Я считаю, что эта проблема выглядит этот вопрос:Ионные Framework PushPlugin: onNotificationGMC не уволен и не может получить RegID
Cordova Push Plugin: onNotificationGMC is not fired and cannot obtain regID
Но я использую Ионные Framework. Я это руководство в создании PushProcessingService:
//factory for processing push notifications.
angular.module('starter.pusher', [])
.factory('PushProcessingService', function(MyService) {
function onDeviceReady() {
console.info('NOTIFY Device is ready. Registering with GCM server');
alert('NOTIFY Device is ready. Registering with GCM server');
//register with google GCM server
var pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;
pushNotification.register(gcmSuccessHandler, gcmErrorHandler, {'senderID': 'myappid', 'ecb': 'onNotificationGCM'});
function gcmSuccessHandler(result) {
console.info('NOTIFY pushNotification.register succeeded. Result = ' + result);
alert('NOTIFY pushNotification.register succeeded. Result = ' + result)
function gcmErrorHandler(error) {
console.error('NOTIFY ' + error);
return {
initialize: function() {
console.info('NOTIFY initializing');
document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
registerID: function(regid) {
//Insert code here to store the user's ID on your notification server.
//You'll probably have a web service (wrapped in an Angular service of course) set up for this.
//For example:
MyService.registerNotificationID(regid).then(function(response) {
if (response.data.Result) {
console.info('NOTIFY Registration succeeded');
} else {
console.error('NOTIFY Registration failed');
//unregister can be called from a settings area.
unregister: function() {
var push = window.plugins.pushNotification;
if (push) {
push.unregister(function() {
console.info('unregister success')
// ALL GCM notifications come through here.
function onNotificationGCM(e) {
console.log('EVENT -> RECEIVED:' + e.event + '');
alert('EVENT -> RECEIVED:' + e.event + '');
switch (e.event)
case 'registered':
if (e.regid.length > 0)
console.log('REGISTERED with GCM Server -> REGID:' + e.regid + '');
//call back to web service in Angular.
//This works for me because in my code I have a factory called
// PushProcessingService with method registerID
var elem = angular.element(document.querySelector('[ng-app]'));
var injector = elem.injector();
var myService = injector.get('PushProcessingService');
case 'message':
// if this flag is set, this notification happened while we were in the foreground.
// you might want to play a sound to get the user's attention, throw up a dialog, etc.
if (e.foreground)
//we're using the app when a message is received.
console.log('--INLINE NOTIFICATION--' + '');
// if the notification contains a soundname, play it.
//var my_media = new Media('/android_asset/www/'+e.soundname);
// otherwise we were launched because the user touched a notification in the notification tray.
if (e.coldstart)
console.log('--COLDSTART NOTIFICATION--' + '');
console.log('--BACKGROUND NOTIFICATION--' + '');
// direct user here:
window.location = '#/tab/dash';
console.log('MESSAGE -> MSG: ' + e.payload.message + '');
console.log('MESSAGE: ' + JSON.stringify(e.payload));
case 'error':
console.log('ERROR -> MSG:' + e.msg + '');
alert('ERROR -> MSG:' + e.msg + '');
console.log('EVENT -> Unknown, an event was received and we do not know what it is');
alert('EVENT -> Unknown, an event was received and we do not know what it is');
Но (е) обратный вызов onNotificationGCM, кажется, не работает. Я переместил его на завод, но проблема не устранена. Я вызываю эту функцию в своих приложениях. 0:
app.run(function($ionicPlatform, PushProcessingService) {
try {
} catch (err) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
// Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
// for form inputs)
if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
if (window.StatusBar) {
// org.apache.cordova.statusbar required
Пожалуйста, помогите мне в решении этого вопроса. Потому что я застрял несколько дней. Спасибо!! :)
Push-уведомление никогда не работает с симулятором, оно будет работать с устройством только как с ios, так и с андроидом .. но можно получить уведомление в симуляторе Android, для этого нужно включить: см. Https://www.google.co.in /url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDIQtwIwAw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DePR1GZeATeE&ei=PM_dVMHBNoOpuQSBsICwBw&usg=AFQjCNE8IENVtBTnuiLsybRVGJExpfYx_Q&sig2=CqZ5S3D3RHbtL8uTJs4nUQ&bvm=bv.85970519 , d.c2E – Amar1989
Я проверил вашу ссылку. Спасибо .. :) – asubanovsky
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