2016-10-22 6 views

Я только недавно начал заниматься этим программным обеспечением, поэтому я не совсем уверен в том, как исправить небольшую проблему, с которой, как мне кажется, связана связь между сервером и клиентом.Visual Basic/SQL Server: identity_insert отключен

Когда я запускаю сервер, игроки могут подключаться и выходить из системы, когда они выполняются без проблем, но сервер выдает ошибку и не сохраняет элемент в таблице items.

Это почти как если бы сервер/клиент не может общаться правильно с dbo.items таблицей:/

Любая помощь будет оценен по достоинству! Спасибо.

И простите за плохой английский

enter image description here

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Data.SqlClient; 
using System.Data; 

namespace Goose 
    * Item, holds the actual item data 
    * Each item in game is separate 
    * Holds the original template and modified/added stats 
    public class Item : IItem 
     public int ItemID { get; set; } 
     public int TemplateID { get; set; } 
     public ItemTemplate Template { get; set; } 

     public string Name { get; set; } 
     public string Description { get; set; } 

     public int GraphicEquipped { get; set; } 
     public int GraphicTile { get; set; } 
     public int GraphicR { get; set; } 
     public int GraphicG { get; set; } 
     public int GraphicB { get; set; } 
     public int GraphicA { get; set; } 

     int weapondamage = 0; 

     public int WeaponDamage 
       return this.weapondamage + (int)Math.Ceiling(this.Template.WeaponDamage * this.StatMultiplier); 
       this.weapondamage = value; 

     * Body pose/state 1 for normal, 3 for staff, 4 for sword 
     public int BodyState { get; set; } 

     public AttributeSet BaseStats { get; set; } 
     public AttributeSet TotalStats { get; set; } 

     public decimal StatMultiplier { get; set; } 
     * Dirty, has data changed since loading 
     public bool Dirty { get; set; } 
     * Delete, item is no longer in game so delete it 
     public bool Delete { get; set; } 
     public long Value { get; set; } 

     bool bound = false; 
     public bool IsBound 
      get { return this.bound; } 
      set { this.bound = value; } 

     * These properties are read only and just pass along from the templates properties 
     public int WeaponDelay { get { return this.Template.WeaponDelay; } } 
     public int StackSize { get { return this.Template.StackSize; } } 
     public bool IsLore { get { return this.Template.IsLore; } } 
     public bool IsBindOnPickup { get { return this.Template.IsBindOnPickup; } } 
     public bool IsBindOnEquip { get { return this.Template.IsBindOnEquip; } } 
     public bool IsEvent { get { return this.Template.IsEvent; } } 
     public ItemTemplate.ItemSlots Slot { get { return this.Template.Slot; } } 
     public ItemTemplate.ItemTypes Type { get { return this.Template.Type; } } 
     public ItemTemplate.UseTypes UseType { get { return this.Template.UseType; } } 
     public int MinLevel { get { return this.Template.MinLevel; } } 
     public int MaxLevel { get { return this.Template.MaxLevel; } } 
     public long MinExperience { get { return this.Template.MinExperience; } } 
     public long MaxExperience { get { return this.Template.MaxExperience; } } 
     * This is a bitmask 
     * Therefore only limited to about 64 classes, which should be enough. 
     * If the bit is set then that class id CAN'T use the item. 
     public long ClassRestrictions { get { return this.Template.ClassRestrictions; } } 
     public SpellEffect SpellEffect { get { return this.Template.SpellEffect; } } 
     public decimal SpellEffectChance { get { return this.Template.SpellEffectChance; } } 
     public int LearnSpellID { get { return this.Template.LearnSpellID; } } 

     public bool Unsaved { get; set; } 

     public Item() 
      this.Unsaved = true; 
      this.ItemID = 0; 
      this.TotalStats = new AttributeSet(); 
      this.BaseStats = new AttributeSet(); 
      this.StatMultiplier = 1; 
      this.Dirty = true; 
      this.Delete = false; 

     * LoadFromTemplate, loads item from a template 
     * This is when we want an item the same as the template. 
     public void LoadFromTemplate(ItemTemplate template) 
      this.Template = template; 
      this.TemplateID = this.Template.ID; 
      this.TotalStats += this.Template.BaseStats; 

      this.Name = this.Template.Name; 
      this.Description = this.Template.Description; 
      this.GraphicEquipped = this.Template.GraphicEquipped; 
      this.GraphicTile = this.Template.GraphicTile; 
      this.GraphicR = this.Template.GraphicR; 
      this.GraphicG = this.Template.GraphicG; 
      this.GraphicB = this.Template.GraphicB; 
      this.GraphicA = this.Template.GraphicA; 

      this.Value = this.Template.Value; 
      this.BodyState = this.Template.BodyState; 

     * LoadTemplate, adds template to item 
     * This is when we want to just add the templates stats to our item 
     * ie when loading the items database, eg for surname/titled items 
     * Note: Doesn't load the value from the template as we want to keep the value as 0 
     * if the item is custom for example 
     public void LoadTemplate(ItemTemplate template) 
      this.TotalStats += template.BaseStats; 
      this.TotalStats *= this.StatMultiplier; 
      this.TotalStats += this.BaseStats; 

     * AddItem, adds item to database 
     public void AddItem(GameWorld world) 
      SqlParameter nameParam = new SqlParameter("@itemName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64); 
      nameParam.Value = this.Name; 
      SqlParameter descriptionParam = new SqlParameter("@itemDescription", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64); 
      descriptionParam.Value = this.Description; 

      string query = "INSERT INTO items (item_id, item_template_id, item_name, item_description, " + 
      "player_hp, player_mp, player_sp, stat_ac, stat_str, stat_sta, stat_dex, stat_int, " + 
      "res_fire, res_water, res_spirit, res_air, res_earth, weapon_damage, item_value, " + 
      "graphic_tile, graphic_equip, graphic_r, graphic_g, graphic_b, graphic_a, stat_multiplier, " + 
      "bound, body_state) VALUES (" + 
      this.ItemID + "," + 
      this.TemplateID + ", " + 
      "@itemName, " + 
      "@itemDescription, " + 
      this.BaseStats.HP + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.MP + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.SP + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.AC + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.Strength + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.Stamina + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.Dexterity + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.Intelligence + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.FireResist + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.WaterResist + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.SpiritResist + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.AirResist + ", " + 
      this.BaseStats.EarthResist + ", " + 
      this.weapondamage + ", " + 
      this.Value + ", " + 
      this.GraphicTile + ", " + 
      this.GraphicEquipped + ", " + 
      this.GraphicR + ", " + 
      this.GraphicG + ", " + 
      this.GraphicB + ", " + 
      this.GraphicA + ", " + 
      this.StatMultiplier + ", " + 
      (this.bound ? "'1'" : "'0'") + ", " + 
      this.BodyState + ")"; 

      this.Dirty = false; 

      this.Unsaved = false; 

      SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, world.SqlConnection); 
      command.BeginExecuteNonQuery(new AsyncCallback(GameWorld.DefaultEndExecuteNonQueryAsyncCallback), command); 

     * SaveItem, updates item info in database 
     public void SaveItem(GameWorld world) 
      SqlParameter nameParam = new SqlParameter("@itemName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64); 
      nameParam.Value = this.Name; 
      SqlParameter descriptionParam = new SqlParameter("@itemDescription", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64); 
      descriptionParam.Value = this.Description; 

      string query = "UPDATE items SET " + 
       "item_template_id=" + this.TemplateID + ", " + 
       "item_name=" + "@itemName, " + 
       "item_description=" + "@itemDescription, " + 
       "player_hp=" + this.BaseStats.HP + ", " + 
       "player_mp=" + this.BaseStats.MP + ", " + 
       "player_sp=" + this.BaseStats.SP + ", " + 
       "stat_ac=" + this.BaseStats.AC + ", " + 
       "stat_str=" + this.BaseStats.Strength + ", " + 
       "stat_sta=" + this.BaseStats.Stamina + ", " + 
       "stat_dex=" + this.BaseStats.Dexterity + ", " + 
       "stat_int=" + this.BaseStats.Intelligence + ", " + 
       "res_fire=" + this.BaseStats.FireResist + ", " + 
       "res_water=" + this.BaseStats.WaterResist + ", " + 
       "res_spirit=" + this.BaseStats.SpiritResist + ", " + 
       "res_air=" + this.BaseStats.AirResist + ", " + 
       "res_earth=" + this.BaseStats.EarthResist + ", " + 
       "weapon_damage=" + this.weapondamage + ", " + 
       "item_value=" + this.Value + ", " + 
       "graphic_tile=" + this.GraphicTile + ", " + 
       "graphic_equip=" + this.GraphicEquipped + ", " + 
       "graphic_r=" + this.GraphicR + ", " + 
       "graphic_g=" + this.GraphicG + ", " + 
       "graphic_b=" + this.GraphicB + ", " + 
       "graphic_a=" + this.GraphicA + ", " + 
       "stat_multiplier=" + this.StatMultiplier + ", " + 
       "bound=" + (this.bound ? "'1'" : "'0'") + ", " + 
       "body_state=" + this.BodyState + 
       " WHERE item_id=" + this.ItemID; 

      SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, world.SqlConnection); 
      command.BeginExecuteNonQuery(new AsyncCallback(GameWorld.DefaultEndExecuteNonQueryAsyncCallback), command); 
      this.Dirty = false; 

     * DeleteItem, deletes item from database 
     public void DeleteItem(GameWorld world) 
      SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
       "DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id=" + this.ItemID, 
      command.BeginExecuteNonQuery(new AsyncCallback(GameWorld.DefaultEndExecuteNonQueryAsyncCallback), command); 

При определении столбца в качестве удостоверения значения генерируются автоматически, и вы не можете вставлять значения, если для параметра 'identity_insert' установлено значение on. Я предполагаю, что ошибка находится в инструкции insert в 'string query = 'INSERT INTO items (item_id', а item_id - столбец идентификатора, что означает, что вы не должны вставлять в него явное значение, а скорее' string query = «INSERT INTO items (item_template_id, ...)» и т. Д. – jpw


[SQL Injection alert] (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms161953%28v=sql.105%29.aspx) - вы должен ** не ** объединить ваши SQL-запросы - используйте ** параметризованные запросы **, чтобы избежать SQL-инъекций –


public void AddItem(GameWorld world) 
     SqlParameter nameParam = new SqlParameter("@itemName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64); 
     nameParam.Value = this.Name; 
     SqlParameter descriptionParam = new SqlParameter("@itemDescription", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64); 
     descriptionParam.Value = this.Description; 

     string query = "INSERT INTO items (item_template_id, item_name, item_description, " + 
     "player_hp, player_mp, player_sp, stat_ac, stat_str, stat_sta, stat_dex, stat_int, " + 
     "res_fire, res_water, res_spirit, res_air, res_earth, weapon_damage, item_value, " + 
     "graphic_tile, graphic_equip, graphic_r, graphic_g, graphic_b, graphic_a, stat_multiplier, " + 
     "bound, body_state) VALUES (" + 
     this.TemplateID + ", " + 
     "@itemName, " + 
     "@itemDescription, " + 
     this.BaseStats.HP + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.MP + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.SP + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.AC + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.Strength + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.Stamina + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.Dexterity + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.Intelligence + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.FireResist + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.WaterResist + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.SpiritResist + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.AirResist + ", " + 
     this.BaseStats.EarthResist + ", " + 
     this.weapondamage + ", " + 
     this.Value + ", " + 
     this.GraphicTile + ", " + 
     this.GraphicEquipped + ", " + 
     this.GraphicR + ", " + 
     this.GraphicG + ", " + 
     this.GraphicB + ", " + 
     this.GraphicA + ", " + 
     this.StatMultiplier + ", " + 
     (this.bound ? "'1'" : "'0'") + ", " + 
     this.BodyState + ")"; 

     this.Dirty = false; 

     this.Unsaved = false; 

     SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, world.SqlConnection); 
     command.BeginExecuteNonQuery(new AsyncCallback(GameWorld.DefaultEndExecuteNonQueryAsyncCallback), command); 

не делают вставки столбца ITEM_ID, потому что это личность, и он будет автоматически вставляться

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