2015-01-18 6 views

Итак, я должен начать с того, что это моя первая попытка исполняемого скрипта и мой первый скрипт C++. Учитывая это, моя проблема заключается в следующем. Я пытаюсь создать скрипт, который должен интегрировать движение снаряда с использованием метода Рунге Кутты четвертого порядка. В настоящее время мой скрипт использует метод Эйлера и работает отлично. Однако, когда я пытаюсь реализовать свою функцию Runge Kutta, я получаю абсолютный мусор.Реализация четвертого ордера Runge Kutta в C++

Например, с моей текущей интеграцией Эйлера я получаю следующее:

#include <iostream> // Statndard Input Output 
#include <stdlib.h> // Standard Library atof 
#include <cmath> // Use Of Math Functions 
#include <fstream> // File Stream Input Output 
#include <string> // String Manipulation c_str 
#include <sstream> // Used For Variable String Name 

/* Allows for abbrevaited names 
** without having to use std::cout 
** for example we may simply type 
** cout 
using namespace std; 

// Required Function Delcarations 
double toRadians(double angle); 
double xVelocity(double vel,double angle); 
double yVelocity(double vel,double angle); 
double rc4(double initState, double (*eqn)(double,double),double now,double dt); 
double updatePosX(double currentPos,double vel,double deltaT); 
double updatePosY(double currentPos,double vel,double deltaT); 
double updateVelY(double yVel,double deltaT); 
double updateVelX(double xVel,double deltaT); 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //In Brackets Allows Command Line Input 
    /* atof Parses the C string str, interpreting its 
    ** content as a floating point number and 
    ** returns its value as a double. */ 
    double v0 = atof(argv[1]); 
    double theta = atof(argv[2]); 
    double timeStep = atof(argv[3]); 
    double duration = atof(argv[4]); 

    /* Simple printed message to the 
    ** console informing the user 
    ** what set of initial conditions 
    ** are currently being executed 
    cout << "Running Simulation" << endl; 
    cout << "Velocity: " << v0 << " m/s" << endl; 
    cout << "Angle: " << theta << " deg" << endl; 
    cout << endl; 

    //Setting x and y velocity 
    double vx = xVelocity(v0,toRadians(theta)); 
    double vy = yVelocity(v0,toRadians(theta)); 

    //Initial Conditions 
    double xPos = 0; 
    double yPos = 0; 
    double time = 0; 

    /*Creating File Name With Vars 
    ** Note: stringsteam is a stream 
    ** for operating on strings. In 
    ** order to concatinate strings 
    ** or produce statements like 
    ** those if java, we must use 
    ** this stream. We CANNOT 
    ** simply concationate strings 
    ** and variables 
    stringstream ss; 
    ss << "v0_" << v0 << "_ang_" << theta << ".txt"; 
    string fileName = ss.str(); 

    //Opening File For Writing 
    ofstream myFile; 
    myFile.open(fileName.c_str()); //Must be c style string 

    // Checking Status of Attempt To Open 
     cout << "Failed To Open File For Writing" << endl; 

     //myFile << "x pos \t y pos \t vx \t vy" << endl; 

     // Doing Required Integration 
     while (time <= duration && yPos >=0) 

      vx = updateVelX(vx,timeStep); 
      vy = updateVelY(vy,timeStep); 

      xPos = updatePosX(xPos,vx,timeStep); 
      yPos = updatePosY(yPos,vy,timeStep); 
      cout << "x Pos: " << xPos <<"\t y Pos: " << yPos << endl; 


      myFile << xPos << " " << yPos << " " << vx << " " << vy << endl; 


    //Closing File After Finished 

    return 0; 

/* This function shall take a given 
** angle in degrees and convert it 
** to radians 
double toRadians(double angle) 
    return (M_PI * (90-angle))/180.0; 

/* This function shall take the inital 
** angle at which the projectile is 
** launched and return the x componet 
** of its velocity 
double xVelocity(double vel,double angle) 
    return vel * sin(angle); 

/* This function shall take the inital 
** angle at which the projectile is 
** launched and return the y componet 
** of its velocity 
double yVelocity(double vel,double angle) 
    return vel * cos(angle); 

/* This function shall be 
** the X position of our 
** projectile 
double updatePosX(double currentPos,double vel,double deltaT) 
    return currentPos + vel*deltaT; 

/* This function shall be 
** the Y posistion of our 
** projecticle 
double updatePosY(double currentPos,double vel,double deltaT) 
    return currentPos + vel*deltaT; 

/* This function shall update 
** the Y component of our 
** projectile's velocity 
double updateVelY(double yVel,double deltaT) 
    double g = 9.81; 
    return yVel - g*deltaT; 

/* This function shall update 
** the X component of our 
** projecticle's velocity 
double updateVelX(double xVel,double deltaT) 
    return xVel; 

/* This function shall be the fourth 
** order Runge Kutta integration method 
** and shall take as input y0 and return 
** y+1. 
** initState: Inital state of function 
** (*eqn): Equation to be integrated 
** now: Initial time to start integration 
** dt: Timestep 
double rc4(double initState, double (*eqn)(double,double),double now,double dt) 
    double k1 = dt * eqn(initState,now); 
    double k2 = dt * eqn(initState + k1/2.0, now + dt/2.0); 
    double k3 = dt * eqn(initState + k2/2.0, now + dt/2.0); 
    double k4 = dt * eqn(initState + k3, now + dt); 

    return initState + (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)/6.0; 

тогда я бег через простой Баш скрипт для тестирования с различными начальными углами


for i in `seq 30 5 60` 
    ./projectile 700 $i 0.1 500 

Наконец я сюжетом моих результатов с сценарием gnuplot


set terminal pdf color solid 
set output "test.pdf" 
set yrange[0:20000] 
set xrange[0:55000] 
plot for [i=30 : 60 : 5] 'v0_700_ang_'.i.'.txt' using 1:2 with lines title 'Angle '.i.' deg' 

Как уже упоминалось, интеграция Эйлера с t код, показанный выше, дает следующий рисунок (который, как я знаю, является правильным)

Однако, когда я пытаюсь изменить свой код, чтобы использовать Runge Kutta, как я сказал, абсолютный мусор.

#include <iostream> // Statndard Input Output 
#include <stdlib.h> // Standard Library atof 
#include <cmath> // Use Of Math Functions 
#include <fstream> // File Stream Input Output 
#include <string> // String Manipulation c_str 
#include <sstream> // Used For Variable String Name 

/* Allows for abbrevaited names 
** without having to use std::cout 
** for example we may simply type 
** cout 
using namespace std; 

// Required Function Delcarations 
double toRadians(double angle); 
double xVelocity(double vel,double angle); 
double yVelocity(double vel,double angle); 
double rc4(double initState, double (*eqn)(double,double),double now,double dt); 
double updatePosX(double currentPos,double vel,double deltaT); 
double updatePosY(double currentPos,double vel,double deltaT); 
double updateVelY(double yVel,double deltaT); 
double updateVelX(double xVel,double deltaT); 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //In Brackets Allows Command Line Input 
    /* atof Parses the C string str, interpreting its 
    ** content as a floating point number and 
    ** returns its value as a double. */ 
    double v0 = atof(argv[1]); 
    double theta = atof(argv[2]); 
    double timeStep = atof(argv[3]); 
    double duration = atof(argv[4]); 

    /* Simple printed message to the 
    ** console informing the user 
    ** what set of initial conditions 
    ** are currently being executed 
    cout << "Running Simulation" << endl; 
    cout << "Velocity: " << v0 << " m/s" << endl; 
    cout << "Angle: " << theta << " deg" << endl; 
    cout << endl; 

    //Setting x and y velocity 
    double vx = xVelocity(v0,toRadians(theta)); 
    double vy = yVelocity(v0,toRadians(theta)); 

    //Initial Conditions 
    double xPos = 0; 
    double yPos = 0; 
    double time = 0; 

    /*Creating File Name With Vars 
    ** Note: stringsteam is a stream 
    ** for operating on strings. In 
    ** order to concatinate strings 
    ** or produce statements like 
    ** those if java, we must use 
    ** this stream. We CANNOT 
    ** simply concationate strings 
    ** and variables 
    stringstream ss; 
    ss << "v0_" << v0 << "_ang_" << theta << ".txt"; 
    string fileName = ss.str(); 

    //Opening File For Writing 
    ofstream myFile; 
    myFile.open(fileName.c_str()); //Must be c style string 

    // Checking Status of Attempt To Open 
     cout << "Failed To Open File For Writing" << endl; 

     //myFile << "x pos \t y pos \t vx \t vy" << endl; 

     // Doing Required Integration 
     while (time <= duration && yPos >=0) 

      vx = rc4(vx,updateVelX,time,timeStep); 
      vy = rc4(vy,updateVelY,time,timeStep); 

      xPos = updatePosX(xPos,vx,timeStep); 
      yPos = updatePosY(yPos,vy,timeStep); 
      cout << "x Pos: " << xPos <<"\t y Pos: " << yPos << endl; 


      myFile << xPos << " " << yPos << " " << vx << " " << vy << endl; 


    //Closing File After Finished 

    return 0; 

/* This function shall take a given 
** angle in degrees and convert it 
** to radians 
double toRadians(double angle) 
    return (M_PI * (90-angle))/180.0; 

/* This function shall take the inital 
** angle at which the projectile is 
** launched and return the x componet 
** of its velocity 
double xVelocity(double vel,double angle) 
    return vel * sin(angle); 

/* This function shall take the inital 
** angle at which the projectile is 
** launched and return the y componet 
** of its velocity 
double yVelocity(double vel,double angle) 
    return vel * cos(angle); 

/* This function shall be 
** the X position of our 
** projectile 
double updatePosX(double currentPos,double vel,double deltaT) 
    return currentPos + vel*deltaT; 

/* This function shall be 
** the Y posistion of our 
** projecticle 
double updatePosY(double currentPos,double vel,double deltaT) 
    return currentPos + vel*deltaT; 

/* This function shall update 
** the Y component of our 
** projectile's velocity 
double updateVelY(double yVel,double deltaT) 
    double g = 9.81; 
    return yVel - g*deltaT; 

/* This function shall update 
** the X component of our 
** projecticle's velocity 
double updateVelX(double xVel,double deltaT) 
    return xVel; 

/* This function shall be the fourth 
** order Runge Kutta integration method 
** and shall take as input y0 and return 
** y+1. 
** initState: Inital state of function 
** (*eqn): Equation to be integrated 
** now: Initial time to start integration 
** dt: Timestep 
double rc4(double initState, double (*eqn)(double,double),double now,double dt) 
    double k1 = dt * eqn(initState,now); 
    double k2 = dt * eqn(initState + k1/2.0, now + dt/2.0); 
    double k3 = dt * eqn(initState + k2/2.0, now + dt/2.0); 
    double k4 = dt * eqn(initState + k3, now + dt); 

    return initState + (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)/6.0; 

Перед публикацией прочитайте [* «Как спросить» *) (http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask). –



Они должны быть частью Boost, Числовой odeint см this pages with examples, а также эти заголовки


и eg this Runge Kutta 4th order обзор страниц.


К сожалению, меня вынуждают писать свой собственный код и не использовать библиотеки. – user3277807


Код больше не доступен ... –


Я прошу отличаться. Я обновляю Boost для, например, R через пакет [BH] (https://cloud.r-project.org/web/packages/BH/index.html), и у него есть [здесь] (https: // github. ком/eddelbuettel/ЧД/дерево/хозяин/мгн/включить/усиление/цифровая/odeint/шаговый). Boost также входит в дистрибутив Linux. –