Я пытаюсь прочитать предложения GPS NMEA от Ultimate GPS-модуля Adafruit. Я использую C++ на малиновом пи читать соединение через последовательный порт к модулюRaspberry Pi C++ Чтение предложений NMEA от Ultimate GPS-модуля Adafruit
Вот моя функция чтения:
int Linuxutils::readFromSerialPort(int fd, int bufferSize) {
Reading data from a port is a little trickier. When you operate the port in raw data mode,
each read(2) system call will return however many characters are actually available in the
serial input buffers. If no characters are available, the call will block (wait) until
characters come in, an interval timer expires, or an error occurs. The read function can be
made to return immediately by doing the following:
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);
The NDELAY option causes the read function to return 0 if no characters are available on the port.
// Check the file descriptor
if (!checkFileDecriptorIsValid(fd)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read from serial port - it is not a valid file descriptor!\n");
return -1;
// Now, let's wait for an input from the serial port.
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); // block until data comes in
// Now read the data
int absoluteMax = bufferSize*2;
char *buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * bufferSize); // allocate buffer.
int rcount = 0;
int length = 0;
// Read in each newline
FILE* fdF = fdopen(fd, "r");
int ch = getc(fdF);
while ((ch != '\n')) { // Check for end of file or newline
// Reached end of file
if (ch == EOF) {
printf("ERROR: EOF!");
// Expand by reallocating if necessary
if(rcount == absoluteMax) { // time to expand ?
absoluteMax *= 2; // expand to double the current size of anything similar.
rcount = 0; // Re-init count
buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, absoluteMax); // Re-allocate memory.
// Read from stream
ch = getc(fdF);
// Stuff in buffer
buffer[length] = ch;
// Increment counters
// Don't care if we return 0 chars read
if (rcount == 0) {
return 0;
// Stick
buffer[rcount] = '\0';
// Print results
printf("Received (%d bytes): %s\n", rcount,buffer);
// Return bytes read
return rcount;
Так я вроде получить предложения, как вы можете увидеть ниже, проблема как я получаю эти «неоднократные» части полного предложения, как это:
Received (15 bytes): M,-31.4,M,,*61
Вот полная вещь:
Received (72 bytes): GPGGA,182452.000,4456.2019,N,09337.0243,W,1,8,1.19,292.6,M,-31.4,M,,*61
Received (56 bytes): GPGSA,A,3,17,07,28,26,08,11,01,09,,,,,1.49,1.19,0.91*00
Received (15 bytes): M,-31.4,M,,*61
Received (72 bytes): GPGGA,182453.000,4456.2019,N,09337.0242,W,1,8,1.19,292.6,M,-31.4,M,,*61
Received (56 bytes): GPGSA,A,3,17,07,28,26,08,11,01,09,,,,,1.49,1.19,0.91*00
Received (15 bytes): M,-31.4,M,,*61
Received (72 bytes): GPGGA,182456.000,4456.2022,N,09337.0241,W,1,8,1.21,292.6,M,-31.4,M,,*64
Received (56 bytes): GPGSA,A,3,17,07,28,26,08,11,01,09,,,,,2.45,1.21,2.13*0C
Received (70 bytes): GPRMC,182456.000,A,4456.2022,N,09337.0241,W,0.40,183.74,110813,,,A*7F
Received (37 bytes): GPVTG,183.74,T,,M,0.40,N,0.73,K,A*34
Received (70 bytes): GPRMC,182453.000,A,4456.2019,N,09337.0242,W,0.29,183.74,110813,,,A*7E
Received (37 bytes): GPVTG,183.74,T,,M,0.29,N,0.55,K,A*3F
Received (32 bytes): 242,W,0.29,183.74,110813,,,A*7E
Received (70 bytes): GPRMC,182452.000,A,4456.2019,N,09337.0243,W,0.33,183.74,110813,,,A*75
Почему я получаю повторяющиеся предложения и как я могу это исправить? Я попытался промыть буферы последовательного порта, но потом все стало действительно уродливо! Благодарю.