Я пытаюсь добавить AlarmManager, чтобы обновить часовое лицо с интервалом в полминуты. Это для тройных часов. Это мое первое программирование с Java или андроид-студией.Где объявить диспетчер аварийных сигналов для обновления наружного зеркала в режиме окружающего воздуха?

Я следую путеводитель по https://developer.android.com/training/wearables/apps/always-on.html

В руководстве говорится, «объявить менеджер сигнализации и ожидающий намерение в методе OnCreate() вашей деятельности»

Должен ли я использовать

public Engine onCreateEngine() { 
    return new Engine(); 


public Engine onCreateEngine() { 
    return new Engine(); 

или я должен начать новый метод или объявить его в другом месте?

В настоящее время я использую

private class Engine extends CanvasWatchFaceService.Engine { 
    final Handler mUpdateTimeHandler = new EngineHandler(this); 

для большинства моей инициализации.

Это мой код без диспетчера аварийных сообщений. Проблема в том, что он должен обновляться в течение половины минут, потому что в качестве сбалансированного троичного времени время должно быть до ближайшей минуты.

public class ternary extends CanvasWatchFaceService { 
private static final Typeface NORMAL_TYPEFACE = 
     Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.NORMAL); 

private static final int MSG_UPDATE_TIME = 0; 

public Engine onCreateEngine() { 
    return new Engine(); 

private static class EngineHandler extends Handler { 
    private final WeakReference<ternary.Engine> mWeakReference; 

    public EngineHandler(ternary.Engine reference) { 
     mWeakReference = new WeakReference<>(reference); 

    public void handleMessage(Message msg) { 
     ternary.Engine engine = mWeakReference.get(); 
     if (engine != null) { 
      switch (msg.what) { 
       case MSG_UPDATE_TIME: 

private class Engine extends CanvasWatchFaceService.Engine { 
    final Handler mUpdateTimeHandler = new EngineHandler(this); 
    boolean mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver = false; 
    Paint mBackgroundPaint; 
    Paint mTextPaint; 
    boolean mAmbient; 
    Time mTime; 
    final BroadcastReceiver mTimeZoneReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { 
     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { 
    int mTapCount; 

    float mXOffset; 
    float mYOffset; 

    // adjust text size 
    float textRatio = (float)1; // 2/3; 

    // make adjusted offset for hours 
    float hrsIndent; 
    float hrsIndentAdjust = textRatio * 55; 

    // vertical offset for multiple lines 
    float ySpacer = textRatio * 65; 

    // first run. 
    boolean yesFirstRun = true; 
    // flag for seconds 
    boolean yesSecs; 
    // prior state of yesSecs 
    boolean wasSecs = true; 
    // flag for conservation mode (no seconds in ambient) 
    boolean yesConcerve = false; 
    // flag for allowing seconds 
    boolean allowSecs = true; 
    // for execution control 
    boolean openGate = false; 

    // counter for next draw 
    int c = 0; 
    // counter for time loops 
    int k; 
    boolean drawNow = true; 
    // strings for draw 
    String hrs = ""; 
    String mns = ""; 
    String sks = ""; 
    // register for milliseconds 
    long millis = 0; 
    // float for calculating trits from time. 
    float tim = 0; 
    // ints for minute and hour offsets. 
    int minInt = 0; 
    int hourInt = 0; 

    // lists for time to trit for loop conversions. 
    int [] trits3 = {9, 3, 1}; 
    int [] trits4 = {27, 9, 3, 1}; 

    // absolute count for trouble shooting 
    // long x = 0; 

    * Whether the display supports fewer bits for each color in ambient mode. When true, we 
    * disable anti-aliasing in ambient mode. 
    boolean mLowBitAmbient; 

    public void onCreate(SurfaceHolder holder) { 

     setWatchFaceStyle(new WatchFaceStyle.Builder(ternary.this) 
     Resources resources = ternary.this.getResources(); 

     // shift y offset up 
     mYOffset = -30 + resources.getDimension(R.dimen.digital_y_offset); 

     mBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); 

     mTextPaint = new Paint(); 
     mTextPaint = createTextPaint(resources.getColor(R.color.digital_text)); 

     mTime = new Time(); 

    public void onDestroy() { 

    private Paint createTextPaint(int textColor) { 
     Paint paint = new Paint(); 
     return paint; 

    public void onVisibilityChanged(boolean visible) { 

     if (visible) { 

      // Update time zone in case it changed while we weren't visible. 
     } else { 

     // Whether the timer should be running depends on whether we're visible (as well as 
     // whether we're in ambient mode), so we may need to start or stop the timer. 

    private void registerReceiver() { 
     if (mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver) { 
     mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver = true; 
     IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_TIMEZONE_CHANGED); 
     ternary.this.registerReceiver(mTimeZoneReceiver, filter); 

    private void unregisterReceiver() { 
     if (!mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver) { 
     mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver = false; 

    public void onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets) { 

     // Load resources that have alternate values for round watches. 
     Resources resources = ternary.this.getResources(); 
     boolean isRound = insets.isRound(); 

     // shift offset 75 to the right 
     mXOffset = 75 + resources.getDimension(isRound 
       ? R.dimen.digital_x_offset_round : R.dimen.digital_x_offset); 
     float textSize = resources.getDimension(isRound 
       ? R.dimen.digital_text_size_round : R.dimen.digital_text_size); 

     // adjust hrs Indent to MXOffset 
     hrsIndent = hrsIndentAdjust + mXOffset; 

     // adjust size to textRatio 
     mTextPaint.setTextSize(textSize * textRatio); 

    public void onPropertiesChanged(Bundle properties) { 
     mLowBitAmbient = properties.getBoolean(PROPERTY_LOW_BIT_AMBIENT, false); 

    public void onTimeTick() { 

    public void onAmbientModeChanged(boolean inAmbientMode) { 
     if (mAmbient != inAmbientMode) { 
      mAmbient = inAmbientMode; 
      if (mLowBitAmbient) { 

     // Whether the timer should be running depends on whether we're visible (as well as 
     // whether we're in ambient mode), so we may need to start or stop the timer. 

    * Captures tap event (and tap type) and toggles the background color if the user finishes 
    * a tap. 
    public void onTapCommand(int tapType, int x, int y, long eventTime) { 
     Resources resources = ternary.this.getResources(); 
     switch (tapType) { 
      case TAP_TYPE_TOUCH: 
       // The user has started touching the screen. 
       // The user has started a different gesture or otherwise cancelled the tap. 
      case TAP_TYPE_TAP: 
       // The user has completed the tap gesture. 
       mBackgroundPaint.setColor(resources.getColor(mTapCount % 2 == 0 ? 
         R.color.background : R.color.background2)); 

    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) { 
     // Greebo counter 
     // x += 1; 

     // seconds handling 
     wasSecs = yesSecs; 
     yesSecs = allowSecs && !isInAmbientMode(); 
     // for clearing seconds 
     if (!yesSecs && wasSecs) { sks = ""; } 

     // Draw at mid second 
     if (c == 0 && yesSecs) { 
      drawNow = true; 
     } else { 
      c = 0; 
      // mid minute 
      if (mTime.second == 30 || isInAmbientMode()) { 
       drawNow = true; 
      } else { 
       // mid hour 
       if (mTime.second == 0) { 
        if (mTime.minute == 30) { 
         drawNow = true; 
        } else { 
         // mid night 
         if (mTime.minute == 0) { 
          if (mTime.hour == 0) { 
           drawNow = true; 

     if (drawNow) { 
      drawNow = false; 

      millis = System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000; 

      // mid seconds 
      if (yesSecs) { if (millis > 499) { c = 1; } } 

      tim = (float)((mTime.minute * 60 + mTime.second) * 1000 + millis)/ 3600000; 
      // hours past noon 
      tim += mTime.hour - 12; 

      // find hrs 9s, 3s, 1s. 
      openGate = false; 
      if (yesFirstRun || mTime.minute == 30){ openGate = true; } 
      else { openGate = mTime.second == 0 && mTime.minute == 0 && mTime.hour == 0;} 
      if (openGate) { 
       hrs = ""; 
       hourInt = 0; 
       // i is for item. 
       for (int i : trits3) { 
        if (tim > ((float) i/2)) { 
         tim -= i; 
         hourInt -= i; 
         hrs = hrs + "1"; 
        } else { 
         if (tim < ((float) i/-2)) { 
          tim += i; 
          hourInt += i; 
          hrs = hrs + "¬"; 
         } else { 
          hrs = hrs + "0"; 
        // add space 
        if (i > 1) {hrs += " "; } 
      } else { tim += hourInt; } 

      // minutes 27s, 9s, 3s, 1s 
      openGate = false; 
      if (yesFirstRun || mTime.second == 30 || isInAmbientMode()) {openGate = true; } 
      else { openGate = mTime.second == 0 && (mTime.minute == 30 
        || (mTime.minute == 0 && mTime.hour == 0));} 
      if (openGate) { 
       mns = ""; 
       tim *= 60; 
       minInt = 0; 
       // i is for item. 
       for (int i : trits4) { 
        if (tim > ((float) i/2)) { 
         tim -= i; 
         if (yesSecs) {minInt -= i;} 
         mns = mns + "1"; 
        } else { 
         if (tim < ((float) i/-2)) { 
          tim += i; 
          if (yesSecs) {minInt += i;} 
          mns = mns + "¬"; 
         } else { 
          mns = mns + "0"; 
        // add space 
        if (i > 1) {mns += " "; } 
      } else { if (yesSecs) { tim += minInt; tim *= 60; } } 

      // seconds 27s, 9s, 3s, 1s 
      if (yesSecs) { 
       sks = ""; 
       tim *= 60; 
       for (int i : trits4) { 
        if (tim > ((float) i/2)) { 
         tim -= i; 
         sks = sks + "1"; 
        } else { 
         if (tim < ((float) i/-2)) { 
          tim += i; 
          sks = sks + "¬"; 
         } else { 
          sks = sks + "0"; 
        // add space 
        if (i > 1) {sks += " "; } 

     // Draw the background. 
     if (isInAmbientMode()) { 
     } else { 
      canvas.drawRect(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), mBackgroundPaint); 

     // draw hours 
     canvas.drawText(hrs, hrsIndent, mYOffset - ySpacer, mTextPaint); 
     // draw minutes 
     canvas.drawText(mns, mXOffset, mYOffset, mTextPaint); 
     // draw or clear seconds 
     if (yesSecs || wasSecs) {canvas.drawText(sks, mXOffset, mYOffset + ySpacer , mTextPaint);} 

     // show count and millis for greebo reduction. 
     // canvas.drawText(String.format("%1$03d,%2$02d,%3$d", x % 1000, millis/10, 0), mXOffset, mYOffset + 100, mTextPaint); 
     //canvas.drawText(String.format("%$02d:%2$02d:%3$02d", mTime.hour, mTime.minute, 
     //  mTime.second), mXOffset, mYOffset + 100, mTextPaint); 


    * Starts the {@link #mUpdateTimeHandler} timer if it should be running and isn't currently 
    * or stops it if it shouldn't be running but currently is. 
    private void updateTimer() { 
     if (shouldTimerBeRunning()) { 

    * Returns whether the {@link #mUpdateTimeHandler} timer should be running. The timer should 
    * only run when we're visible and in interactive mode. 
    private boolean shouldTimerBeRunning() { 
     return isVisible() && !isInAmbientMode(); 

    * Handle updating the time periodically in interactive mode. 
    private void handleUpdateTimeMessage() { 
     if (shouldTimerBeRunning()) { 
      long timeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
      long delayMs = INTERACTIVE_UPDATE_RATE_MS 
        - (timeMs % INTERACTIVE_UPDATE_RATE_MS); 
      mUpdateTimeHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_UPDATE_TIME, delayMs); 




Метод "OnCreate()", кажется, коррелируют с:

общественного класса троичной расширяет CanvasWatchFaceService

Ваше заявление должно быть следующим:

public class ternary extends CanvasWatchFaceService { 
    private AlarmManager mAmbientStateAlarmManager; 
    private PendingIntent mAmbientStatePendingIntent; 

И обязательно импортируйте android.app.AlarmManager и android.ap p.PendingIntent .

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