2017-01-20 16 views

Я пытаюсь следовать Getting Started инструкции здесь:удается получить Fabric8 установить на Mac OS


я сначала столкнулся с проблемой, с не будучи в состоянии загрузить и запустить ос и minishift, но фиксировано, что с помощью этого вопроса:

gofabric8> Unable to unzip /Users/apple/.fabric8/bin/oc.zip zip: not a valid zip

Теперь я бегу в это проблемы настройки безопасности и просто висит:

DeploymentConfigs all started so we can deploy fabric8 

Deploying fabric8 to your OpenShift installation at for domain in namespace default 

Loading fabric8 releases from maven repository:https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ 
Creating new Project: default 
Deploying package: platform version: 2.4.19 

SecurityContextConstraints restricted.........................................✘ User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
Cannot create SecurityContextConstraints: User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
Failed to create SecurityContextConstraints {{ } {fabric8  0 {0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC} <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []} 0xc420604360 true [] [] [] [*] true true false false {RunAsAny <nil>} {RunAsAny <nil> <nil> <nil>} { []} { []} false [] [system:serviceaccount:openshift-infra:build-controller system:serviceaccount:default:default system:serviceaccount:default:fabric8 system:serviceaccount:default:gerrit system:serviceaccount:default:jenkins system:serviceaccount:default:router system:serviceaccount:default:registry system:serviceaccount:default:gogs system:serviceaccount:default:fluentd] [system:cluster-admins system:nodes]} in namespace default: User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
SecurityContextConstraints fabric8............................................✘ User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
Cannot create SecurityContextConstraints: User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
Failed to create SecurityContextConstraints {{ } {fabric8-sa-group  0 {0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC} <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []} <nil> false [] [] [] [gitRepo configMap secret emptyDir] false false false false {RunAsAny <nil>} {RunAsAny <nil> <nil> <nil>} { []} { []} false [] [] [system:serviceaccounts]} in namespace default: User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
SecurityContextConstraints fabric8-sa-group...................................✘ User "admin" cannot create securitycontextconstraints at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:fabric8......✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:jenkins......✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:configmapcontroller✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:exposecontroller✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:default:metrics.....✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToUser cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:default:fluentd.....✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addClusterRoleToGroup cluster-reader system:serviceaccounts...................✘ User "admin" cannot get clusterpolicybindings at the cluster scope 
addServiceAccount fluentd.....................................................✘ User "admin" cannot create serviceaccounts in project "default" 
addServiceAccount registry....................................................✘ User "admin" cannot create serviceaccounts in project "default" 
addServiceAccount router......................................................✘ User "admin" cannot create serviceaccounts in project "default" 

Любая помощь оценили



имя пользователя «администратор», похоже, перешли на «систему: администратор». Я выполнил установку полностью вручную:

minishift start 
oc login -u system:admin 
oc project default 
gofabric8 deploy -y 

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