Я пытаюсь запустить GNOME JavaScript application tutorial in Anjuta:.конфигурации Anjuta для разработки приложений GNOME Javascript
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
const Gda = imports.gi.Gda;
const Lang = imports.lang;
function Demo() {
Demo.prototype = {
_init: function() {
setupWindow: function() {
this.window = new Gtk.Window ({title: "Data Access Demo", height_request: 350});
this.window.connect ("delete-event", function() {
return true;
// main box
var main_box = new Gtk.Box ({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing: 5});
this.window.add (main_box);
// first label
var info1 = new Gtk.Label ({label: "<b>Insert a record</b>", xalign: 0, use_markup: true});
main_box.pack_start (info1, false, false, 5);
// "insert a record" horizontal box
var insert_box = new Gtk.Box ({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing: 5});
main_box.pack_start (insert_box, false, false, 5);
// ID field
insert_box.pack_start (new Gtk.Label ({label: "ID:"}), false, false, 5);
this.id_entry = new Gtk.Entry();
insert_box.pack_start (this.id_entry, false, false, 5);
// Name field
insert_box.pack_start (new Gtk.Label ({label: "Name:"}), false, false, 5);
this.name_entry = new Gtk.Entry ({activates_default: true});
insert_box.pack_start (this.name_entry, true, true, 5);
// Insert button
var insert_button = new Gtk.Button ({label: "Insert", can_default: true});
insert_button.connect ("clicked", Lang.bind (this, this._insertClicked));
insert_box.pack_start (insert_button, false, false, 5);
// Browse textview
var info2 = new Gtk.Label ({label: "<b>Browse the table</b>", xalign: 0, use_markup: true});
main_box.pack_start (info2, false, false, 5);
this.text = new Gtk.TextView ({editable: false});
var sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow ({shadow_type:Gtk.ShadowType.IN});
sw.add (this.text);
main_box.pack_start (sw, true, true, 5);
this.count_label = new Gtk.Label ({label: "", xalign: 0, use_markup: true});
main_box.pack_start (this.count_label, false, false, 0);
setupDatabase: function() {
this.connection = new Gda.Connection ({provider: Gda.Config.get_provider("SQLite"),
cnc_string:"DB_DIR=" + GLib.get_home_dir() + ";DB_NAME=gnome_demo"});
try {
var dm = Gda.execute_select_command (this.connection, "select * from demo");
} catch (e) {
Gda.execute_non_select_command (this.connection, "create table demo (id integer, name varchar(100))");
selectData: function() {
var dm = Gda.execute_select_command (this.connection, "select * from demo order by 1, 2");
var iter = dm.create_iter();
var text = "";
while (iter.move_next()) {
var id_field = Gda.value_stringify (iter.get_value_at (0));
var name_field = Gda.value_stringify (iter.get_value_at (1));
text += id_field + "\t=>\t" + name_field + '\n';
this.text.buffer.text = text;
this.count_label.label = "<i>" + dm.get_n_rows() + " record(s)</i>";
_showError: function (msg) {
var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog ({message_type: Gtk.MessageType.ERROR,
buttons: Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
text: msg,
transient_for: this.window,
modal: true,
destroy_with_parent: true});
_insertClicked: function() {
if (!this._validateFields())
// Gda.execute_non_select_command (this.connection, "insert into demo values ('" + this.id_entry.text + "', '" + this.name_entry.text + "')");
var b = new Gda.SqlBuilder ({stmt_type:Gda.SqlStatementType.INSERT});
b.set_table ("demo");
b.add_field_value_as_gvalue ("id", this.id_entry.text);
b.add_field_value_as_gvalue ("name", this.name_entry.text);
var stmt = b.get_statement();
this.connection.statement_execute_non_select (stmt, null);
_validateFields: function() {
if (this.id_entry.text == "" || this.name_entry.text == "") {
this._showError ("All fields are mandatory");
return false;
if (isNaN (parseInt (this.id_entry.text))) {
this._showError ("Enter a number");
return false;
return true;
_clearFields: function() {
this.id_entry.text = "";
this.name_entry.text = "";
Gtk.init (null, null);
var demo = new Demo();
, но я получаю следующее сообщение об ошибке .:
/home/buzz-dee/flextime-tracker/src/main.js: Zeile 1: const: Kommando nicht gefunden.
/home/buzz-dee/flextime-tracker/src/main.js: Zeile 2: const: Kommando nicht gefunden.
/home/buzz-dee/flextime-tracker/src/main.js: Zeile 3: const: Kommando nicht gefunden.
/home/buzz-dee/flextime-tracker/src/main.js: Zeile 4: const: Kommando nicht gefunden.
/home/buzz-dee/flextime-tracker/src/main.js: Zeile 7: Syntaxfehler beim unerwarteten Wort `;'
/home/buzz-dee/flextime-tracker/src/main.js: Zeile 7: ` this._init();'
Program exited with errcode (2)
Press the Enter key to close this terminal ...
В Anjuta У меня есть следующие параметры для JavaScript среда .:
Я использую AntergOS (Arch Linux). Возможно, неверны Gir и . Неверные ссылки на Gjs, так как у меня есть сообщение о: const: Command not found
В чем может быть проблема при вышеуказанной ошибке?
Я нашел родственную задачу для проекта Anjuta Java: How to import an existing Java project in the Anjuta IDE?