2010-10-12 2 views
Feature: list video in stored 

     Given I have the following videos 
      | title        | format | 
      | Running Central Park in the Fall | BluRay | 
      | Running Glacier Park in the Spring | Download | 
      | Running Balboa Park in the Winter | DVD  | 

    Scenario: list videos in stored 
     When I am on the "video" page 
     Then I should see "Running Central Park in the Fall" 
     Then I should see "Running Glacier Park in the Spring" 
     Then I should see "Running Balboa Park in the Winter" 

    Scenario: Page links 
    When I view all videos from page "1" 
    Then I should not see "Cycling Utah in the Spring" 
    Then I should not see "Touring Utah in the Spring" 
    Then I should see "Previous" 
    Then I should see "1" 
    Then I should see "2" 
    Then I should see "Next" 

    Scenario: Show a message when there is no video 
    When I am on the "video" page 
    Then I should see "No videos" 

Я хочу использовать фон для сценария: «список видео в сохраненных» и «ссылки на страницы», но исключение Сценарий: «Показывать сообщение, когда нет видео». Пожалуйста, поддержите меня. благодаряИспользуемый фон для некоторого сценария



создать 2 функции одного с фоном и сценарий, другой без фона

Feature: list video in stored 

     Given I have the following videos 
      | title        | format | 
      | Running Central Park in the Fall | BluRay | 
      | Running Glacier Park in the Spring | Download | 
      | Running Balboa Park in the Winter | DVD  | 

    Scenario: list videos in stored 
     When I am on the "video" page 
     Then I should see "Running Central Park in the Fall" 
     Then I should see "Running Glacier Park in the Spring" 
     Then I should see "Running Balboa Park in the Winter" 

    Scenario: Page links 
    When I view all videos from page "1" 
    Then I should not see "Cycling Utah in the Spring" 
    Then I should not see "Touring Utah in the Spring" 
    Then I should see "Previous" 
    Then I should see "1" 
    Then I should see "2" 
    Then I should see "Next" 

Feature: list video in stored without video 
    Scenario: Show a message when there is no video 
    When I am on the "video" page 
    Then I should see "No videos" 

Спасибо за ваш ответ. но мы не можем поставить 2 Feature в файл. Я не хочу разбивать его на 2 файла. – khanh


Нам, тогда вам придется удалить фон и сделать его шагом в первых двух квалификационных сценариях. – burtlo