2013-06-13 2 views
Now, I am having comments section like this in node view page. 

    Comment 1 
    comment 11 
    comment 12 
    Comment 2 
    Comment 3 
    comment 31 
    comment 32 
    comment 33 

But, I would to show this with show/hide option for replied comments with replies count. like below 

    Comment 1 
    show/hide 2 replies 
    | comment 11  | 
    | comment 12  | 
    Comment 2 
    Comment 3 
    show/hide 3 replies 
    | comment 31 | 
    | comment 32 | 
    | comment 33 | 



Вы можете получить доступ к кол-ву комментариев в шаблоне с

<?php print $comment_count; ?> 

И Show и Hide, Что о простом .hide() и .Show() JQuery функции?