Sarief