2015-08-16 1 views

Я пытаюсь создать искусственную и динамичную веб-радиостанцию, у которой есть полное расписание, которое я выбираю. Однако функция Check(), похоже, не заменяет существующий тег P, когда я запускаю его в функции SetInterval. Я начинаю задаваться вопросом, если мой вопрос с аргументами, если ...Функция SetInterval не устанавливает innerHTML в верхней части часа

<script type="text/javascript"> 
marklevin = "<p><button onclick='Control()'>Pause</button><br /><div><embed type='application/x-vlc-plugin' pluginspage='http://www.videolan.org' width='50%' height='20%' id='vlc' loop='yes' autoplay='yes' target='http://4293.live.streamtheworld.com/MARK_LEVINAAC?&uuid=15F6FB00-0000-0001-1755-1EBAEDA617CA'></embed></div></p>"; 
laura = "<p><button onclick='Control()'>Pause</button><br /><div><embed type='application/x-vlc-plugin' pluginspage='http://www.videolan.org' width='50%' height='20%' id='vlc' loop='yes' autoplay='yes' target='http://noxsolutions.mp3.miisolutions.net/nox/laura'></embed></div></p>"; 
sean = "<p><button onclick='Control()'>Pause</button><br /><div><embed type='application/x-vlc-plugin' pluginspage='http://www.videolan.org' width='50%' height='20%' id='vlc' loop='yes' autoplay='yes' target='http://prn-hannity-ic-pri.ng.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/811/60538/v1/auth.akacast.akamaistream.net/prn_hannity_ic_pri'></embed></div></p>"; 
cbs = "<p><button onclick='Control()'>Pause</button><br /><div><embed type='application/x-vlc-plugin' pluginspage='http://www.videolan.org' width='50%' height='20%' id='vlc' loop='yes' autoplay='yes' target='http://1451.live.streamtheworld.com:3690/CBSNEWSDIALUP_SC'></embed></div></p>"; 
control = 0 
divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); 
ps = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); 
var currentdate = new Date(); 
hours = currentdate.getHours(); 
minutes = currentdate.getMinutes(); 
seconds = currentdate.getSeconds(); 
if (hours > 0 && hours < 4) { 
\t document.write("Laura Ingraham Show<br />Midnight to 4"); 
\t document.write(laura); 
\t set2 = "laura"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 4) { 
\t document.write("Mark Levin Show<br />4 AM"); 
\t document.write(marklevin); 
\t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 5) { 
\t document.write("CBS Radio News<br />5 AM"); 
\t document.write(cbs); 
\t set2 = "cbs"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 6) { 
\t document.write("Sean Hannity show<br />6 AM"); 
\t document.write(sean); 
\t set2 = "sean"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 7) { 
\t document.write("Laura Ingraham Show<br />7 AM"); 
\t document.write(laura); 
\t set2 = "laura"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 8) { 
\t document.write("CBS Radio News<br />8 AM"); 
\t document.write(cbs); 
\t set2 = "cbs"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours > 8 && hours < 11) { 
\t document.write("Sean Hannity Show<br />9 AM to 11 AM"); 
\t document.write(sean); 
\t set2 = "sean"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 11) { 
\t document.write("Laura Ingraham Show<br />11 AM"); 
\t document.write(laura); 
\t set2 = "laura"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 12) { 
\t document.write("Mark Levin Show<br />NOON"); 
\t document.write(marklevin); 
\t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours > 12 && hours < 15) { 
\t document.write("CBS Radio News<br />1 PM to 3 PM"); 
\t document.write(cbs); 
\t set2 = "cbs"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 15) { 
\t document.write("Mark Levin Show<br />3 PM"); 
\t document.write(marklevin); 
\t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 16) { 
\t document.write("Laura Ingraham Show<br />4 PM"); 
\t document.write(laura); 
\t set2 = "laura"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 17) { 
\t document.write("Sean Hannity Show<br />5 PM"); 
\t document.write(sean); 
\t set2 = "sean"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 18) { 
\t document.write("Laura Ingraham Show<br />6 PM"); 
\t document.write(laura); 
\t set2 = "laura"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours > 18 && hours < 21) { 
\t document.write("Mark Levin Show<br />7 PM to 9 PM"); 
\t document.write(marklevin); 
\t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 21) { 
\t document.write("Laura Ingraham<br />9 PM"); 
\t document.write(laura); 
\t set2 = "laura"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 22) { 
\t document.write("Sean Hannity Show<br />10 PM"); 
\t document.write(sean); 
\t set2 = "sean"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
if (hours == 23) { 
\t document.write("Mark Levin Show<br />11 PM"); 
\t document.write(marklevin); 
\t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t } 
function Check() { 
\t currentdate = new Date(); 
\t hours = currentdate.getHours(); 
\t minutes = currentdate.getMinutes(); 
\t seconds = currentdate.getSeconds(); 
\t if (hours > 0 && hours < 4 && set2 != "laura") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Laura Ingraham Show<br />Midnight to 4<br />" + laura 
\t \t set2 = "laura"; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 4 && set2 != "marklevin") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Mark Levin Show<br />4 AM<br />" + marklevin 
\t \t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 5 && set2 != "cbs") { 
\t \t document.write("CBS Radio News<br />5 AM"); 
\t \t document.write(cbs); 
\t \t set2 = "cbs"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 6 && set2 != "sean") { 
\t \t document.write("Sean Hannity show<br />6 AM"); 
\t \t document.write(sean); 
\t \t set2 = "sean"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 7 && set2 != "laura") { 
\t \t document.write("Laura Ingraham Show<br />7 AM"); 
\t \t document.write(laura); 
\t \t set2 = "laura"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t // Copy this code throughout the entire page. It's more stable than before. 
\t // ps[0].innerHTML = 
\t // Instead of 
\t // document.write(
\t if (hours == 8 && set2 != "cbs") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "CBS Radio News<br />8 AM<br />" + cbs; 
\t \t set2 = "cbs"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours > 8 && hours < 11 && set2 != "sean") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Sean Hannity Show<br />9 AM to 11 AM<br />" + sean; 
\t \t set2 = "sean"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 11 && set2 != "laura") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Laura Ingraham Show<br />11 AM<br />" + laura; 
\t \t set2 = "laura"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 12 && set2 != "marklevin") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Mark Levin Show<br />NOON<br />" + marklevin; 
\t \t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours > 12 && hours < 15 && set2 != "cbs") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "CBS Radio News<br />1 PM to 3 PM" + cbs; 
\t \t set2 = "cbs"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 15 && set2 != "marklevin") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Mark Levin Show<br />3 PM" + marklevin; 
\t \t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 16 && set2 != "laura") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Laura Ingraham Show<br />4 PM" + laura; 
\t \t set2 = "laura"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 17 && set2 != "sean") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Sean Hannity Show<br />5 PM" + sean; 
\t \t set2 = "sean"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 18 && set2 != "laura") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Laura Ingraham Show<br />6 PM" + laura; 
\t \t set2 = "laura"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours > 18 && hours < 21 && set2 != "marklevin") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Mark Levin Show<br />7 PM to 9 PM" + marklevin; 
\t \t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 21 && set2 != "laura") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Laura Ingraham<br />9 PM" + laura; 
\t \t set2 = "laura"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 22 && set2 != "sean") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Sean Hannity Show<br />10 PM" + sean; 
\t \t set2 = "sean"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
\t if (hours == 23 && set2 != "marklevin") { 
\t \t ps[0].innerHTML = "Mark Levin Show<br />11 PM" + marklevin; 
\t \t set2 = "marklevin"; 
\t \t div_content = divs[0].innerHTML; 
\t \t } 
function Control() { 
\t just_set = 0 
\t if (control == 0 && just_set != 1) { 
\t \t divs[0].innerHTML="<p>Paused</p>"; 
\t \t control = 1; 
\t \t just_set = 1 
\t } 
\t if (control == 1 && just_set != 1) { 
\t \t divs[0].innerHTML=div_content; 
\t \t just_set = 1; 
\t \t control = 0; 
\t \t Check() 
\t } 
myVar = setInterval(Check, 1000); 
window.i = 0 
function buttonFunction() { 
\t //alert(window.i); 
\t //alert(window.i); 
\t if (window.i > 1) { 
\t \t //alert(window.i) 
\t \t window.i = 0; 
\t } 
\t if (window.i == 0) { 
\t \t var currentdate = new Date(); 
\t \t hours = currentdate.getHours(); 
\t \t minutes = currentdate.getMinutes(); 
\t \t seconds = currentdate.getSeconds(); 
\t \t days = currentdate.getDay(); 
\t \t months = currentdate.getMonth(); 
\t \t years = currentdate.getFullYear(); 
\t \t years_to_seconds = years * 11404800; 
\t \t months_to_seconds = months * 950400; 
\t \t days_to_seconds = days * 86400; 
\t \t hours_to_seconds = hours * 3600; 
\t \t minutes_to_seconds = minutes * 60; 
\t \t window.start_time = years_to_seconds + months_to_seconds + days_to_seconds + hours_to_seconds + minutes_to_seconds + seconds; 
\t } 
\t if (window.i == 1) { 
\t \t var currentdate = new Date(); 
\t \t hours2 = currentdate.getHours(); 
\t \t minutes2 = currentdate.getMinutes(); 
\t \t seconds2 = currentdate.getSeconds(); 
\t \t days2 = currentdate.getDay(); 
\t \t months2 = currentdate.getMonth(); 
\t \t years2 = currentdate.getFullYear(); 
\t \t years_to_seconds2 = years2 * 11404800; 
\t \t months_to_seconds2 = months2 * 950400; 
\t \t days_to_seconds2 = days2 * 86400; 
\t \t hours_to_seconds2 = hours2 * 3600; 
\t \t minutes_to_seconds2 = minutes2 * 60; 
\t \t end_time = years_to_seconds2 + months_to_seconds + days_to_seconds2 + hours_to_seconds2 + minutes_to_seconds2 + seconds2; 
\t \t total_tim = end_time - window.start_time; 
\t \t total_time = total_tim.toString(); 
\t \t alert("It's been " + total_time + " seconds since you hit the button."); 
\t \t document.cookie="timeittook=" + total_time; 
\t } 
\t window.i = window.i + 1; 

Кроме того, на странице висело, когда я изменил ссылку на Check() в setInterval команде от Check() для проверки, хотя это правильный синтаксис.


Ваш код слишком длинный. Прочитайте [ask] – Amit


Когда вы проверили код? Вы используете 'document.write' для некоторого вывода, который будет перезаписывать текущую страницу. Кроме того, есть промежуток между 0:00 и 1:00, где он ничего не сделает. – Guffa


Я запустил его в 11 вечера до восьми утра. И когда я говорю, что он «висел», он, как полностью застыл, и маленький пляжный мяч вращался. – ColorCodin



Aha! Я исправил это. У меня несколько вопросов:

  1. Плагин VLC был заморожен. Вот почему она висела.
  2. Мой код действительно обновлялся, но я не мог сказать, потому что ноутбук был закрыт и спал.