2013-02-26 6 views

Вот мой код. Когда я пытаюсь скомпилировать его, появляется ошибка «ожидаемый идентификатор», я полагаю, что это связано с тем, как я отформатировал инициирование Timer2.Создание библиотеки MBed, ошибка «ожидаемый идентификатор»

Что мне нужно изменить, чтобы этот код мог компилироваться?

Большое спасибо.

При необходимости я могу добавить файл заголовка.

#include "Timer2.h" 
#include "LPC17xx.h" 

unsigned int _presc; 

Timer2::Timer2(unsigned long pres, ClockType cs) : 


void Timer2::prescale(unsigned int p) 
    _presc = p-1; 
    LPC_TIM2->PR = _presc; 

unsigned long Timer2::getPrescale() 
    return _presc; 

void Timer2::capture0(ChangeType change, bool interrupt) 
    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<8); //setup CAP2:0 on pin P0.4 DIP 30 
    if (change == rising) { 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1; 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x0<<1; 
    } else if (change == falling) { 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x0; 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1<<1; 
    } else if(change == changing) { 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1; 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1<<1; 
    if (interrupt == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1<<2; 

void Timer2::capture1(ChangeType change, bool interrupt) 
    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<10); //setup CAP2:1 on pin P0.5 DIP 29 
    if (change == rising) { 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1<<3; 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x0<<4; 
    } else if (change == falling) { 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x0<<3; 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1<<4; 
    } else if(change == changing) { 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1<<3; 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1<<4; 
    if (interrupt == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->CCR |= 0x1<<5; 

void Timer2::capture0Stop() 
    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<8); //stop CAP2:0 
    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<7); 

void Timer2::capture1Stop() 
    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<10); //stop CAP2:1 
    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<9); 

unsigned long Timer2::time_us() 
    return _presc * LPC_TIM2->TC /96.0; 

void Timer2::start() 
    LPC_TIM2->TCR |= 0x0<<1; 
    LPC_TIM2->TCR |= 0x1<<0; 

void Timer2::stop() 
    LPC_TIM2->TCR |= 0x0<<1; 
    LPC_TIM2->TCR |= 0x0<<0; 

void Timer2::reset() 
    LPC_TIM2->TCR |= 0x1<<1; 

void Timer2::match0(unsigned long value, bool stop, bool interrupt, bool reset, MatchAction action = nothing) 
    if (action == nothing) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<12); //Select pin p0.6 (p8) 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<11); //Select pin p0.6 (p8) 
    } else if (action == set0) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<12); //Select pin p0.6 (p8) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x2<<5;   //Set pin low 
    } else if (action == set1) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<12); //Select pin p0.6 (p8) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x1<<5;   //Set pin high 
    } else if (action == toggle) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<12); //Select pin p0.6 (p8) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x3<<5;   //Toggle pin 
    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<12); //Select pin p0.6 (p8) 
    LPC_TIM2->MR0 = value; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<0; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<1; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<2; 
    if (interrupt == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<0; 
    if (reset == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<1; 
    if (stop == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<2; 


void Timer2::match1(unsigned long value, bool stop, bool interrupt, bool reset, MatchAction action = nothing) 
    if (action == nothing) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<14); //Select pin p0.7 (p7) 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<13); //Select pin p0.7 (p7) 
    } else if (action == set0) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<14); //Select pin p0.7 (p7) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x2<<7;   //Set pin low 
    } else if (action == set1) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<14); //Select pin p0.7 (p7) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x1<<7;   //Set pin high 
    } else if (action == toggle) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<14); //Select pin p0.7 (p7) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x3<<7;   //Toggle pin 
    LPC_TIM2->MR1 = value; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<3; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<4; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<5; 
    if (interrupt == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<3; 
    if (reset == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<4; 
    if (stop == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<5; 

void Timer2::match2(unsigned long value, bool stop, bool interrupt, bool reset, MatchAction action = nothing) 
    if (action == nothing) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<16); //Select pin p0.8 (p6) 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<15); //Select pin p0.8 (p6) 
    } else if (action == set0) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<16); //Select pin p0.8 (p6) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x2<<9;   //Set pin low 
    } else if (action == set1) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<16); //Select pin p0.8 (p6) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x1<<9;   //Set pin high 
    } else if (action == toggle) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<16); //Select pin p0.8 (p6) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x4<<9;   //Toggle pin 
    LPC_TIM2->MR2 = value; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<6; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<7; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<8; 
    if (interrupt == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<6; 
    if (reset == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<7; 
    if (stop == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<8; 

void Timer2::match3(unsigned long value, bool stop, bool interrupt, bool reset, MatchAction action = nothing) 
    if (action == nothing) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<18); //Select pin p0.9 (p5) 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x0<<17); //Select pin p0.9 (p5) 
    } else if (action == set0) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<18); //Select pin p0.9 (p5) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x2<<11;   //Set pin low 
    } else if (action == set1) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<18); //Select pin p0.9 (p5) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x1<<11;   //Set pin high 
    } else if (action == toggle) { 
     LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= (0x3<<18); //Select pin p0.9 (p5) 
     LPC_TIM2->EMR |= 0x3<<11;   //Toggle pin 
    LPC_TIM2->MR3 = value; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<9; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<10; 
    LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x0<<11; 
    if (interrupt == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<9; 
    if (reset == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<10; 
    if (stop == true) { 
     LPC_TIM2->MCR |= 0x1<<11; 

void Timer2::clockReset(unsigned long time, PinName match = p5) 
    unsigned long t = time * 96.0; 
    if (match == p5) { 
    } else if (match == p6) { 
    } else if (match == p7) { 
    } else if (match == p8) { 

void Timer2::selectClock(ClockType clock) 
    if (clock == Clock) { 
     LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |=0x1<<12; //PCLK_peripheral set to Clock 
     LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |=0x0<<13; 
    } else if (clock == HalfClock) { 
     LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |=0x0<<12; //PCLK_peripheral set to Clock/2 
     LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |=0x1<<13; 
    } else if (clock == QuarterClock) { 
     LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |=0x0<<12; //PCLK_peripheral set to Clock/4 
     LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |=0x0<<13; 
    } else if (clock == EighthClock) { 
     LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |=0x1<<12; //PCLK_peripheral set to Clock/8 
     LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |=0x1<<13; 

void Timer2::power(bool on) 
    if (on == true) { 
     LPC_SC->PCONP |=0x1<22; //timer2 power on 
    } else { 
     LPC_SC->PCONP |=0x0<22; //timer2 power off} 



Ваш конструктор Timer2 имеет мошенник :, который используется, когда у вас есть списки инициализации (т.е. при вызове конструктора базового класса, или при установке значения членов класса). Поскольку в списке нет идентификаторов, вы получаете ошибку. Удалите двоеточие, и он должен работать.


Да, это была проблема. Сейчас он компилируется. благодаря – ayeomans