Решение 1: (с помощью таблицы чисел)
declare @str varchar(1000)
--Creating a number table
;with numcte as(
select 1 as rn union all select rn+1 from numcte where rn<LEN(@str)),
--Get the position of the "|" charecters
GetDelimitedCharPos as(
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by getdate()) seq, rn,delimitedcharpos
from numcte
cross apply(select SUBSTRING(@str,rn,1)delimitedcharpos) X where delimitedcharpos = '|')
--Applying the formula SUBSTRING(@str,startseq + 1,endseq-startseq + 1)
-- i.e. SUBSTRING(@str,11,15-11) in this case
select top 1 SUBSTRING(
,(select top 1 rn+1 from GetDelimitedCharPos where seq =2)
,(select top 1 rn from GetDelimitedCharPos where seq =3) -
(select top 1 rn+1 from GetDelimitedCharPos where seq =2)
) DesiredResult
from GetDelimitedCharPos
Решение 2: (Использование XQuery)
DECLARE @xml as xml,@str as varchar(100),@delimiter as varchar(10)
SET @xml = cast(('<X>'+replace(@str,'|' ,'</X><X>')+'</X>') as xml)
SELECT ShrededData as DesiredResult FROM(
ROW_NUMBER() over(order by getdate()) rn
,N.value('.', 'varchar(10)') as ShrededData FROM @xml.nodes('X') as T(N))X
WHERE X.rn = 3 -- Specifying the destination sequence value(here 3)
выход (в обоих случаях)