У меня возникли некоторые проблемы, реализующие AStar или A * алгоритм для практики, это выглядит как код все хорошо только тогда, когда я пытаюсь сделать некоторые тесты он выходит из строя наУзел не может быть добавлен в java.util.Map. Реализация ASTART
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: AStar.Node cannot be cast to java.util.Map
at AStar.GraphAStar.addNode(GraphAStar.java:51)
at AStar.AStar.main(AStar.java:283)
Похоже, литье не работает, так как он говорит о классе GraphAStar конкретно в этой строке.
nodeIdNode.put(nodeId, (Map<T, Double>) new Node<T>(nodeId, heuristicMap.get(nodeId)));
Любые идеи ???
Я добавляю свой код здесь.
Node класс
public class Node <T> {
T nodeId;
Map<T, Double> heuristic;
double g; //distance to new node
double h; //distante to goal
double f; // f = g + h;
public Node(T nodeId,Map<T,Double> heuristic){
this.nodeId = nodeId;
this.g = Double.MAX_VALUE;
this.heuristic = heuristic;
public T getNode(){
return nodeId;
public double getGPath(){
return g;
public void setGPath(double g){
this.g = g;
public void CalculateF(T destination){
this.h = heuristic.get(destination);
this.f = g + h;
public double getH(){
return g;
public double getF(){
return f;
GraphAStar класс
public class GraphAStar<T> implements Iterable<T> {
* A map from the Node id to outgoing edge.
* An outgoing edge is represented as a Node and the length
Map<T, Map<Node<T>, Double>> graph;
* A map of heuristic from a node to each other node in the graph
Map<T, Map<T,Double>> heuristicMap;
* A map between the Node id and its data.
Map<T, Map<T,Double>> nodeIdNode;
public GraphAStar(Map<T, Map<T,Double>> heuristicMap){
if(heuristicMap == null){
throw new NullPointerException("The heuristic map should not be null");
graph = new HashMap<T, Map<Node<T>, Double>>();
nodeIdNode = new HashMap<>();
this.heuristicMap = heuristicMap;
* Adds a new node to the graph
* Internally it creates the Node and populate the heuristic map with node input to node data
* @param nodeId the node to be added
public void addNode(T nodeId){
if(nodeId == null){
throw new NullPointerException("The node cannot be null");
throw new NoSuchElementException("This node is not part of the heuristic Map");
graph.put(nodeId, new HashMap<Node<T>,Double>());
nodeIdNode.put(nodeId, (Map<T, Double>) new Node<T>(nodeId, heuristicMap.get(nodeId)));
* Adds an edge from source node to destination node
* there can only be a single edge from source to node.
* Adding additional edge would be overwrite the value.
* @param From the first node to be in the edge
* @param To the second node to be in the edge
* @param length the length of node From and To
public void addEdge(T From, T To, double length){
if(From == null || To == null){
throw new NullPointerException("Either of the nodes cannot be null");
if(!heuristicMap.containsKey(To) || !heuristicMap.containsKey(From)){
throw new NoSuchElementException("Either of the nodes should be listed in the heuristic map");
if(!graph.containsKey(To) || !graph.containsKey(From)){
throw new NoSuchElementException("Either of the nodes should be part of the graph");
graph.get(From).put((Node<T>) nodeIdNode.get(To), length);
graph.get(To).put((Node<T>) nodeIdNode.get(From), length);
* Returns immutable view of edges
* @param nodeId the node whose outgoing needs to be returned.
* @return An immutable view of the edges leaving that node.
public Map<Node<T>,Double> edgesFrom(T nodeId){
if(nodeId == null){
throw new NullPointerException("The input node should not be null");
throw new NoSuchElementException("This node should be part of the heuristic map");
throw new NoSuchElementException("Thsi node should be null");
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(graph.get(nodeId));
* the node data corresponding to the current nodeId
* @param nodeId the nodeId to be returned
* @return the node data from the node
public Node<T> getNodeData(T nodeId){
if(nodeId == null){
throw new NullPointerException("The node should not be empty");
throw new NoSuchElementException("The node does not exist");
return (Node<T>) nodeIdNode.get(nodeId);
* Returns an iterator that can traverse the nodes of the graph
* @return an iterator
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return graph.keySet().iterator();
AStar класс
public class AStar<T> {
GraphAStar<T> graph;
public AStar(GraphAStar<T> graphA){
this.graph = graphA;
//extends comparator
public class NodeComparator implements Comparator<Node<T>>{
public int compare(Node<T> first,Node<T> second){
if(first.getF() > second.getF()){
return 1;
if(second.getF() > first.getF()){
return -1;
return 0;
public List<T> Astar(T source, T destination){
Queue<Node<T>> openQueue = new PriorityQueue<Node<T>>(11,new NodeComparator());
Node<T> sourceNode = graph.getNodeData(source);
Map<T, T> path = new HashMap<T, T>();
Set<Node<T>> closedList = new HashSet<Node<T>>();
Node<T> node = openQueue.poll();
return path(path,destination);
for(Entry<Node<T>, Double> neighborEntry : graph.edgesFrom(node.getNode()).entrySet()){
Node<T> neighbor = neighborEntry.getKey();
double distanceBetweenTwoNodes = neighborEntry.getValue();
double tentativeG = distanceBetweenTwoNodes + node.getGPath();
if(tentativeG < neighbor.getGPath()){
path.put(neighbor.getNode(), node.getNode());
return null;
private List<T> path(Map<T,T> path, T destination){
assert path != null;
assert destination != null;
List<T> pathList = new ArrayList<T>();
destination = path.get(destination);
return pathList;
public static void main(String[] args){
Map<String, Map<String,Double>> heuristic = new HashMap<String, Map<String,Double>>();
//distance from Node N to all
Map<String, Double> MapA = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapA.put("A", 0.0);
MapA.put("B", 2.0);
MapA.put("C", 3.0);
MapA.put("D", 5.0);
MapA.put("E", 7.0);
MapA.put("F", 4.0);
MapA.put("G", 10.0);
MapA.put("H", 13.0);
MapA.put("I", 15.0);
Map<String, Double> MapB = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapB.put("A", 2.0);
MapB.put("B", 0.0);
MapB.put("C", 5.0);
MapB.put("D", 3.0);
MapB.put("E", 4.0);
MapB.put("F", 6.0);
MapB.put("G", 6.0);
MapB.put("H", 10.0);
MapB.put("I", 14.0);
Map<String, Double> MapC = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapC.put("A", 3.0);
MapC.put("B", 5.0);
MapC.put("C", 0.0);
MapC.put("D", 4.0);
MapC.put("E", 7.0);
MapC.put("F", 2.0);
MapC.put("G", 10.0);
MapC.put("H", 7.0);
MapC.put("I", 15.0);
Map<String, Double> MapD = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapD.put("A", 5.0);
MapD.put("B", 5.0);
MapD.put("C", 4.0);
MapD.put("D", 0.0);
MapD.put("E", 3.0);
MapD.put("F", 3.0);
MapD.put("G", 7.0);
MapD.put("H", 9.0);
MapD.put("I", 11.0);
Map<String, Double> MapE = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapE.put("A", 7.0);
MapE.put("B", 4.0);
MapE.put("C", 7.0);
MapE.put("D", 3.0);
MapE.put("E", 0.0);
MapE.put("F", 9.0);
MapE.put("G", 2.0);
MapE.put("H", 11.0);
MapE.put("I", 9.0);
Map<String, Double> MapF = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapF.put("A", 4.0);
MapF.put("B", 6.0);
MapF.put("C", 2.0);
MapF.put("D", 3.0);
MapF.put("E", 9.0);
MapF.put("F", 0.0);
MapF.put("G", 7.0);
MapF.put("H", 3.0);
MapF.put("I", 7.0);
Map<String, Double> MapG = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapG.put("A", 10.0);
MapG.put("B", 6.0);
MapG.put("C", 10.0);
MapG.put("D", 7.0);
MapG.put("E", 2.0);
MapG.put("F", 7.0);
MapG.put("G", 0.0);
MapG.put("H", 5.0);
MapG.put("I", 2.0);
Map<String, Double> MapH = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapH.put("A", 13.0);
MapH.put("B", 10.0);
MapH.put("C", 7.0);
MapH.put("D", 9.0);
MapH.put("E", 11.0);
MapH.put("F", 3.0);
MapH.put("G", 5.0);
MapH.put("H", 0.0);
MapH.put("I", 4.0);
Map<String, Double> MapI = new HashMap<String,Double>();
MapI.put("A", 15.0);
MapI.put("B", 14.0);
MapI.put("C", 15.0);
MapI.put("D", 11.0);
MapI.put("E", 9.0);
MapI.put("F", 7.0);
MapI.put("G", 2.0);
MapI.put("H", 4.0);
MapI.put("I", 0.0);
heuristic.put("A", MapA);
heuristic.put("B", MapB);
heuristic.put("C", MapC);
heuristic.put("D", MapD);
heuristic.put("E", MapE);
heuristic.put("F", MapF);
heuristic.put("G", MapG);
heuristic.put("H", MapH);
heuristic.put("I", MapI);
GraphAStar<String> graph = new GraphAStar<String>(heuristic);
graph.addEdge("A", "B", 2);
graph.addEdge("A", "C", 3);
graph.addEdge("A", "D", 5);
graph.addEdge("B", "E", 4);
graph.addEdge("C", "F", 2);
graph.addEdge("D", "E", 3);
graph.addEdge("D", "F", 3);
graph.addEdge("E", "G", 2);
graph.addEdge("F", "H", 3);
graph.addEdge("G", "H", 5);
graph.addEdge("G", "I", 2);
AStar<String> aStar = new AStar<String>(graph);
for(String path : aStar.Astar("A", "I")){
класс 'Node' не реализует интерфейс' Map', так что нет никаких оснований ожидать литья 'Node' для' Map' будет работать. – Eran