Я пытаюсь запустить скрипт из UFT ALM с помощью VBScript, но я получаю сообщение об ошибке на линии:Получение ошибки «Компонент ActiveX не может создать объект» при запуске testset
set objScheduler = objTestSet.StartExecution ("").
Error:ActiveX component can’t create object
Полный сценарий:
' Script : Run the ALM/QC Test Sets
Dim objTDCon, objTreeMgr, objTestSetFolder, objTestSetList
Dim objTestSet, objScheduler, objExecStatus, objTestExecStatus
Dim strTestSetFolderPath, strTestSetName, strReportStatus, intCounter
'Declare the Test Folder, Test and Host you wish to run the test on
'Enter the URL to QC server
strQCURL = ""
'Enter Domain to use on QC server
strQCDomain = "DEFAULT"
'Enter Project Name
strQCProject = "Test"
'Enter the User name to log in and run test
strQCUser = "alm_user"
'Enter user password for the account above.
strQCPassword = "pass"
'Enter the path to the Test set folder
strTestSetFolderPath = "Root\UFT\"
'Enter the test set to be run
strTestSetName = "GUItest1"
'Enter the target machine to run test
'Connect to Quality Center and login.
Set objTDCon = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
'Make connection to QC server
objTDCon.InitConnectionEx strQCURL
'Login in to QC server
objTDCon.Login strQCUser, strQCPassword
'select Domain and project
objTDCon.Connect strQCDomain, strQCProject
'Select the test to run
Set objTreeMgr = objTDCon.TestSetTreeManager
Set objTestSetFolder = objTreeMgr.NodeByPath(strTestSetFolderPath)
Set objTestSetList = objTestSetFolder.FindTestSets (strTestSetName)
intCounter = 1
'find test set object
While intCounter <= objTestSetList.Count
Set objTestSet = objTestSetList.Item(intCounter)
If objTestSet.Name = strTestSetName Then
intCounter = objTestSetList.Count + 1
End If
intCounter = intCounter + 1
'Set the Host name to run on and run the test.
' // Getting Error here:"ActiveX component can't create object"
Set objScheduler = objTestSet.StartExecution ("")
' Set this empty to run local for automation run agent
objScheduler.RunAllLocally = True
'msgbox "Hostname passed"
'objScheduler.TdHostName = strHostName
'Wait for the test to run to completion.
Set objExecStatus = objScheduler.ExecutionStatus
While objExecStatus.Finished = False
objExecStatus.RefreshExecStatusInfo "all", True
If objExecStatus.Finished = False Then
WScript.sleep 5
End If
'Below is example to determine if execution failed for error reporting.
strReportStatus = "Passed"
For intCounter = 1 To objExecStatus.Count
Set objTestExecStatus = objExecStatus.Item(intCounter)
'msgbox intCounter & " " & objTestExecStatus.Status
If Not (Instr (1, Ucase(objTestExecStatus.Status), Ucase ("Passed")) > 0) Then
strReportStatus = "Failed"
testsPassed = 0
Exit For
testsPassed = 1
End If
If (Err.Number > 0) Then
'MsgBox "Run Time Error. Unable to complete the test execution !! " &
WScript.Quit 1
ElseIf testsPassed >0 Then
'Msgbox "Tests Passed !!"
WScript.Quit 0
'Msgbox "Tests Failed !!"
WScript.Quit 1
End If
У вас есть какие-либо конкретные причины для использования этого подхода для запуска теста? – ManishChristian
есть ли другой способ? –
Вам просто нужно выполнить скрипт UFT из ALM, и все. – ManishChristian