Так что я кодирование до общего списка смежности и мой код не содержат ошибок компиляции, но когда я запускаю свои тесты, я получаю то же ошибку во время выполнения по всем направлениям:Java Дженерик Причинение класса Cast Ошибки
java.lang.ClassCastException: [[Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [[Lds.Graph.Edge;
at ds.TheAdjacencyMatrix.AdjacencyMatrix.<init>(AdjacencyMatrix.java:86)
at ds.TheAdjacencyMatrix.AdjacencyMatrix.<init>(AdjacencyMatrix.java:63)
at ds.TheAdjacencyMatrix.AdjacencyMatrix.<init>(AdjacencyMatrix.java:73)
at ds.Graph.Test.TheAdjacencyMatrixTest.testAddVertex(TheAdjacencyMatrixTest.java:33)
ошибка в конструкторе на линии, где я бросил массив 2d объект Е [] [] Тип
Соответствующий код для матрицы смежности ::
public class AdjacencyMatrix<T, E extends Edge>
implements AdjacencyMatrixInterface<T, E>, Graph<T, E> {
private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10;
//~Data Fields--------------------------------------------
* Int matrix that holds edge weights in weighted graphs.
* A 1 in a directed graph indicates an edge, a 0 indicates no edge.
private E[][] matrix;
* Array of elements contained in the graph.
* Elements correspond to the same indices as they do in the adjacency matrix of edges.
* i.e. matrix[4][5] is an edge from 4 to 5,
* elements[4] is the element at 4, elements[5] is the element at 5
private T[] elements;
* The maximum number of vertices in the adjacency matrix.
private int size;
* The current number of vertices in the graph.
private int numVertices;
* Indicates whether the graph is directed or not. True if directed, false otherwise.
private boolean directed;
* Initializes the adjacency matrix to a size of 10.
* Which means there are 10 vertices in the graph.
public AdjacencyMatrix() {
* Initializes the adjacency matrix to a size of 10. There will be 10 vertices in the graph.
* @param directed true if the graph is to be a directed graph, false otherwise.
public AdjacencyMatrix(boolean directed) {
this.directed = directed;
* Initializes the adjacency matrix to a size of size.
* There will be a maximum size of *size* vertices in the graph
* @param size the size of the adjacency matrix.
public AdjacencyMatrix(int size) {
matrix = (E[][]) new Object[size][size];
elements = (T[]) new Object[size];
this.size = size;
numVertices = 0;
directed = false;
А класс Край является абстрактный класс е-код здесь:
package ds.Graph;
* An abstract Edge class which has methods
* getWeight()
* and
* setWeight(int weight).
* Used for a Graph data structure to abstract
* out the edges.
public abstract class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> {
* Sets the weight of the edge to the passed in weight.
* @param weight the weight of the edge.
public abstract void setWeight(int weight);
* Gets the weight of the edge.
* @return the edge weight.
public abstract int getWeight();
Так что это строка кода, которая устанавливает ошибки во время выполнения. IntEdge - это всего лишь объект, наследующий от Edge, который содержит целое число.
AdjacencyMatrixInterface<String, IntEdge> matrix = new AdjacencyMatrix<String, IntEdge>(false);
Мораль истории: не используйте '@SuppressWarnings (« unchecked »)', не понимая, зачем вам это нужно. – prunge
Java Generics не вызывает эту ошибку. Вы. – EJP