2014-12-30 5 views

Я пытаюсь получить единство, чтобы признать, что я прокладываю влево-вправо, я решил это, но моя проблема в том, что он не понимает этого, пока я не сниму палец с экрана.салфетки жестов на андроиде в единстве

Мой вопрос заключается в том, как бы я это сделать так, что он знает, я пошел направо, а затем налево, затем направо снова все, не отрывая палец от экрана

Вот код, который я до сих пор

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 

public class Gestures : MonoBehaviour { 

private Vector2 fingerStart; 
private Vector2 fingerEnd; 

public int leftRight = 0; 
public int upDown = 0; 

void Update() { 
    foreach(Touch touch in Input.touches) 
     if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) 
      fingerStart = touch.position; 
      fingerEnd = touch.position; 
     if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) 
      fingerEnd = touch.position; 

     if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) 
      if((fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) > 80 || (fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) < -80) // Side to side Swipe 
       leftRight ++; 
      else if((fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y) < -80 || (fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y) > 80) // top to bottom swipe 
       upDown ++; 

      if(leftRight >= 3){ 

       leftRight = 0; 
      if(upDown >= 4){ 

       upDown = 0; 



Проблема, с которой вы столкнулись, заключается в том, что вы выполнили свои проверки в TouchPhase.Ended. То, что вы хотите сделать, это выполнить ваши проверки в TouchPhase.Moved с меньшим изменением стоимости (вы используете 80 в Ended, попробуйте что-то вроде 10, если код не работает)

Документация Unity на TouchPhase http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/TouchPhase.html

foreach(Touch touch in Input.touches) 

     if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) 
      fingerStart = touch.position; 
      fingerEnd = touch.position; 
     if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) 
      fingerEnd = touch.position; 

      if((fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) > 80 || 
       (fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) < -80) // Side to side Swipe 
       leftRight ++; 
      else if((fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y) < -80 || 
        (fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y) > 80) // top to bottom swipe 
       upDown ++; 

      if(leftRight >= 3){ 

       leftRight = 0; 
      if(upDown >= 4){ 

       upDown = 0; 

      //After the checks are performed, set the fingerStart & fingerEnd to be the same 
      fingerStart = touch.position; 

     if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) 
      leftRight = 0; 
      upDown = 0; 
      fingerStart = Vector2.zero; 
      fingerEnd = Vector2.zero; 

Если вы хотите явно проверить шаблон (т.е. влево -> вправо -> влево), а не просто проверить, если это какая-то боковая/вертикальное движение как код у вас есть сделаем, попробуйте приведенный ниже код. Только не забудьте включить System.Collentions.Generic & System.Linq пространств имен

private Vector2 fingerStart; 
private Vector2 fingerEnd; 

public enum Movement 

public List<Movement> movements = new List<Movement>(); 

void Update() { 
    foreach(Touch touch in Input.touches) 

     if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { 
      fingerStart = touch.position; 
      fingerEnd = touch.position; 

     if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { 
      fingerEnd = touch.position; 

      //There is more movement on the X axis than the Y axis 
      if(Mathf.Abs(fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) > Mathf.Abs(fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y)) { 

       //Right Swipe 
       if((fingerEnd.x - fingerStart.x) > 0) 
       //Left Swipe 


      //More movement along the Y axis than the X axis 
      else { 
       //Upward Swipe 
       if((fingerEnd.y - fingerStart.y) > 0) 
       //Downward Swipe 
      //After the checks are performed, set the fingerStart & fingerEnd to be the same 
      fingerStart = touch.position; 

      //Now let's check if the Movement pattern is what we want 
      //In this example, I'm checking whether the pattern is Left, then Right, then Left again 
      Debug.Log (CheckForPatternMove(0, 3, new List<Movement>() { Movement.Left, Movement.Right, Movement.Left })); 

     if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) 
      fingerStart = Vector2.zero; 
      fingerEnd = Vector2.zero; 

private bool CheckForPatternMove (int startIndex, int lengthOfPattern, List<Movement> movementToCheck) { 

    //If the currently stored movements are fewer than the length of the pattern to be detected 
    //it can never match the pattern. So, let's get out 
    if(lengthOfPattern > movements.Count) 
     return false; 

    //In case the start index for the check plus the length of the pattern 
    //exceeds the movement list's count, it'll throw an exception, so lets get out 
    if(startIndex + lengthOfPattern > movements.Count) 
     return false; 

    //Populate a temporary list with the respective elements 
    //from the movement list 
    List<Movement> tMovements = new List<Movement>(); 
    for(int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + lengthOfPattern; i++) 

    //Now check whether the sequence of movements is the same as the pattern you want to check for 
    //The SequenceEqual method is in the System.Linq namespace 
    return tMovements.SequenceEqual(movementToCheck); 

EDIT Добавлен некоторый код в качестве образца

//The idea of a pattern match is to check for the exact same set of swipe gesture. 
    //This requires the following conditions to be met 
    // (a) The List of movements that need to be checked must be at least as long as the List of movements to check against. 
    // (b) The correct indices should be used for the startIndex. In this case I'm just using 0 as the startIndex. 
    // (c) Remember to clear the List right after you get a true return from the method, otherwise the next return will most likely be a false. 

    //Example - Training set is Left -> Right -> Left (This is what we want to check) 
    // Step 1 - User swipes LEFT, method returns false because there are too few Movements to check 
    // Step 2 - User swipes RIGHT, method returns false (same reason as above) 

    // Step 3a - User swipes RIGHT (L, R, R now) - false, incorrect pattern (L, R, R instead of L, R, L) 
    // Step 3b - User swipes LEFT (L, R, L now) - TRUE, Correct pattern! 

    //Immediately clear if Step 3b happens otherwise Step 4 will occur 

    // Step 4 - User swipes L or R (direction is immaterial right now), and method will return FALSE 
    // if you use the last three indexes! 

    //Pre-populating the movements List with L, R, L 
    movements = new List<Movement>() 

    //Checking a match against an L, R, L training set 
    //This prints true to the console 
    Debug.Log (CheckForPatternMove(0, 3, new List<Movement>() { Movement.Left, Movement.Right, Movement.Left } )); 

Вот как выглядит моя функция обновления. Обратите внимание на использование GetMouseButton над Input.touch

void Update() { 

    //Example usage in Update. Note how I use Input.GetMouseButton instead of Input.touch 

    //GetMouseButtonDown(0) instead of TouchPhase.Began 
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { 
     fingerStart = Input.mousePosition; 
     fingerEnd = Input.mousePosition; 

    //GetMouseButton instead of TouchPhase.Moved 
    //This returns true if the LMB is held down in standalone OR 
    //there is a single finger touch on a mobile device 
    if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { 
     fingerEnd = Input.mousePosition; 

     //There was some movement! The tolerance variable is to detect some useful movement 
     //i.e. an actual swipe rather than some jitter. This is the same as the value of 80 
     //you used in your original code. 
     if(Mathf.Abs(fingerEnd.x - fingerStart.x) > tolerance || 
      Mathf.Abs(fingerEnd.y - fingerStart.y) > tolerance) { 

      //There is more movement on the X axis than the Y axis 
      if(Mathf.Abs(fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) > Mathf.Abs(fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y)) { 
       //Right Swipe 
       if((fingerEnd.x - fingerStart.x) > 0) 
       //Left Swipe 

      //More movement along the Y axis than the X axis 
      else { 
       //Upward Swipe 
       if((fingerEnd.y - fingerStart.y) > 0) 
       //Downward Swipe 

      //After the checks are performed, set the fingerStart & fingerEnd to be the same 
      fingerStart = fingerEnd; 

      //Now let's check if the Movement pattern is what we want 
      //In this example, I'm checking whether the pattern is Left, then Right, then Left again 
      Debug.Log (CheckForPatternMove(0, 3, new List<Movement>() { Movement.Left, Movement.Right, Movement.Left })); 

    //GetMouseButtonUp(0) instead of TouchPhase.Ended 
    if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { 
     fingerStart = Vector2.zero; 
     fingerEnd = Vector2.zero; 


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