2016-09-07 7 views

У меня есть сценарий, который соответствует значениям времени реестра и значениям времени сервера. также у меня есть скрипт sccm simple fix. и главное, чего я пытаюсь достичь, - дважды вызвать значения реестра и значения сервера в главном скрипте. (До и после), и я заикаться, как я не могу понять, почему мой compairing скрипт не работает во второй раз или показывая в то же время, как при первом запуске сценария:Функции PS в функции, как позвонить второй раз

#SCCM script START 
Function Get-Sccm-Repair-test_01 { 
#Start Trigering Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle# 
     Function get-sccm-reg-values { 
    ,[string]$Path= "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Danskebank\Agent Status" 

if ($Verbose) { $VerbosePreference = 2 } 

    $root, $last = $Path.Split("\") 
    $last = $last[-1] 
    $Path = $Path.Substring($root.Length + 1,$Path.Length - ($last.Length + $root.Length + 2)) 
    $root = $root.TrimEnd(":") 
    switch($root) { 
     "HKCR" { $root = "ClassesRoot"} 
     "HKCU" { $root = "CurrentUser" } 
     "HKLM" { $root = "LocalMachine" } 
     "HKU" { $root = "Users" } 
     "HKPD" { $root = "PerformanceData"} 
     "HKCC" { $root = "CurrentConfig"} 
     "HKDD" { $root = "DynData"} 
     default { return "Path argument is not valid" } 
    #Access Remote Registry Key using the static OpenRemoteBaseKey method. 
    Write-Verbose "Accessing $root from $computer" 
    $rootkey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($root,$computer) 
    if(-not $rootkey) { Write-Error "Can't open the remote $root registry hive" } 

    Write-Verbose "Opening $Path" 
    $key = $rootkey.OpenSubKey($Path) 
    if(-not $key) { Write-Error "Can't open $($root + '\' + $Path) on $computer" } 
    $subkey = $key.OpenSubKey($last) 
    $output = new-object object 

    if($subkey -and $Properties -and $Properties.Count) { 
     foreach($property in $Properties) { 
     Add-Member -InputObject $output -Type NoteProperty -Name $property -Value $subkey.GetValue($property) 
     Write-Output $output 
     } elseif($subkey) { 
     foreach($property in $subkey.GetValueNames()) 
     Add-Member -InputObject $output -Type NoteProperty -Name $property -Value $subkey.GetValue($property) 

     $pcTime = invoke-command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock {Get-Date -DisplayHint Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd} 

     $SCCMValue = $pcTime | Out-String 
     $Rserver = $output.SCCMTimestamp | Out-String 

     if($SCCMValue -eq $Rserver) 
      Write-Host -foreground "green" "Server curent date:" $pcTime 
      Write-Host -foreground "green" "SCCM Registry Value is up to date:" $output.SCCMTimestamp 
      Write-Host -foreground "red" "Server curent date:" $pcTime 
      Write-Host -foreground "red" "SCCM Registry Value is outdate:" $output.SCCMTimestamp 
    $key = Out-Null 
    $pcTime = Out-Null 

#END Trigering Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle# 

     #Start Trigering Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle# 
     $SCCMClient = [wmiclass] "\\$computer\root\ccm:SMS_client" 
     Write-Host -foreground "green" "Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle Updated" 
     $SCCMClient.TriggerSchedule("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000121}") | Out-Null 

     Write-Host -foreground "green" "Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle Updated" 
     $SCCMClient.TriggerSchedule("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}") | Out-Null 
     #Stop Trigering Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle# 

     Write-Host -foreground "green" "Gathering data for pending install packages..." 
     $SoftwareApp = Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\ccm\ClientSDK -Class CCM_Application -ComputerName $computer | Select-Object AllowedActions, Fullname | FT -AutoSize 
     Write-Host -foreground "green" "Installing Deployment Test (SCCMTimestamp) package..." 

     #Start Trigering the SCCM package# 
     $AppName = "Deployment Test (SCCMTimestamp)" 

     $s = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Computer 
     Invoke-Command -Session $s -Argu $Computer,$AppName -ScriptBlock ` 
     param ($Computer,$AppName) 
     write-host "Getting Parameters for '$AppName' on $Computer" 
     $App = Get-WmiObject -computername $Computer -Namespace "root\ccm\ClientSDK" -Class CCM_Application | where {$_.Name -like "$AppName"} | Select-Object Id, Revision, IsMachineTarget 
     $AppID = $App.Id 
     $AppRev = $App.Revision 
     $AppTarget = $App.IsMachineTarget 
     write-host $AppID, $AppRev, $AppTarget -ForegroundColor Yellow 
     write-host "Triggering Installation!" -ForegroundColor Green 
     ([wmiclass]'ROOT\ccm\ClientSdk:CCM_Application').Install($AppID, $AppRev, $AppTarget, 0, 'Normal', $False) | Out-Null 
     Remove-PSSession $s 
     #End Trigering the SCCM package# 

     #Restarting the service.START 
     Write-Host -foreground "green" "Restarting the HealthService..." 
     $session = New-PSsession -Computername $computer 
     Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {Restart-Service "HealthService"} | Out-Null 
     Remove-PSSession $Session 
     #Resstarting the service.END 

     ################ Double check the time START 
     Function get-sccm-reg-values { 
    [string]$Path  = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Danskebank\Agent Status" 

if ($Verbose) { $VerbosePreference = 2 } 

    $root, $last = $Path.Split("\") 
    $last = $last[-1] 
    $Path = $Path.Substring($root.Length + 1,$Path.Length - ($last.Length + $root.Length + 2)) 
    $root = $root.TrimEnd(":") 
    switch($root) { 
     "HKCR" { $root = "ClassesRoot"} 
     "HKCU" { $root = "CurrentUser" } 
     "HKLM" { $root = "LocalMachine" } 
     "HKU" { $root = "Users" } 
     "HKPD" { $root = "PerformanceData"} 
     "HKCC" { $root = "CurrentConfig"} 
     "HKDD" { $root = "DynData"} 
     default { return "Path argument is not valid" } 
    #Access Remote Registry Key using the static OpenRemoteBaseKey method. 
    Write-Verbose "Accessing $root from $computer" 
    $rootkey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($root,$computer) 
    if(-not $rootkey) { Write-Error "Can't open the remote $root registry hive" } 

    Write-Verbose "Opening $Path" 
    $key = $rootkey.OpenSubKey($Path) 
    if(-not $key) { Write-Error "Can't open $($root + '\' + $Path) on $computer" } 
    $subkey = $key.OpenSubKey($last) 
    $output = new-object object 

    if($subkey -and $Properties -and $Properties.Count) { 
     foreach($property in $Properties) { 
     Add-Member -InputObject $output -Type NoteProperty -Name $property -Value $subkey.GetValue($property) 
     Write-Output $output 
     } elseif($subkey) { 
     foreach($property in $subkey.GetValueNames()) 
     Add-Member -InputObject $output -Type NoteProperty -Name $property -Value $subkey.GetValue($property) 

     $pcTime = invoke-command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock {Get-Date -DisplayHint Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd} 

     $SCCMValue = $pcTime | Out-String 
     $Rserver = $output.SCCMTimestamp | Out-String 

     if($SCCMValue -eq $Rserver) 
      Write-Host -foreground "green" "Server curent date:" $pcTime 
      Write-Host -foreground "green" "SCCM Registry Value is up to date:" $output.SCCMTimestamp 
      Write-Host -foreground "red" "Server curent date:" $pcTime 
      Write-Host -foreground "red" "SCCM Registry Value is outdate:" $output.SCCMTimestamp 
     ############### Double check the time END 

     Write-Host -foreground "green" "SCCM fix has been performed, please wait from 5 to 10 minutes untill event close in scom.." 
#SCCM script END 




Я не» t видеть, где вы на самом деле вызываете функцию. Вы объявляете функцию get-sccm-reg-values, но никогда не запускаете ее. Затем позже вы снова объявите это, чтобы перезаписать первое объявление, но вы никогда его не вызывали. Попробуйте объявить обе функции, но затем вызовите один из другого. Например:

#Create a function 
function foo{ 
    return Get-Date 
#create second function 
function bar{ 
    #functions have to be called to do anything 
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 
    #call the same function again 

#Call the second function 

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