Я пытаюсь запустить конференцию, используя базовый образец конференц-связи UCMA 4.0 и первую конечную точку пользователя, застрявшую при установлении вызова (это lync не звонит). Исключение таймаута запускается через некоторое время. В чем главная проблема?Конференц-связь UCMA, установленная при первом установлении участника
BTW, платформа запускается уже с обнаружением 3 конечных точек приложения, установленных.
глотка: [email protected]; GRUU; непрозрачным = SRVR: yyapp: EHghH8UXNVqIedXU3YgJyQAAYYApp глотка: [email protected]; GRUU; непрозрачным = SRVR: yyapp: EHghH8UXNVqIedXU3YgJyQAAMachine1 SIP: [email protected]; GRUU; непрозрачное = SRVR: yyapp: EHghH8UXNVqIedXU3YgJyQAAMachine2 глоток: [email protected]; GRUU; непрозрачное = SRVR: yyapp: EHghH8UXNVqIedXU3YgJyQAAMachine3 «LyncGame.Gateway.TestConnection .vshost.exe '(CLR v4.0.30319: LyncGame.Gateway.TestConnection.vshost.exe): Загружен' C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Data.SqlXml \ v4.0_4.0.0.0bbaa5c561934e089 \ System.Data.SqlXml.dll. Пропущенные символы загрузки. Модуль оптимизирован и включен параметр отладчика «Только мой код». 'LyncGame.Gateway.TestConnection.vshost.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: LyncGame.Gateway.TestConnection.vshost.exe): загружен «System.Xml.Xsl.CompiledQuery.1». Поток 0x6e8 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x3dd4 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x2138 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). 'LyncGame.Gateway.TestConnection.vshost.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: LyncGame.Gateway.TestConnection.vshost.exe): Загружена 'C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Security \ v4. 0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a \ System.Security.dll. Пропущенные символы загрузки. Модуль оптимизирован и включен параметр отладчика «Только мой код». Поток 0x3180 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x350c вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x1698 вышел с кодом 0 (0x0). Поток 0x3ef4 вышел с кодом 0 (0x0). Поток 0x3f00 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x2a24 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x3fc0 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x3750 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x27b8 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x11e0 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x2214 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x1564 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x3740 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x28a8 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Поток 0x1da8 вышел с кодом 259 (0x103). Первый шанс исключение типа «Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.OperationTimeoutException» произошло в Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.dll
class UCMAConference
#region Locals
// The IM to send upon joining the MCU.
private static String _messageToSend = "Hello, World!";
private Conference _conference;
private ApplicationEndpoint _callerEndpoint, _calleeEndpoint;
//Wait handles are only present to keep things synchronous and easy to read.
private AutoResetEvent _waitForCallEstablish = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent _waitForConferenceScheduling = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent _waitForConferenceJoin = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent _waitForMessageReceived = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent _waitForMessage2Received = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent waitForUserEndpointEstablish = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent _waitForShutdown = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent _waitForConversationInviteRemoteParticipants = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private InstantMessagingFlow _IMFlow;
private InstantMessagingFlow _IMFlow2;
public Conference StartConference()
foreach (var item in PlatformDataProvider.DataProvider.AppEndpoints)
WriteLog.AddLine(item.EndpointUri + item.OwnerDisplayName);
Console.WriteLine(item.EndpointUri + item.OwnerDisplayName);
// to create end point(s)
UCMACoach ucmaCoach = new UCMACoach();
UserEndpointSettings settings = new UserEndpointSettings("sip:[email protected]");
UserEndpoint _userEndpoint = new UserEndpoint(PlatformDataProvider.DataProvider.CollabPlatform, settings);
_userEndpoint.BeginEstablish(ar =>
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLog.AddLine("Error on establish: " + ex.Message);
}, null);
WriteLog.AddLine("User endpoint has been established ");
_userEndpoint.LocalOwnerPresence.BeginSubscribe(r =>
}, null);
//IAsyncResult result = _userEndpoint.LocalOwnerPresence.BeginPublishPresence(Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.Presence.PresenceAvailability.Busy);
// Create a user endpoint, using the network credential object
// defined above.
_callerEndpoint = PlatformDataProvider.DataProvider.AppEndpoints[1];
/* friendly name for conference leader endpoint */
// Create a second user endpoint, using the network credential object
// defined above.
_calleeEndpoint = PlatformDataProvider.DataProvider.AppEndpoints[2];
/* friendly name for conference attendee endpoint */
// Get the URI for the user logged onto Microsoft Lync
String _ocUserURI = "sip:[email protected]";
// One of the endpoints schedules the conference in advance. At
// schedule time, all the conference settings are set.
// The base conference settings object, used to set the policies for the conference.
ConferenceScheduleInformation conferenceScheduleInformation = new ConferenceScheduleInformation();
// An open meeting (participants can join who are not on the list),
// but requiring authentication (no anonymous users allowed.)
conferenceScheduleInformation.AccessLevel = ConferenceAccessLevel.SameEnterprise;
// The below flag determines whether or not the passcode is optional
// for users joining the conference.
conferenceScheduleInformation.IsPasscodeOptional = true;
conferenceScheduleInformation.Passcode = "1357924680";
// The verbose description of the conference
conferenceScheduleInformation.Description = "StartReady | Conference Testing";
// The below field indicates the date and time after which the conference can be deleted.
conferenceScheduleInformation.ExpiryTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddHours(5);
// These two lines assign a set of modalities (here, only
// InstantMessage) from the available MCUs to the conference. Custom
// modalities (and their corresponding MCUs) may be added at this
// time as part of the extensibility model.
ConferenceMcuInformation instantMessageMCU = new ConferenceMcuInformation(McuType.InstantMessaging);
// Now that the setup object is complete, schedule the conference
// using the conference services off of Endpoint. Note: the conference
// organizer is considered a leader of the conference by default.
EndScheduleConference, _callerEndpoint.ConferenceServices);
// Wait for the scheduling to complete.
// Now that the conference is scheduled, it's time to join it. As we
// already have a reference to the conference object populated from
// the EndScheduleConference call, we do not need to get the
// conference first. Initialize a conversation off of the endpoint,
// and join the conference from the uri provided above.
Conversation callerConversation = new Conversation(_callerEndpoint);
callerConversation.ConferenceSession.StateChanged += new
// Join and wait, again forcing synchronization.
callerConversation.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin(_conference.ConferenceUri, null /*joinOptions*/,
EndJoinConference, callerConversation.ConferenceSession);
// Placing the calls on the conference-connected conversation
// connects to the respective MCUs. These calls may then be used to
// communicate with the conference/MCUs.
InstantMessagingCall instantMessagingCall = new InstantMessagingCall(callerConversation);
// Hooking up event handlers and then placing the call.
instantMessagingCall.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested +=
instantMessagingCall.StateChanged += this._call_StateChanged;
instantMessagingCall.BeginEstablish(EndCallEstablish, instantMessagingCall);
//Synchronize to ensure that call has completed.
//send conf invite
ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions deliverOptions = new ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions();
deliverOptions.ToastMessage = new ToastMessage("Welcome to conference of StartReady Demo");
ConferenceInvitation invitation = new ConferenceInvitation(callerConversation);
invitation.BeginDeliver(_ocUserURI, deliverOptions, EndDeliverInvitation, invitation);
// Synchronize to ensure that invitation is complete
//And from the other endpoint's perspective:
//Initialize a conversation off of the endpoint, and join the
//conference from the uri provided above.
Conversation calleeConversation = new Conversation(_calleeEndpoint);
calleeConversation.ConferenceSession.StateChanged += new
// Join and wait, again forcing synchronization.
calleeConversation.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin(_conference.ConferenceUri, null /*joinOptions*/,
EndJoinConference, calleeConversation.ConferenceSession);
// Placing the calls on the conference-connected conversation
// connects to the respective MCUs. These calls may then be used to
//communicate with the conference/MCUs.
InstantMessagingCall instantMessagingCall2 = new InstantMessagingCall(calleeConversation);
//Hooking up event handlers and then placing the call.
instantMessagingCall2.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested +=
instantMessagingCall2.StateChanged += this._call_StateChanged;
instantMessagingCall2.BeginEstablish(EndCallEstablish, instantMessagingCall2);
//Synchronize to ensure that call has completed.
//Synchronize to ensure that all messages are sent and received
//Wait for shutdown initiated by user
//UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");
return _conference;
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLog.AddLine("Cannot start conference: " + ex.Message);
return null;
#region side methods
void ConferenceSession_StateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs<ConferenceSessionState> e)
ConferenceSession confSession = sender as ConferenceSession;
//Session participants allow for disambiguation.
WriteLog.AddLine("The conference session with Local Participant: " +
confSession.Conversation.LocalParticipant + " has changed state. " +
"The previous conference state was: " + e.PreviousState +
" and the current state is: " + e.State);
// Flow created indicates that there is a flow present to begin media
// operations with, and that it is no longer null.
public void instantMessagingCall_InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested
(object sender, InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs e)
InstantMessagingFlow instantMessagingFlow = sender as InstantMessagingFlow;
WriteLog.AddLine("Caller's Flow Created.");
instantMessagingFlow = e.Flow;
_IMFlow = instantMessagingFlow;
// Now that the flow is non-null, bind the event handlers for State
// Changed and Message Received. When the flow goes active, (as
// indicated by the state changed event) the program will send the
// IM in the event handler.
instantMessagingFlow.StateChanged += this.instantMessagingFlow_StateChanged;
// Message Received is the event used to indicate that a message has
// been received from the far end.
instantMessagingFlow.MessageReceived += this.instantMessagingFlow_MessageReceived;
// Flow created indicates that there is a flow present to begin media
// operations with, and that it is no longer null.
public void instantMessagingCall2_InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested(
object sender, InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs e)
InstantMessagingFlow instantMessagingFlow = sender as InstantMessagingFlow;
WriteLog.AddLine("Callee's Flow Created.");
instantMessagingFlow = e.Flow;
_IMFlow2 = instantMessagingFlow;
// Now that the flow is non-null, bind the event handlers for State
// Changed and Message Received. When the flow goes active, the
// program will send the IM in the event handler.
instantMessagingFlow.StateChanged += this.instantMessagingFlow2_StateChanged;
// Message Received is the event used to indicate that a message
// from the far end has been received.
instantMessagingFlow.MessageReceived += this.instantMessagingFlow2_MessageReceived;
private void instantMessagingFlow_StateChanged(object sender, MediaFlowStateChangedEventArgs e)
InstantMessagingFlow instantMessagingFlow = sender as InstantMessagingFlow;
WriteLog.AddLine("Flow state changed from " + e.PreviousState + " to " + e.State);
//When flow is active, media operations (here, sending an IM) may begin.
if (e.State == MediaFlowState.Active)
_IMFlow = instantMessagingFlow;
WriteLog.AddLine("Please type the message to send...");
string msg = Console.ReadLine();
//Send the message on the InstantMessagingFlow.
instantMessagingFlow.BeginSendInstantMessage(msg, EndSendMessage, instantMessagingFlow);
private void instantMessagingFlow2_StateChanged(object sender, MediaFlowStateChangedEventArgs e)
InstantMessagingFlow instantMessagingFlow = sender as InstantMessagingFlow;
WriteLog.AddLine("Flow state changed from " + e.PreviousState + " to " + e.State);
//When flow is active, media operations (here, sending an IM) may begin.
if (e.State == MediaFlowState.Active)
_IMFlow2 = instantMessagingFlow;
private void EndSendMessage(IAsyncResult ar)
InstantMessagingFlow instantMessagingFlow = ar.AsyncState as InstantMessagingFlow;
WriteLog.AddLine("The message has been sent.");
catch (OperationTimeoutException opTimeEx)
// OperationFailureException: Indicates failure to connect the
// IM to the remote party due to timeout (called party failed
// to respond within the expected time).
// TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code
private void instantMessagingFlow_MessageReceived(object sender, InstantMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
InstantMessagingFlow instantMessagingFlow = sender as InstantMessagingFlow;
//On an incoming Instant Message, print the contents to the console.
WriteLog.AddLine("In caller's message handler: " + e.Sender.DisplayName + " said: " + e.TextBody);
private void instantMessagingFlow2_MessageReceived(object sender, InstantMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
InstantMessagingFlow instantMessagingFlow = sender as InstantMessagingFlow;
//On an incoming Instant Message, print the contents to the console.
WriteLog.AddLine("In callee's message handler: " + e.Sender.DisplayName + " said: " + e.TextBody);
WriteLog.AddLine("Message received will be echoed");
_messageToSend = "echo: " + e.TextBody;
//Send the message on the InstantMessagingFlow.
if (_IMFlow2 != null && _IMFlow2.State == MediaFlowState.Active)
_IMFlow2.BeginSendInstantMessage(_messageToSend, EndSendMessage, instantMessagingFlow);
WriteLog.AddLine("Could not echo message because flow was either null or inactive");
private void EndCallEstablish(IAsyncResult ar)
Call call = ar.AsyncState as Call;
WriteLog.AddLine("The call with Local Participant: " + call.Conversation.LocalParticipant +
" and Remote Participant: " + call.RemoteEndpoint.Participant +
" is now in the established state.");
catch (OperationFailureException opFailEx)
// OperationFailureException: Indicates failure to connect the
// call to the remote party.
// TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code
catch (RealTimeException exception)
// RealTimeException may be thrown on media or link-layer
// TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code
//Again, just to sync the completion of the code.
private void EndDeliverInvitation(IAsyncResult ar)
ConferenceInvitation invitation = ar.AsyncState as ConferenceInvitation;
catch (OperationFailureException opFailEx)
// OperationFailureException: Indicates failure to connect the
// call to the remote party.
// TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code
catch (RealTimeException exception)
// RealTimeException may be thrown on media or link-layer failures.
// TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code
//Again, just to sync the completion of the code.
private void EndScheduleConference(IAsyncResult ar)
ConferenceServices confSession = ar.AsyncState as ConferenceServices;
//End schedule conference returns the conference object, which
// contains the vast majority of the data relevant to that
// conference.
_conference = confSession.EndScheduleConference(ar);
WriteLog.AddLine(" The conference is now scheduled.");
catch (ConferenceFailureException confFailEx)
// ConferenceFailureException may be thrown on failures to
// schedule due to MCUs being absent or unsupported, or due to
// malformed parameters.
// TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code
//Again, for sync. reasons.
private void EndJoinConference(IAsyncResult ar)
ConferenceSession confSession = ar.AsyncState as ConferenceSession;
catch (ConferenceFailureException confFailEx)
// ConferenceFailureException may be thrown on failures due to
// MCUs being absent or unsupported, or due to malformed parameters.
// TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code
catch (RealTimeException rTEx)
// TODO (Left to the reader): Add error handling code
//Again, for sync. reasons.
//Just to record the state transitions in the console.
void _call_StateChanged(object sender, CallStateChangedEventArgs e)
Call call = sender as Call;
//Call participants allow for disambiguation.
WriteLog.AddLine("The call with Local Participant: " + call.Conversation.LocalParticipant +
" has changed state. The previous call state was: " + e.PreviousState +
" and the current state is: " + e.State);
Есть ли вероятность получить стек вызовов для исключения. Для приложений UCMA я бы рекомендовал добавлять журналы регистрации исключений для каждого из обработчиков событий UCMA, что значительно упростит отладку вашего решения. –