Чтобы сделать свой собственный экспортер, вы должны сделать что-то вроде этого:
public class MyExport : ExportManager
private Graph g = null;
public MyExport() {
public override void Prepare(Graph graph) {
// This method will be called once at the beginning of the export.
// So we keep the graph being exported.
g = graph;
public override void Release() {
// Called once at the end of the export process.
public override bool GetGraph(GraphExport graphExport) {
// Called once to get the Graph details (a label)
graphExport.SetLabel("[MyExport] MyGraph");
return true;
public override bool EnableType(int type) {
// Will be called once for each type to allow or deny the export of
// the nodes/edges of each type
return true; // We enable the export of all types
public override bool GetNode(long node, NodeExport nodeExport) {
// Called once for each node of an allowed type to get it's export definition.
// The definition will be used if it returns true, or the default
// node type definition from getNodeType will be used if this method
// returns false.
// It can set the label, shape, color, ...
nodeExport.SetLabel("[MyExport] MyNode " + node);
return true;
public override bool GetNodeType(int type, NodeExport nodeExport) {
// Used to get a node type generic export definition.
// Called once for each node only if the call to GetNode returned false.
// It can set the label, shape, color, ...
nodeExport.SetLabel("[MyExport] MyNodeType " + type);
return true;
public override bool GetEdge(long edge, EdgeExport edgeExport) {
// Called once for each edge of an allowed type to get it's export definition.
// The definition will be used if it returns true, or the default
// edge type definition from getEdgeType will be used if this method
// returns false.
// It can set the label, shape, color, ...
edgeExport.SetLabel("[MyExport] MyEdge " + edge);
return true;
public override bool GetEdgeType(int type, EdgeExport edgeExport) {
// Used to get an edge type generic export definition.
// Called once for each edge only if the call to GetEdge returned false.
// It can set the label, shape, color, ...
edgeExport.SetLabel("[MyExport] MyEdgeType " + type);
return true;
Боюсь, что для GraphViz экспортера принимает только изменение меток. Для цветов и форм ... возможно, вы можете рассмотреть возможность экспорта ygraphml?