Смарт предложение, слово, ник строитель команду:
//echo $regword(3,10).text-30
gezodifix sebiy podagafiw curetumubih gidaharik tibovifec lacuxujor tumihugob yiwosinok nifabatuv boyeces cadamujez wuz nowafeh webenevip wekegibis herumeyab wefehadal jocavor kasitijor wizepijab givepulec pafucuk cebohes yirujisap xer nucupiyas lugob dogev moy
alias regword { noop $regex($prop,/(\d+$)) | var %i-l $regml(1) | while %i-l { var %imp $addtok(%imp,$regdom($1,$2).w,32) | dec %i-l } | return %imp }
alias regdom {
if !$isid {
var %e- echo 5
%e- *** Commands:
%e- *** $!regdom(N,N).w N<N 1-10 From 1 to 10 character random words
%e- : $!regdom(3,10).w $!regdom(3,10)
%e- :*** Command KEY & Result:
%e- : w dukepogeh
%e- : WR Mix
%e- : nr zeritacen^49
%e- : Mix mixing special characters H^a]y|u^M]A-g´
%e- : *** BONUS
%e- : ipsum regular word $!regword(3,10).text-10
%e- : Letters of words in the range of 3 to 10. 10 words creates Sentence
if $isid {
if $1 < $2 && $2 > 40 { echo 4 *** The maximum length value should be 1<40 | return }
if $1 < $2 && $2 <= 40 {
var %l' $r($1,$2),%s' a e i o u ,%a' b c d f g h j k l m n p r s t v x w y z . | :r
var %k' $addtok(%k',$gettok(%a',$r(1,$numtok(%a',32)),32),32)
if $len(%k') < %l' goto r
if $len(%k') >= %l' {
var %s- _.-.|.\.[.].^.´
var %r1 $regsubex($regsubex(%k',/(\W)/ig,$gettok(%s',$r(1,$numtok(%s',32)),32)),/([a-f]|[c-g]|[h-z])/g,$iif($r(0,20) > 15,$upper(\t),\t))
var %r2 $+($gettok(%s-,$r(1,$gettok(%s-,0,46)),46),$r(18,85))
var %r3 $regsubex($regsubex(%k',/(\W)/ig,$gettok(%s',$r(1,$numtok(%s',32)),32)),/([a-f]|[c-g]|[h-z])/g,$iif($r(1,100) > 10, $&
$+($iif($r(0,20) > 15,$upper(\t),\t),$gettok(%s-,$r(1,$gettok(%s-,0,46)),46)),$iif($r(0,20) > 15,$upper(\t),\t)))
if $prop === NR return $+($upper(%r1),%r2)
if $prop === nr return $+($lower(%r1),%r2)
if $prop === W return $upper(%r1)
if $prop === w return $lower(%r1)
if $prop === mix return %r3
if $prop === WR || !$prop { return $iif($r(1,10) > 5,%r1,$+(%r1,%r2)) }
else echo 5 *** incorrect key | return
} }
else echo 5 ***Incorrect or missing parameters..
} }