2016-04-21 3 views

мне нужно получить значение из другого сценария, но я получаю эту ошибку, которая говоритКак устранить этот тип не существует в ошибке типа?

Имя типа «голова» не существует в типе «SteamVR_Camera».

Мой код:

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
using UnityEngine.VR; 

public class HMDHelper : MonoBehaviour 
    private SteamVR_Camera.head.localPosition HMDLocalPos; //Error is thrown here. 

    void Start() 

    // Update is called once per frame 
    void Update() 
     if (Input.GetKeyDown("g")) 

    void AutoRotate() 
     HMDLocalPos = InputTracking.GetLocalPosition(Head); 

Что именно я должен сделать, чтобы исправить ошибку?

Это скрипт, который я извлек другое значение (HMDLocalPos) от ...

//========= Copyright 2014, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =========== 
// Purpose: Adds SteamVR render support to existing camera objects 

using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Reflection; 
using Valve.VR; 

public class SteamVR_Camera : MonoBehaviour 
    private Transform _head; 
    public Transform head { get { return _head; } } 
    public Transform offset { get { return _head; } } // legacy 
    public Transform origin { get { return _head.parent; } } 

    private Transform _ears; 
    public Transform ears { get { return _ears; } } 

    public Ray GetRay() 
     return new Ray(_head.position, _head.forward); 

    public bool wireframe = false; 

    private SteamVR_CameraFlip flip; 

    #region Materials 

    static public Material blitMaterial; 

    // Using a single shared offscreen buffer to render the scene. This needs to be larger 
    // than the backbuffer to account for distortion correction. The default resolution 
    // gives us 1:1 sized pixels in the center of view, but quality can be adjusted up or 
    // down using the following scale value to balance performance. 
    static public float sceneResolutionScale = 1.0f; 
    static private RenderTexture _sceneTexture; 
    static public RenderTexture GetSceneTexture(bool hdr) 
     var vr = SteamVR.instance; 
     if (vr == null) 
      return null; 

     int w = (int)(vr.sceneWidth * sceneResolutionScale); 
     int h = (int)(vr.sceneHeight * sceneResolutionScale); 
     int aa = QualitySettings.antiAliasing == 0 ? 1 : QualitySettings.antiAliasing; 
     var format = hdr ? RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf : RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32; 

     if (_sceneTexture != null) 
      if (_sceneTexture.width != w || _sceneTexture.height != h || _sceneTexture.antiAliasing != aa || _sceneTexture.format != format) 
       Debug.Log(string.Format("Recreating scene texture.. Old: {0}x{1} MSAA={2} [{3}] New: {4}x{5} MSAA={6} [{7}]", 
        _sceneTexture.width, _sceneTexture.height, _sceneTexture.antiAliasing, _sceneTexture.format, w, h, aa, format)); 
       _sceneTexture = null; 

     if (_sceneTexture == null) 
      _sceneTexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 0, format); 
      _sceneTexture.antiAliasing = aa; 

#if (UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_0) 
      // OpenVR assumes floating point render targets are linear unless otherwise specified. 
      var colorSpace = (hdr && QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Gamma) ? EColorSpace.Gamma : EColorSpace.Auto; 

     return _sceneTexture; 


    #region Enable/Disable 

    void OnDisable() 

    void OnEnable() 
#if !(UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_0) 
     // Convert camera rig for native OpenVR integration. 
     var t = transform; 
     if (head != t) 

      t.parent = origin; 

      while (head.childCount > 0) 
       head.GetChild(0).parent = t; 
      _head = t; 

     if (flip != null) 
      flip = null; 

     if (!SteamVR.usingNativeSupport) 
      enabled = false; 
     // Bail if no hmd is connected 
     var vr = SteamVR.instance; 
     if (vr == null) 
      if (head != null) 
       head.GetComponent<SteamVR_GameView>().enabled = false; 
       head.GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject>().enabled = false; 

      if (flip != null) 
       flip.enabled = false; 

      enabled = false; 

     // Ensure rig is properly set up 

     if (blitMaterial == null) 
      blitMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/SteamVR_Blit")); 

     // Set remaining hmd specific settings 
     var camera = GetComponent<Camera>(); 
     camera.fieldOfView = vr.fieldOfView; 
     camera.aspect = vr.aspect; 
     camera.eventMask = 0;   // disable mouse events 
     camera.orthographic = false; // force perspective 
     camera.enabled = false;   // manually rendered by SteamVR_Render 

     if (camera.actualRenderingPath != RenderingPath.Forward && QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 1) 
      Debug.LogWarning("MSAA only supported in Forward rendering path. (disabling MSAA)"); 
      QualitySettings.antiAliasing = 0; 

     // Ensure game view camera hdr setting matches 
     var headCam = head.GetComponent<Camera>(); 
     if (headCam != null) 
      headCam.hdr = camera.hdr; 
      headCam.renderingPath = camera.renderingPath; 
     ears.GetComponent<SteamVR_Ears>().vrcam = this; 


    #region Functionality to ensure SteamVR_Camera component is always the last component on an object 

    void Awake() { ForceLast(); } 

    static Hashtable values; 

    public void ForceLast() 
     if (values != null) 
      // Restore values on new instance 
      foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in values) 
       var f = entry.Key as FieldInfo; 
       f.SetValue(this, entry.Value); 
      values = null; 
      // Make sure it's the last component 
      var components = GetComponents<Component>(); 

      // But first make sure there aren't any other SteamVR_Cameras on this object. 
      for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) 
       var c = components[i] as SteamVR_Camera; 
       if (c != null && c != this) 
        if (c.flip != null) 

      components = GetComponents<Component>(); 

#if !(UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_0) 
      if (this != components[components.Length - 1]) 
      if (this != components[components.Length - 1] || flip == null) 
       if (flip == null) 
        flip = gameObject.AddComponent<SteamVR_CameraFlip>(); 
       // Store off values to be restored on new instance 
       values = new Hashtable(); 
       var fields = GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public); 
       foreach (var f in fields) 
        if (f.IsPublic || f.IsDefined(typeof(SerializeField), true)) 
         values[f] = f.GetValue(this); 

       var go = gameObject; 


    #region Expand/Collapse object hierarchy 

    public bool isExpanded { get { return head != null && transform.parent == head; } } 
    const string eyeSuffix = " (eye)"; 
    const string earsSuffix = " (ears)"; 
    const string headSuffix = " (head)"; 
    const string originSuffix = " (origin)"; 
    public string baseName { get { return name.EndsWith(eyeSuffix) ? name.Substring(0, name.Length - eyeSuffix.Length) : name; } } 

    // Object hierarchy creation to make it easy to parent other objects appropriately, 
    // otherwise this gets called on demand at runtime. Remaining initialization is 
    // performed at startup, once the hmd has been identified. 
    public void Expand() 
     var _origin = transform.parent; 
     if (_origin == null) 
      _origin = new GameObject(name + originSuffix).transform; 
      _origin.localPosition = transform.localPosition; 
      _origin.localRotation = transform.localRotation; 
      _origin.localScale = transform.localScale; 

     if (head == null) 
      _head = new GameObject(name + headSuffix, typeof(SteamVR_GameView), typeof(SteamVR_TrackedObject)).transform; 
      head.parent = _origin; 
      head.position = transform.position; 
      head.rotation = transform.rotation; 
      head.localScale = Vector3.one; 
      head.tag = tag; 

      var camera = head.GetComponent<Camera>(); 
      camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing; 
      camera.cullingMask = 0; 
      camera.eventMask = 0; 
      camera.orthographic = true; 
      camera.orthographicSize = 1; 
      camera.nearClipPlane = 0; 
      camera.farClipPlane = 1; 
      camera.useOcclusionCulling = false; 

     if (transform.parent != head) 
      transform.parent = head; 
      transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; 
      transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; 
      transform.localScale = Vector3.one; 

      while (transform.childCount > 0) 
       transform.GetChild(0).parent = head; 

      var guiLayer = GetComponent<GUILayer>(); 
      if (guiLayer != null) 

      var audioListener = GetComponent<AudioListener>(); 
      if (audioListener != null) 
       _ears = new GameObject(name + earsSuffix, typeof(SteamVR_Ears)).transform; 
       ears.parent = _head; 
       ears.localPosition = Vector3.zero; 
       ears.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; 
       ears.localScale = Vector3.one; 

     if (!name.EndsWith(eyeSuffix)) 
      name += eyeSuffix; 

    public void Collapse() 
     transform.parent = null; 

     // Move children and components from head back to camera. 
     while (head.childCount > 0) 
      head.GetChild(0).parent = transform; 

     var guiLayer = head.GetComponent<GUILayer>(); 
     if (guiLayer != null) 

     if (ears != null) 
      while (ears.childCount > 0) 
       ears.GetChild(0).parent = transform; 

      _ears = null; 


     if (origin != null) 
      // If we created the origin originally, destroy it now. 
      if (origin.name.EndsWith(originSuffix)) 
       // Reparent any children so we don't accidentally delete them. 
       var _origin = origin; 
       while (_origin.childCount > 0) 
        _origin.GetChild(0).parent = _origin.parent; 

       transform.parent = origin; 

     _head = null; 

     if (name.EndsWith(eyeSuffix)) 
      name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - eyeSuffix.Length); 


#if (UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_0) 

    #region Render callbacks 

    void OnPreRender() 
     if (flip) 
      flip.enabled = (SteamVR_Render.Top() == this && SteamVR.instance.graphicsAPI == EGraphicsAPIConvention.API_DirectX); 

     var headCam = head.GetComponent<Camera>(); 
     if (headCam != null) 
      headCam.enabled = (SteamVR_Render.Top() == this); 

     if (wireframe) 
      GL.wireframe = true; 

    void OnPostRender() 
     if (wireframe) 
      GL.wireframe = false; 

    void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dest) 
     if (SteamVR_Render.Top() == this) 
      int eventID; 
      if (SteamVR_Render.eye == EVREye.Eye_Left) 
       // Get gpu started on work early to avoid bubbles at the top of the frame. 

       eventID = SteamVR.Unity.k_nRenderEventID_SubmitL; 
       eventID = SteamVR.Unity.k_nRenderEventID_SubmitR; 

      // Queue up a call on the render thread to Submit our render target to the compositor. 

     SteamVR_Camera.blitMaterial.mainTexture = src; 

     GL.TexCoord2(0.0f, 0.0f); GL.Vertex3(-1, 1, 0); 
     GL.TexCoord2(1.0f, 0.0f); GL.Vertex3(1, 1, 0); 
     GL.TexCoord2(1.0f, 1.0f); GL.Vertex3(1, -1, 0); 
     GL.TexCoord2(0.0f, 1.0f); GL.Vertex3(-1, -1, 0); 




Как это исправить? Спасибо.



Тип неправильный. Нужно быть Vector3.

private Vector3 HMDLocalPos; 

void Start() 
    HDMLocalPos = SteamVR_Camera.head.localPosition; 

Заменить HDMLocalPos свойство с ссылкой на SteamVR_Camera и доступ к его свойства, как это:

public SteamVR_Camera steamCam; // popuplate this via inspector or with a Find() (or similar) 

void Start() 
    // access like this 
    steamCam.head.localPosition = something 

Я думаю, что это то, что вы хотите (на самом деле изменить head.localPosition из камера).


Этот вид работ, но «HMDLocalPos = SteamVR_Camera.head.localPosition;» part throws говорит, что ссылка на объект требуется для нестатического поля, метода или свойства. – RedditIsDeddit


Это потому, что у вас нет ссылки на 'SteamVR_Camera' в ваших' HDMHelper', а 'SteamVR_Camera' не является статическим (или имеет статическое свойство (ключевое слово singleton)). Я бы предложил заменить «HDMLocalPos» ссылкой на «SteamVR_Camera» и просто получить доступ к его свойствам. Я отредактирую это. –


Ну, я, наконец, получил его работу. Большое спасибо за помощь: D. – RedditIsDeddit