Я создаю div, где пользователи могут оставить отзыв о классе. В конце обзоров появится текст: «Показать больше», который загружает больше отзывов. Однако есть пробел между последним обзором и текстом «Показать больше». Как я могу избавиться от этого?Как мне избавиться от этого пробела?
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/* courses.php */
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/* Reviews */
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/* End of Reviews */
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<title> Hacked Genius </title>
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<body id='course_body'>
<br> <br> <br>
<!-- Reviews -->
<!-- Top Part -->
<div id='course_reviews'>
<span id='review_text'> 2937 Reviews </span>
<div class="Rating2">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 500 100">
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<meter min="0" max="5" value="4.28"></meter>
</div> <span id='star_score'> 4.7 </span>
<div id='course_line2'></div>
<!-- End of Top Part -->
<!-- Student Part -->
<div id='student_rating'>
<img src='https://cdnil1.fiverrcdn.com/photos/31519238/small/1459227_10151771032542219_1796077253_n.jpg?1461604087' id='student_rating_img'>
<!-- Student Usernames -->
<div id='student_username'> Matthew Malan <span id='student_date'> 1 day ago </span> <br>
<span id='student_content'> Outstanding Experience! </span>
<!-- Student Rating -->
<div class="Rating3">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 500 100">
<path id="a" d="M0 0h500v100H0V0zm50 79L20.6 94.5l5.6-32.8L2.4 38.5l33-4.7L50 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L50 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L150 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L150 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L250 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L250 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L350 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L350 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L450 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L450 79z"/>
<use fill="white" fill-rule="evenodd" xlink:href="#a"/>
<meter min="0" max="5" value="4"></meter>
<!-- End of Student Rating -->
<!-- End of Student Usernames & Stars -->
<!-- End of Student Part -->
<!-- Student Part -->
<div id='student_rating'>
<img src='https://cdnil1.fiverrcdn.com/photos/31519238/small/1459227_10151771032542219_1796077253_n.jpg?1461604087' id='student_rating_img'>
<!-- Student Usernames -->
<div id='student_username'> Matthew Malan <span id='student_date'> 1 day ago </span> <br>
<span id='student_content'> Outstanding Experience! </span>
<!-- Student Rating -->
<div class="Rating3">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 500 100">
<path id="a" d="M0 0h500v100H0V0zm50 79L20.6 94.5l5.6-32.8L2.4 38.5l33-4.7L50 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L50 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L150 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L150 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L250 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L250 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L350 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L350 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L450 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L450 79z"/>
<use fill="white" fill-rule="evenodd" xlink:href="#a"/>
<meter min="0" max="5" value="4"></meter>
<!-- End of Student Rating -->
<!-- End of Student Usernames & Stars -->
<!-- End of Student Part -->
<!-- Student Part -->
<div id='student_rating'>
<img src='https://cdnil1.fiverrcdn.com/photos/31519238/small/1459227_10151771032542219_1796077253_n.jpg?1461604087' id='student_rating_img'>
<!-- Student Usernames -->
<div id='student_username'> Matthew Malan <span id='student_date'> 1 day ago </span> <br>
<span id='student_content'> Outstanding Experience! </span>
<!-- Student Rating -->
<div class="Rating3">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 500 100">
<path id="a" d="M0 0h500v100H0V0zm50 79L20.6 94.5l5.6-32.8L2.4 38.5l33-4.7L50 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L50 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L150 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L150 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L250 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L250 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L350 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L350 79zm100 0l-29.4 15.5 5.6-32.8-23.8-23.2 33-4.7L450 4l14.7 29.8 33 4.7-24 23.2 5.7 32.8L450 79z"/>
<use fill="white" fill-rule="evenodd" xlink:href="#a"/>
<meter min="0" max="5" value="4"></meter>
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