2016-01-18 1 views

В настоящее время я запускаю экземпляр Artifactory Professional 4.0.2 rev 40009 на Windows Server 2008 R2.Artifactory yum install 404 error

Я сконфигурировал https://mirror.aarnet.edu.au как удаленный репозиторий Yum в Artifactory.

Я настроил yum на сервере Linux, чтобы указать на этот искусственный экземпляр.

Когда я запускаю команду:

yum install -y epel-release 

Я получаю 404 ошибки, как это:

epel/7/x86_64/updateinfo  FAILED 
http://<Artifactory Server Instance>/artifactory/mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/epel/7/x86_64/repodata/0dd9044655fe1722d6579c768395f719a74f9954cf78e80d0b757a313be4f7e2-updateinfo.xml.bz2: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found| 0 B --:--:-- ETA Trying other mirror. 

Если я просматриваю URL непосредственно я получаю подобную ошибку 404:

    "errors" : [ { 
    "status" : 404, 
    "message" : "Not Found" 
    } ] 

Удаленная конфигурация Yum Repo в Artifactory:

     <description>Mirror of Yum packages hosted by mirror.aarnet.edu.au</description> 

Yum Repo Конфигурация:

name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch 
baseurl=http://<artifactory server instance>/artifactory/mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/epel/$releasever/$basearch/ 

name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch - Debug 
baseurl=http://<artifactory server instance>/artifactory/mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/epel/$releasever/$basearch/debug 

name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch - Source 
baseurl=http://<artifactory server instance>/artifactory/mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/epel/$releasever/SRPMS 

Zapping кэша и удаление содержимого удаленного хранилища в Artifactory устраняет проблему, но он держит повторяющимся, мы ищем постоянную правку.

Как исправить эту проблему?

Выход неудавшегося бинарного URL трассировки:

Request ID: 11bb6581 
Repo Path ID: mirror.aarnet.edu.au:pub/centos/7/updates/x86_64/repodata/1d3ddc7dc7e6b67102e2dec1e43813582e2de2d1c813007350586aee0e32eb2e-primary.sqlite.bz2: 
Method Name: GET 
User: <UserName> 
Time: 2016-02-02T13:56:45.565+11:00 
Thread: http-nio-8082-exec-28 
2016-02-02T13:56:45.565+11:00 Received request 
2016-02-02T13:56:45.565+11:00 Request source =, Last modified = 01-01-70 09:59:59 +10:00, If modified since = -1, Thread name = http-nio-8082-exec-28 
2016-02-02T13:56:45.565+11:00 Executing any BeforeDownloadRequest user plugins that may exist 
2016-02-02T13:56:45.565+11:00 Exiting download process - intercepted by addon manager 

Как вы настроили удаленный репозиторий? Как вы настроили свой yum? – JBaruch


@JBaruch Спасибо за ваш ответ, я обновил вопрос с информацией –


Выглядит хорошо на первый взгляд. Попробуйте вставить URL-адрес в браузере и посмотреть, все ли еще 404? И если это так, добавьте '?trace' в конец URL-адреса и посмотреть результат. – JBaruch



Эта проблема вновь произошло после обновления до v5.1.4. Период хранения кеша был уменьшен до 10 секунд в надежде, что это увеличит вероятность правильного обновления файлов индекса, но это не повлияло, и нам нужно удалить содержимое папки repodata и заблокировать кеш в качестве рабочего процесса.

Я вижу, что хэш repomd.xml на http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml (последнее изменение: 29-Мар-2017 18:05) не соответствует хэшу того же файла в Artifactory (последнее изменение: 29-Мар-2017 5:05). Размеры файлов также не совпадают.

Это вызывает определенные ни устанавливает на неудачу из-за отказ от индексных файлов дата -

yum update -y && yum clean all 
---> Running in e154e2b58ab1 
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ovl 
Setting up Update Process 
Resolving Dependencies 
--> Running transaction check 
---> Package binutils.x86_64 0: will be updated 
---> Package binutils.x86_64 0: will be an update 
---> Package curl.x86_64 0:7.19.7-52.el6 will be updated 
---> Package curl.x86_64 0:7.19.7-53.el6_9 will be an update 
---> Package glibc.x86_64 0:2.12-1.192.el6 will be updated 
---> Package glibc.x86_64 0:2.12-1.209.el6_9.1 will be an update 
---> Package glibc-common.x86_64 0:2.12-1.192.el6 will be updated 
---> Package glibc-common.x86_64 0:2.12-1.209.el6_9.1 will be an update 
---> Package libcurl.x86_64 0:7.19.7-52.el6 will be updated 
---> Package libcurl.x86_64 0:7.19.7-53.el6_9 will be an update 
---> Package nss.x86_64 0:3.21.0-8.el6 will be updated 
---> Package nss.x86_64 0:3.28.3-3.el6_9 will be an update 
--> Processing Dependency: nspr >= 4.13.0 for package: nss-3.28.3-3.el6_9.x86_64 
---> Package nss-sysinit.x86_64 0:3.21.0-8.el6 will be updated 
---> Package nss-sysinit.x86_64 0:3.28.3-3.el6_9 will be an update 
---> Package nss-tools.x86_64 0:3.21.0-8.el6 will be updated 
---> Package nss-tools.x86_64 0:3.28.3-3.el6_9 will be an update 
---> Package nss-util.x86_64 0:3.21.0-2.el6 will be updated 
---> Package nss-util.x86_64 0:3.28.3-1.el6_9 will be an update 
--> Processing Dependency: nspr >= 4.13.0-1 for package: nss-util-3.28.3-1.el6_9.x86_64 
---> Package tzdata.noarch 0:2016f-1.el6 will be updated 
---> Package tzdata.noarch 0:2017b-1.el6 will be an update 
--> Finished Dependency Resolution 
Error: Package: nss-3.28.3-3.el6_9.x86_64 (updates) 
      Requires: nspr >= 4.13.0 
      Installed: nspr-4.11.0-1.el6.x86_64 (@CentOS/6.8) 
       nspr = 4.11.0-1.el6 
Error: Package: nss-util-3.28.3-1.el6_9.x86_64 (updates) 
      Requires: nspr >= 4.13.0-1 
      Installed: nspr-4.11.0-1.el6.x86_64 (@CentOS/6.8) 
       nspr = 4.11.0-1.el6 
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem 
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest 

Трассировочных делают HTTP GET по HTTP: ///org.centos.mirror/6/os/ ? x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml след

Request ID: 848754bb 
Repo Path ID: org.centos.mirror:6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml 
Method Name: GET 
User: anonymous 
Time: 2017-04-20T10:17:28.591+10:00 
Thread: http-nio-9081-exec-130 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.591+10:00 Received request 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.591+10:00 Request source = x.x.x.x, Last modified = 01-01-70 09:59:59 +10:00, If modified since = -1, Thread name = http-nio-9081-exec-130 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.591+10:00 Executing any BeforeDownloadRequest user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.591+10:00 Retrieving info from {} repository '{}' type 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.623+10:00 Found the resource in the cache - checking for expiry 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.623+10:00 Returning resource as expired 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.623+10:00 Executing any AltRemotePath user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.623+10:00 Appending matrix params to remote request URL 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.623+10:00 Using remote request URL - http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.623+10:00 Executing HEAD request to http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Found remote resource with last modified time - Wed Mar 29 05:05:42 AEDT 2017 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Found remote resource with ETag - "ea5-54bce4edce980" 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Found remote resource with content length - 3749 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Returning found remote resource info 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Requested resource is found = true 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Request is HEAD = false 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Request is for a checksum = false 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Target repository is not remote or doesn't store locally = false 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Requested resource was not modified = false 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Responding with found resource 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Executing any AltResponse user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Alternative response status is set to -1 and message to 'null' 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Found no alternative content handles 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Retrieving a content handle from target repo 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 The requested resource isn't pre-resolved 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Target repository isn't virtual - verifying that downloading is allowed 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Creating a resource handle from 'org.centos.mirror' 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Target repository is configured to retain artifacts locally - resource will be stored and the streamed to the user 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.654+10:00 Remote repository is online 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.685+10:00 Found the resource in the cache - checking for expiry 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.685+10:00 Returning resource as expired 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.685+10:00 Found expired cached resource but remote is newer = false. Cached resource: 1490724342000, Remote resource: 1490724342000 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.685+10:00 Force expiration on the cached resource = false 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.685+10:00 Resource isn't cached and isn't expired = false 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.685+10:00 Found expired cached resource and is newer than remote = true 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.685+10:00 Executing any AltRemotePath user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.716+10:00 Found the resource in the cache - checking for expiry 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.716+10:00 Found request parameter {}=artifactory.forceDownloadIfNewer 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.716+10:00 Returning resource as expired 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.716+10:00 Using remote request URL - http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml:properties 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.716+10:00 Executing HEAD request to http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml:properties 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.732+10:00 Received status 404 (message: Not Found) on remote info request - returning unfound resource 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.732+10:00 Found no remote properties 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.763+10:00 Un-expiring cached resource if needed 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.763+10:00 Is resource metadata = false 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.763+10:00 Un-expiring the resource 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.810+10:00 Found the resource in the cache - checking for expiry 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.810+10:00 Found request parameter {}=artifactory.forceDownloadIfNewer 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.810+10:00 Returning cached resource 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.810+10:00 Removing the resource from all failed caches 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.810+10:00 Returning the cached resource 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.810+10:00 Creating a resource handle from 'org.centos.mirror-cache:6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml' 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.825+10:00 Identified requested resource as a file 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.825+10:00 Requested resource is an ordinary artifact - using normal content handle with length '3751' 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.825+10:00 Executing any BeforeDownload user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.825+10:00 Responding with selected content handle 
2017-04-20T10:17:28.825+10:00 Request succeeded 

редактировать: Я заметил, синхронизировать свойства были настроены на хранилище. После отключения опции выход трассировки теперь выглядит следующим образом. Похоже на отметку времени для кэшированного файла repomd, а пульт идентичен, однако содержимое файла отличается (номер версии в mirror.centos.org равен 1463896289, но в Artifactory показан как 1490724196).

Request ID: a4f6fc65 
Repo Path ID: org.centos.mirror:6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml 
Method Name: GET 
User: fowliena 
Time: 2017-04-20T10:56:03.880+10:00 
Thread: http-nio-9081-exec-133 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.880+10:00 Received request 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.880+10:00 Request source = x.x.x.x, Last modified = 01-01-70 09:59:59 +10:00, If modified since = -1, Thread name = http-nio-9081-exec-133 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.880+10:00 Executing any BeforeDownloadRequest user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.880+10:00 Retrieving info from {} repository '{}' type 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.912+10:00 Found the resource in the cache - checking for expiry 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.912+10:00 Returning resource as expired 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.912+10:00 Executing any AltRemotePath user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.912+10:00 Appending matrix params to remote request URL 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.912+10:00 Using remote request URL - http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.912+10:00 Executing HEAD request to http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Found remote resource with last modified time - Wed Mar 29 05:05:42 AEDT 2017 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Found remote resource with ETag - "ea5-54bce4edce980" 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Found remote resource with content length - 3749 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Returning found remote resource info 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Requested resource is found = true 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Request is HEAD = false 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Request is for a checksum = false 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Target repository is not remote or doesn't store locally = false 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Requested resource was not modified = false 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Responding with found resource 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Executing any AltResponse user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Alternative response status is set to -1 and message to 'null' 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Found no alternative content handles 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Retrieving a content handle from target repo 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 The requested resource isn't pre-resolved 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Target repository isn't virtual - verifying that downloading is allowed 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Creating a resource handle from 'org.centos.mirror' 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Target repository is configured to retain artifacts locally - resource will be stored and the streamed to the user 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.943+10:00 Remote repository is online 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Found the resource in the cache - checking for expiry 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Returning resource as expired 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Found expired cached resource but remote is newer = false. Cached resource: 1490724342000, Remote resource: 1490724342000 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Force expiration on the cached resource = false 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Resource isn't cached and isn't expired = false 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Found expired cached resource and is newer than remote = true 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Remote property synchronization is disabled - expired resource property synchronization not attempted 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Un-expiring cached resource if needed 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Is resource metadata = false 
2017-04-20T10:56:03.974+10:00 Un-expiring the resource 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.005+10:00 Found the resource in the cache - checking for expiry 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.005+10:00 Found request parameter {}=artifactory.forceDownloadIfNewer 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.005+10:00 Returning cached resource 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.021+10:00 Removing the resource from all failed caches 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.021+10:00 Returning the cached resource 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.021+10:00 Creating a resource handle from 'org.centos.mirror-cache:6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml' 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.021+10:00 Identified requested resource as a file 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.021+10:00 Requested resource is an ordinary artifact - using normal content handle with length '3751' 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.021+10:00 Executing any BeforeDownload user plugins that may exist 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.021+10:00 Responding with selected content handle 
2017-04-20T10:56:04.021+10:00 Request succeeded 

Это похоже на вопрос. См. [Ответ] – cosmoonot

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