Я хочу написать программу, которая выполняет двоичный поиск в файле.Java-программа для поиска в двоичных файлах
У меня есть TreeSet ADT, который имеет строки int, и я хочу искать в файле для каждой строки таким образом: Сначала я хочу прочитать среднюю страницу файла и выполнить поиск. Если строка найдена, возвращается позиция строки; если нет, то я хочу прочитать страницу с левой или правой половины файла в зависимости от алфавитного порядка строк.
Мой код для класса двоичного поиска является:
public class PageBinarySearch {
final int NOT_FOUND = -1;
final int BOUND_LIMIT = -1;
final int EVRTHG_OK = 0;
final int ON = 1;
final int OFF = 0;
private DataInputStream inFile;
private String[] readBuffer; //This buffer is used to read a specified page from
//the disk.
private String[] auxBuffer; //Auxiliary buffer is used for searching in the la-
//st page. This buffer has less than PAGE_SIZE ele-
private int lastPage, leftElemNum, lastPageNo;
private int diskAccessMeter; //This variable is used to count disk accesses.
private int firstNum;
//Constructor of the class
public PageBinarySearch(String filename, String key, int PageSize, int numPage, int numOfWords) throws IOException{
System.out.println("Binary Search on disk pages");
//Initializing the elements of the class.
readBuffer = new String[PageSize];
lastPage = numPage*PageSize;
leftElemNum = numOfWords-(lastPage);
auxBuffer = new String[leftElemNum];
lastPageNo = numPage;
diskAccessMeter = 0;
basicPageBinarySearchMethod(filename, 0, lastPageNo, key,PageSize,numPage,numOfWords);
System.out.println("Disk accesses:"+this.getDiskAccessMeter());
//Recursive binary search on disk pages.
public void basicPageBinarySearchMethod(String filename, int start, int end,
String key, int PageSize, int numPage, int numOfWords) throws IOException{
inFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));
int bound = boundHandler(start, key);
if (bound != EVRTHG_OK){return;}
int midPage = start + (end-start)/2;
int midPageIndex = ((midPage) * (PageSize));
int midPageEnd = midPageIndex + PageSize;
System.out.println(" Index:"+midPageIndex+" End:"+midPageEnd);
//Accessing midPage's index.
accessPageIndex(midPageIndex - 1);
if (key.compareTo(readBuffer[0])<0){
//Case that the key is in the left part.
end = midPage - 1;
inFile.close(); //We close the stream because in the next recursion
//we want to access new midPage.
basicPageBinarySearchMethod(filename, start, end, key, PageSize, numPage, numOfWords);
else if (key.compareTo(readBuffer[255])>0){
//Case that the key is in the left part.
start = midPage+1;
basicPageBinarySearchMethod(filename, start, end, key, PageSize, numPage, numOfWords);
//Case that:
//a) key is bigger than the integer, which is in the midPage-
//Index position of the file, and
//b) key is less than the integer, which is in the midPageEnd
//position of the file.
LookingOnPage(midPage, key);
public int boundHandler(int start, String key) throws IOException{
if (start == this.getLastPageNo()){
//In this case the program has to start searching in the last page,
//which has less than PAGE_SIZE elements. So we call the alternative
//function "LookingOnLastPage".
System.out.println("Start == End");
//if (key < this.getFirstNum()){
//System.out.println("Key does not exist.");
//return BOUND_LIMIT;
return EVRTHG_OK;
//This function is running a binary search in the specified disk page, which
//is saved in the readBuffer.
public void LookingOnPage(int pageNo, String key) throws IOException{
int i, result;
System.out.println("Looking for key:"+key+" on page:"+(pageNo+1));
result = myBinarySearch(key, readBuffer);
if (result != -1){
System.out.println("Key found on page:"+(pageNo+1));
System.out.println("Key is not found");
//This function is running a binary search in the last disk page, which
//is saved in the auxBuffer.
public void LookingOnLastPage(String key) throws IOException{
int i, result;
System.out.println("Looking for key:"+key+" on last page:"
for (i=0; i<this.getLeftElemNum(); i++){
auxBuffer[i] = inFile.readUTF();
result = myBinarySearch(key, auxBuffer);
if (result != -1){
System.out.println("Key found on last page");
System.out.println("Key is not found");
public void accessPageIndex(int intNum) throws IOException
//This function is skipping intNum integers in the file, to access page's
int i;
System.out.println(" Accessing page's index...");
public void fillBasicBuffer(int PageSize) throws IOException{
//Loading readBuffer.
int i;
for (i=0; i<PageSize; i++){
readBuffer[i] = inFile.readUTF();
//This function implements binary search on a given buffer.
public int myBinarySearch(String key, String[] auxBuffer) {
int lo = 0;
int hi = auxBuffer.length - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
// Key is in a[lo..hi] or not present.
int mid = lo + (hi - lo)/2;
if (key.compareTo(auxBuffer[mid])<0) hi = mid - 1;
else if (key.compareTo(auxBuffer[mid])>0) lo = mid + 1;
else return mid;
return NOT_FOUND;
public int getLastPage() {
return lastPage;
public void setLastPage(int lastPage) {
this.lastPage = lastPage;
public int getLeftElemNum() {
return leftElemNum;
public void setLeftElemNum(int leftElemNum) {
this.leftElemNum = leftElemNum;
public int getLastPageNo() {
return lastPageNo;
public void setLastPageNo(int lastPageNo) {
this.lastPageNo = lastPageNo;
public int getDiskAccessMeter() {
return diskAccessMeter;
public void setDiskAccessMeter(int diskAccessMeter) {
this.diskAccessMeter = diskAccessMeter;
public int getFirstNum() {
return firstNum;
public void setFirstNum(String filename) throws IOException {
inFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));
this.firstNum = inFile.readInt();
и мой основной является:
public class MyMain {
private static final int DataPageSize = 128; // Default Data Page size
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
TreeSet<DictPage> listOfWords = new TreeSet<DictPage>(new MyDictPageComp());
LinkedList<Page> Eurethrio = new LinkedList<Page>();
File file = new File("C:\\Kennedy.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
//This will reference one line at a time...
String line = null;
int line_count=0; //Metavliti gia na metrame grammes ..
int byte_count; //Metavliti gia na metrame bytes...
int total_byte_count=0; //Metavliti gia synoliko arithmo bytes ...
int fromIndex;
int middleP;
int kat = 0;
while((line = br.readLine())!= null){
String [] tokens = line.split(",\\s+|\\s*\\\"\\s*|\\s+|\\.\\s*|\\s*\\:\\s*");
String line_rest=line;
for (int i=1; i <= tokens.length; i++) {
byte_count = line_rest.indexOf(tokens[i-1]);
fromIndex = fromIndex + byte_count + 1 + tokens[i-1].length();
if (fromIndex < line.length())
line_rest = line.substring(fromIndex);
listOfWords.add(new DictPage(tokens[i-1],kat));
Eurethrio.add(new Page("Kennedy",fromIndex));
total_byte_count += fromIndex;
Eurethrio.add(new Page("Kennedy", total_byte_count));
//for(DictPage p : listOfWords){
//System.out.println(p.getWord() + " " + p.getPage());
//for (int i = 0;i<Eurethrio.size();i++){
//System.out.println(""+Eurethrio.get(i).getFile()+" "+Eurethrio.get(i).getBytes());
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(128) ;
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(bos);
String s ;
int integ;
byte[] buf ;
int nPag=1; //Aritmos selidwn
int numOfWords=0;
for (DictPage p : listOfWords){
s = p.getWord();
integ = p.getPage();
byte dst[] = new byte[20];
byte[] src = s.getBytes(); //metatrepei se bytes to string
System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 1, src.length); //to antigrafei ston buffer dst
out.write(dst, 0, 20); // to grafei sto arxeio
out.writeInt(integ); // grafei ton akeraio sto file
buf = bos.toByteArray(); // Creates a newly allocated byte array.
System.out.println("\nbuf size: " + buf.length + " bytes");
//dhmiourgia selidas (h opoia einai enas byte array)
if(buf.length> nPag*DataPageSize){
byte[] DataPage = new byte[nPag*DataPageSize];
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, DataPage, 0, buf.length); // antigrafw buf sth selida
bos.close();//kleinw buf
// write to the file
RandomAccessFile MyFile = new RandomAccessFile ("newbabis", "rw");
System.out.println("Number of Pages :"+nPag);
if (nPag%2 == 0){
middleP = nPag/2;
middleP = (nPag+1)/2;
System.out.println("Middle page is no:"+middleP);
PageBinarySearch BinarySearch;
String key;
for(DictPage p : listOfWords){
key = p.getWord();
BinarySearch = new PageBinarySearch("C:\\Kennedy.txt", key , DataPageSize, nPag, numOfWords);
Моя программа не работает хорошо, и я не могу найти то, что я делать неправильно.
Есть ли у вас ошибки? –
@RomanC да .. at PageBinarySearch. (PageBinarySearch.java:36) –
Вы должны добавить stacktrace. –