Ничего не придумано. Стандартный comment
t=# \x
Expanded display is on.
t=# comment on type my_type is 'foo: something fooish, bar: a place to avoid';
t=# \dT+ my_type
List of data types
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+---------------------------------------------
Schema | public
Name | my_type
Internal name | my_type
Size | 4
Elements | foo +
| bar
Owner | postgres
Access privileges |
Description | foo: something fooish, bar: a place to avoid
с каким-то извращенец фантазии:
t=# comment on type my_type is '{"foo": "something fooish", "bar": "a place to avoid"}';
t=# select pg_catalog.obj_description(t.oid, 'pg_type')::json->>'foo' from pg_type t where typname = 'my_type';
something fooish
(1 row)