2016-07-02 7 views

Я получил этот сценарий, чем при запуске из командной строки она работает отлично ...Python кронтаба попробовать кроме ValueError

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

import time 
from time import sleep 
import os 
import logging 
import glob 
import sys 
import subprocess 
import pymssql 
import shutil 
import StringIO 
from StringIO import StringIO 

#Check share mounted 
if os.path.ismount("/home/marco/cas01-share/") == 0: 

    #logging.info('share not mounted') 
    print "share not mounted" 
    #mount share 
    #logging.info('share now mounted') 
    #print "share now mounted" 
    print "share mounted" 

# File paths 
fullpath2Newfile = "/home/marco/cas01-share/New/" 
fullpathfiles2Process = "/home/marco/cas01-share/Process/" 
fullpathProcessedfiles = "/home/marco/cas01-share/Processed/" 

if not os.listdir('/home/marco/cas01-share/New'): 
    print "directory empty" 
    print "directory not empty" 

    # Directory more than one file? 
    num_files = len([f for f in os.listdir('/home/marco/cas01-share/New') 
       if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('/home/marco/cas01-share/New', f))]) 
    print "directory has " + str(num_files) + " files" 

    num_files = 0 

    for filename in os.listdir('/home/marco/cas01-share/New'): 
     succesfullRun = 0 
     num_files += 1 

     print filename 
     filename = str(filename) 
     batchnumber = filename.strip("['SENSE-extract-ascii--.csv']")[:-9] 
     print batchnumber 

     newfullpath2Newfile = fullpath2Newfile + filename 
     fullpathfiles2Process = "/home/marco/cas01-share/Process/SENSE-extract.csv" 
     fullpathProcessedfiles = "/home/marco/cas01-share/Processed/SENSE-extract-" + batchnumber + ".csv" 
     print newfullpath2Newfile 
     print fullpathfiles2Process 
     print fullpathProcessedfiles 

     # Execute job 
     ExceptionFlag = 0 
     while (succesfullRun == 0): 

      if ExceptionFlag == 0: 
       shutil.move(newfullpath2Newfile, fullpathfiles2Process) 


       # Move to sense check folder 
       # Connect to DB 
       conn = pymssql.connect(server='IP', user='User', password='password', tds_version='8.0') 
       cursor = conn.cursor() 
       cursor.execute("EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = 'Marco_test'") 

      except Exception as e: 
       (error_code, error_message) = e 

       ExceptionFlag = 1 

       #print error_message 

       if "does not exist" in error_message: 
        print "ERROR: Job name not found" 

       if "job is already running" in error_message: 
        print "ERROR: a Job is already running" 

       if "job already has a pending request" in error_message: 
        print "ERROR: pending request" 


       print "Job executed succesfully" 
       # Copy file to processed 
       shutil.copy(fullpathfiles2Process, fullpathProcessedfiles) 

       succesfullRun = 1 



Но когда я пытаюсь планировать на кронтаб я получаю сильфон ошибки

# Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron. 
# Each task to run has to be defined through a single line 
# indicating with different fields when the task will be run 
# and what command to run for the task 
# To define the time you can provide concrete values for 
# minute (m), hour (h), day of month (dom), month (mon), 
# and day of week (dow) or use '*' in these fields (for 'any').# 
# Notice that tasks will be started based on the cron's system 
# daemon's notion of time and timezones. 
# Output of the crontab jobs (including errors) is sent through 
# email to the user the crontab file belongs to (unless redirected). 
# For example, you can run a backup of all your user accounts 
# at 5 a.m every week with: 
# 0 5 * * 1 tar -zcf /var/backups/home.tgz /home/ 
# For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8) 
# m h dom mon dow command 

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/administrator/Share/scripts/python3 >> /home/administrator/Share/scripts/logs/sense$ 

Я получаю эту ошибку:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "...", line 239, in (error_code, error_message) = e ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

Я думаю, что его делать с нет трубопровода между «Кронос график выполненных джо b "и сценарий он сам, я не знаю, если это имеет какой-то смысл, как будто он не знает, где получить информацию и обратно ...

По существу, пытаясь поймать исключения EXECUT a MSSQL JOB команда.


Просто респ закройте эту строку с помощью 'print (e)', чтобы увидеть, что такое ошибка. Это может быть то, чего вы не ожидали. Как только вы исправите эту ошибку, вы должны изменить «except Exception ...» на «except WhateverYouExpect ...», чтобы неизвестные ошибки не проходили молча. – zondo



Обновлены и рабочий код:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

import time 
from time import sleep 
import os 
import logging 
import glob 
import sys 
import subprocess 
import pymssql 
import shutil 
import StringIO 
from StringIO import StringIO 
import mechanize 
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup 
import urllib2 

#Configure logging 
if os.path.isdir("/home/administrator/Share/scripts/logs/") == 0: 

if os.path.isfile("/home/administrator/Share/scripts/logs/sense.log") == 0: 
    open("/home/administrator/Share/scripts/logs/sense.log", 'w') 

logging.basicConfig(filename='/home/administrator/Share/scripts/logs/sense.log',level=logging.DEBUG,format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s') 
logging.info('RUNNING SCRIPT') 

#Check share mounted 
if os.path.ismount("/home/administrator/-share/") == 0: 

    logging.info('share not mounted') 
    #print "share not mounted" 
    #mount share 
    os.popen("sudo mount -t cifs \"//path to network share -o username=username,domain=domain,sec=ntlmssp,password=password") 
    logging.info('share now mounted') 
    #print "share now mounted" 

# start Automated browsing 
browser = mechanize.Browser() 
browser.select_form(nr = 0) 
browser.form['email'] = "user" 
browser.form['password'] = "pass" 

#Open Page (Data) 

#Find generate button 
i = 0 
batch = 0 
for form in browser.forms(): 

    browser.form = list(browser.forms())[0] # use when form is unnamed 

    for control in browser.form.controls: 
     if control.name == "generate": 
      batch = 1 
      logging.info('generate detected') 
      #print "generate detected" 
      #Click button 

    if batch == 0: 
     logging.info('nothing to generate') 
     #print "nothing to generate" 
     #print "*******************" 

    i =+ 1 
#END Find generate button 

#Back to "admin/Dowload" page (Data) 

# Data Table parsing 
html = browser.response().read() 
soup = BeautifulSoup(html) 

table = soup.find("table") 

i = 0 
for row in table.findAll("tr")[1:]: 

    col = row.findAll("td") 

    if not col: 

    batch = str(col[0]) 
    records = col[1] 
    generated = col[2] 
    downloaded = col[3] 
    links = col[4] 
    photos = col[5] 
    sheet = str(col[6]) 
    confirmed = col[7] 

    if "Not yet downloaded" in confirmed: 
     i += 1 

     stripbatch = batch.strip("<td></td>") 
     stripsheet = sheet.strip("<td><a href=\"download/xls/\">Excel</a></td>") 

     url = "website" + stripsheet 
     file = "/home/administrator/-share/New/SENSE-extract-ascii-" + stripsheet + "-" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ".csv" 

     #Dowload file 
     logging.info('File %s Downloaded', stripsheet) 
     #print "File " + stripsheet + " Downloaded" 
     browser.retrieve(url, file)[0] 

    if i < 1: 
     logging.info('nothing to dowload') 
     #print "nothing to dowload" 
     #print "******************" 

#END Table parsing 

#Reparse table to confirm 
browser.follow_link(text="Data") #reload page to see changes 

html = browser.response().read() 
soup = BeautifulSoup(html) 

table = soup.find("table") 

browser.select_form(nr = 0) 

while i >= 1: 

    browser.follow_link(text="Data") #reload page to see changes 

    html = browser.response().read() 
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html) 
    table = soup.find("table") 
    browser.select_form(nr = 0) 

    for form in browser.forms(): 

     for control in browser.form.controls: 
      if control.type == "submit": 
       i += 1 
       i = 0 

    if i == 0: 
     logging.info('nothing to confirm') 
     #print "nothing to confirm" 
     #print "******************" 
     logging.info('%s confirmed', control.name[0]) 
     #print control.name[0] + "confirmed" 

    browser.submit(nr = 0) 

logging.info('*** Batch generated and CSV file downloaded from Sense ***') 
#print "*** done ***" 

#END reparsin table to confirm 

#Change mount for access to test, for NEW, processed ... 
# Declase File paths 

# Scrap file information for naming Naming 

# Move and replace from New to sense processed folder 

#Execute Job start by job_name 

# Copy file to processed 

#END Sense file downloading 

# File paths 
fullpath2Newfile = "/home/administrator/-share/New/" 
fullpathfiles2Process = "/home/administrator/-share/" 
fullpathProcessedfiles = "/home/administrator/-share/Processed/" 

if not os.listdir('/home/administrator/cas01-share/New'): 
    # print "directory empty" 
     logging.info('No New files to upload') 

    #print "directory not empty" 

    # Directory more than one file? 
    num_files = len([f for f in os.listdir('/home/administrator/-share/New') 
       if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('/home/administrator/-share/New', f))]) 
    #print "directory has " + str(num_files) + " files" 

    # logging.info('More than one file in New Directory') 
    logging.info('Directory has: %s Files', str(num_files)) 

    num_files = 0 

    for filename in os.listdir('/home/administrator/-share/New'): 
     succesfullRun = 0 
     num_files += 1 

     # print filename 
     logging.info('File: %s', filename) 

     filename = str(filename) 
     batchnumber = filename.strip("['SENSE-extract-ascii--.csv']")[:-9] 
     print batchnumber 

     newfullpath2Newfile = fullpath2Newfile + filename 
     fullpathfiles2Process = "/home/administrator/-share/SENSE-extract.csv" 
     fullpathProcessedfiles = "/home/administrator/-share/Processed/SENSE-extract-" + batchnumber + ".csv" 
     print newfullpath2Newfile 
     # print fullpathfiles2Process 
     # print fullpathProcessedfiles 

     # Execute job 
     ExceptionFlag = 0 
     while (succesfullRun == 0): 

      if ExceptionFlag == 0: 
       shutil.move(newfullpath2Newfile, fullpathfiles2Process) 


       # Move to sense check folder 
       # Connect to DB 
       conn = pymssql.connect(server='server', user='domain\user', password='pwd', tds_version='8.0') 
       cursor = conn.cursor() 
       cursor.execute("EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = 'jobname'") 

      except Exception as e: 
       (error_message) = e 

       ExceptionFlag = 1 

       print error_message 
       #print error_message 

       if "does not exist" in error_message: 
        # print "ERROR: Job name not found" 
        logging.info('ERROR: Job name not found') 

       if "job is already running" in error_message: 
        #print "ERROR: a Job is already running" 
        logging.info('ERROR: a Job is already running') 

       if "job already has a pending request" in error_message: 
        # print "ERROR: pending request" 
        logging.info('ERROR: pending request') 

       if "Unable to connect" in error_message: 
        # print "ERROR: Server unavailable" 
        logging.info('ERROR: Server unavailable') 


       # print "Job executed succesfully" 
       logging.info('Job %s Executed', batchnumber) 
       # Copy file to processed 
       shutil.copy(fullpathfiles2Process, fullpathProcessedfiles) 

       succesfullRun = 1 


logging.info('Finished uploading jobs') 

#END script 

Ваша проблема в том, что вы распаковываете исключение. Исключения не должны считаться итерабельными, и вы не должны предполагать, что они содержат аргументы.

In [2]: try: 
    ...:  assert False 
    ...: except Exception as e: 
    ...:  c, m = e 
ValueError        Traceback (most recent call last) 
<ipython-input-2-2e0dd0160822> in <module>() 
     2  assert False 
     3 except Exception as e: 
----> 4  c, m = e 

ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack 

Если передать сообщение к классу исключений, тогда имеет значение 1:

In [3]: try: 
    assert False, "This is a message" 
except Exception as e: 
    c, m = e 
ValueError        Traceback (most recent call last) 
<ipython-input-3-8af2ea044375> in <module>() 
     2  assert False, "This is a message" 
     3 except Exception as e: 
----> 4  c, m = e 

ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack 

Ваша ошибка обработка неотъемлемо выдает ошибку после ловли вашей ошибки. Научитесь использовать отслеживающий или Exception.args вместо:

Traceback Пример

In [10]: try: 
    ....:   assert False, "This is a message" 
    ....: except Exception as error: 
    ....:  trace = traceback.format_exc() 
    ....:  print(trace, file=sys.stderr) 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<ipython-input-10-5a56c0f9112a>", line 2, in <module> 
    assert False, "This is a message" 
AssertionError: This is a message 

Exception.args Пример

In [11]: from __future__ import print_function 

In [12]: import sys 

In [13]: try: 
    ....:  assert False, "This is a message" 
    ....: except Exception as error: 
    ....:  print(error.args, file=sys.stderr) 
('This is a message',) 

Вы имеете в виду это '(error_code, error_message) = e' производит и ошибка? странная вещь, которая отлично работает с другого сервера ... есть взгляд на трассировку и исключения – maco1717


Возможно, у вас есть несколько аргументов @ maco1717 с другого сервера. Или ошибка не возникает с другого сервера. Это не решает вашу полную проблему, но решает вопрос, заданный вами. Либо аргументы различны, что вызывает другой класс исключений с вашего нового сервера, либо ваши ошибки никогда не возникали в вашем старом случае, так что блок никогда не выполнялся. В любом случае эта линия плохая. –


@ maco1717, В конечном счете я не могу полностью отладить ваш код, но я могу порекомендовать протоколировать полную трассировку ошибок, чтобы вы знали, с чем работаете. Я также знаю, что удалить эту строку кода будет немного. –