Итак, я предполагаю, что ваш Бриф раздеться кронштейном символов из входного текста и сохранять их для последующего анализа. Если предположить, что это правильно, вот один проход, который Вы можете найти полезным:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
* Input buffer size
#define BUFSIZE 20
* Extends the target buffer by doubling its size.
* If the realloc call fails, the original buffer
* is left intact.
int extend(char **buffer, size_t *bufferSize)
char *tmp = realloc(*buffer, *bufferSize * 2);
if (tmp)
*buffer = tmp;
*bufferSize *= 2;
return tmp != NULL;
int main(void)
* Fixed buffer for reading from input stream
char inputBuffer[BUFSIZE+1] = {0};
* Dynamically allocated target buffer that can be extended as necessary
char *targetBuffer = NULL;
size_t targetBufferSize = sizeof *targetBuffer * sizeof inputBuffer;
size_t targetBufferPos = 0;
int done = 0;
char fmt[20] = {0};
* Allocate the target buffer, which is initially the same size as the input buffer.
if (!(targetBuffer = malloc(targetBufferSize)))
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: could not allocate memory for targetBuffer\n");
* Create our input format string. Since we're using the [ conversion
* specficier, we need to also specify the max size we want to read at
* one time using the field width specifier. Unfortunately, you can't
* pass the field width as an argument in scanf the way you can with
* printf, so we have to create the format string and save it to its
* own buffer. When we're done, it will be "%20[^\n]%c".
sprintf(fmt, "%%%zu[^\n]%%c", sizeof inputBuffer - 1);
while (!done)
char follow;
* Read BUFIZE characters plus a "follow" character. If the "follow" character
* is a newline, then we've read the complete input line and don't need
* to loop again. Otherwise, push the "follow" character back onto the input
* stream for the next read.
if (scanf(fmt, inputBuffer, &follow) < 1)
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: error on read\n");
if (follow == '\n')
done = 1;
ungetc((int) follow, stdin);
* Walk down our input buffer; if the next character is one of '[', ']', '{' , '}',
* '(', or ')', append it to the target buffer.
char *p = inputBuffer;
while (*p)
if (*p == '[' || *p == ']' || *p == '{' || *p == '}' || *p == '(' || *p == ')')
* Before we append a character to the target buffer, we first need to make
* sure there's room left (targetBufPos < targetBufSize). If there isn't
* any room left, we need to extend the target buffer before appending to it.
* We're taking advantage of the short-circuit nature of the || operator. Remember
* that given the expression a || b, if a evaluates to true, then the whole
* expression evaluates to true regardless of the value of b, so b isn't
* evaluated at all.
* If targetBufferPos < targetBufferSize evaluates to true (non-zero), then
* the extend function isn't called; we simply append to the target buffer.
* If targetBufferPos < targetBufferSize is *not* true, then the extend
* function is called. If extend returns true (non-zero), then the operation
* succeeded and we append to the now-lengthened target buffer. If extend
* returns false (zero), then the operation failed and we bail out with an error.
if (targetBufferPos < targetBufferSize || extend(&targetBuffer, &targetBufferSize))
targetBuffer[targetBufferPos++] = *p;
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: could not extend memory for targetBuffer\n");
* We're treating targetBuffer as a string, so we need to add
* the 0 terminator to the end. Again, we first need to make
* sure there's room in the buffer, and if not, to extend it.
* Yes, there's a corner case here where you're doubling the buffer
* size to add one more character. I'm not going to worry about it
* here, but it's easy enough to fix.
if (targetBufferPos < targetBufferSize || extend(&targetBuffer, &targetBufferSize))
targetBuffer[targetBufferPos++] = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: could not extend memory for targetBuffer\n");
printf("Found the following bracket characters in the input string: %s\n", targetBuffer);
Пример запуска:
$ ./scanner
(((This))) [[[[is]]]] {a} (T)[e]{s}[t]
Found the following bracket characters in the input string: ((()))[[[[]]]]{}()[]{}[]
Не используйте '' scanf' но fgets'. –
Почему? fgets помогают мне генерировать динамически массив? –
Я не использую файлы. –